Posts by Bob Furmanek

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    Thank you very much, Chester. That's very nice of you!


    Unfortunately, I'm in New Jersey so I won't be able to attend this showing either.

    I did see the new digital restoration in 3-D at the Academy in LA back in 2007 and have mixed feelings. It looked good but the system they were using had tinted glasses that altered a color a bit. In addition, after having seen about 40 of the 50 Golden Age features in dual-strip 35mm Polaroid, I must say the digital image was lacking the brightness and clarity that you would have with dual 35mm prints.

    However, the 3-D cinematography is superb. Gretchen Wayne was interested in 3-D for this new release but Paramount was not. I can only hope that Paramount will see fit to release a 3-D Blu-ray in the very near future.


    Thank you very much for the welcome!

    Paula: we're on the same page. I rarely go to new 3-D films. The one exception was HUGO which I thought was fabulous. Too many of the recent films are post-converted and compared to the Golden Age titles, as flat as a pancake.

    Give me the good old days!


    Dear friends,

    I just recently heard about this site and wanted to join and say hello. It looks like a great place to discuss Mr. Wayne and his incredible body of work.

    I appreciate many of the nice comments about my 3-D research and restoration efforts. Thank you for all of the kind words.

    I hadn't realized this before but it's an interesting bit of trivia: HONDO was Warner Bros. first widescreen movie!

    Warner Bros. had pretty shut down the studio in April of 1953 for a period of evaluation and testing with 3-D and widescreen. Jack Warner announced the studios all-widescreen policy on May 7, 1953. The All-Media camera rig was first shown to the trades on May 19 and HONDO began filming on location in Mexico on June 11.

    Work finally commenced on the lot on July 14 after a three month hiatus. The first feature to begin production in Burbank was THE BOUNTY HUNTER in 3-D and 1.75:1.

    If you'd like more information on the dawn of widescreen, please visit the 3-D Myths page on our website. There's a link to another page with additional widescreen data. I hope you find it interesting!

    Thanks again for your kindness.

    Bob Furmanek
    3-D Film Archive, LLC