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  • Arthur,

    I really enjoy your posts here. It gives a proper prospective toward events around Duke's life, and like the lines from some of the movies. Keep it up my friend.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    Thanks Mike.

    On this day 25th June

    41 years ago Circus World was released in the United States.

    107 years ago Buddy Roosevelt was born he appeared in a number of westerns including his final picture The Man Who Shot lLberty Valance.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Chester

    With over 160 pictures issued all over the world and 2500 assorted co-workers being born working living getting married and dying It seems that there should be enough to keep a daily column going.

    Sometimes however it does come down to a single entry although I haven't had to record a day when nothing happened.
    'touch wood' :lol:



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 27th June

    66 years ago Wyoming outlaw was released in the United States

    52 years ago The actor Chris Pin Martin died aged 59 he was in Stagecoach

    131 years ago the actor Lew Payton was born his penultimate picture was Lady For A Night.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 28th June

    Today in the Solent off of Portsmouth representatives from most of the navies of the world are anchored ready for a fleet review by Her Majesty The Queen this afternoon. Tonight they re-enact the Battle of Trafalger under lights and then finish with a mighty fireworks display. This is a build up to the International Festival of the Sea which begins in Portsmouth Naval Base on Thursday.

    73 years ago the actor Pat Morita was born, he featured in Cancel My Reservation.

    93 years ago the producer of John Wayne's lone Star pictures Paul Malvern was born.

    114 years ag the actor Major James H MacNamara was born he featured in Lady from Louisiana.

    75 years ago the actress Adie McPhail married Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 29th June

    86 years ago the actor Slim Pickens was born, among many films he appeared in was the Cowboys.

    2 years ago the actress Kathrine hepburn died aged 96.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Jun 29 2005, 01:45 PM
    2 years ago the actress Kathrine hepburn died aged 96.


    Gosh - it doesn't seem like two years has passed since she left us. As we get older, I guess that time has a tendency to sneak by us.
    Cheers - Jay :(

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi Jay

    I agree. it gets even spookier when you consider that some of the actors who appeared with John Wayne in his early days had been born as Lee was surrendering at Appomatix and Custer was getting massacred at Little Big Horn.
    Time as a medium certainly takes some understanding.

    On this day 30th June

    100 years ago The actor Nestor Pavia was born. Being very uncharitable as he appeared in almost two hundred pictures, some of which included Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter and They Saved Hitler's Brain, he did get to appear with John Wayne in Pittsburgh.

    101 years ago the actress Glenda Farrell was born she appeared fleetingly, as of course did Duke, in Central Airport.

    107 years ago George Chandler was born one of the many side kicks and bit players he appeared in War of the Wildcats.

    130 years ago the actor Walter Hampden was born he appeared in Reap the Wild Wind.

    19 years ago the actress Virginia Brown Faire died aged 76

    28 years ago the German actor Paul Hartmann died aged 88 he was a German General in The Longest Day.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 1st July

    72 years ago Baby Face was released in the US

    40 years ago The Sons of Katie Elder was released in the US.

    Budd Elder:: I'm going with you. I can draw pretty fast. We can be famous -- like the Dalton Brothers!
    John Elder:: They're famous -- but they're just a little bit dead. They were hung!
    The Sons of Katie Elder

    71 years ago the actor Jamie Farr was born, best known as Corporal Max Klinger in M*A*S*H he also appeared in The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    6 years ago the director Edward Dymtryk died aged 90. One of the Hollywood ten he directed Back to Bataan.

    50 years ago the actor Eddie Bordon died aged 67 he was in A Lady Takes A Chance.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 2 July

    89 years ago the actor Ken Curtis was born

    100 years ago the writer and director James Edward Grant was born

    52 years ago Patricia Neal married the writer Roald Dahl.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • hi arthur

    would that roald dahl be the same writter who writes those children books, they are very popular

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi Smokey

    Thats right he saw her through her illness and was quite brutal to her but he gave her the strength to make a complete recovery and return to her career. Later when she was fully well he divorced her.

    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    51 years ago The High and the mighty was released in the US

    61 years ago the actress acqueline Malouf was born

    91 years ago the actoir Don Haggerty was born he appeared in Jet Pilot

    99 years ago the actor George sanders was born in St Petersburgh Russia. He played the baddie in Alleghaney Uprising

    102 years ago the actress Wynne gibson was born she played Puff Rogers in Lady and Gent

    54 years ago the |British actress Diana Dors married Dennis Hamilton

    63 years ago the cowboy star Hoot Gibson married Dorothy Dunstan

    85 years ago John Ford m Mary McBryde Smith



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day the 4th July

    44 years ago the actor Franklyn Farnum d aged 83 he was in the Wings of Eagles.

    68 years ago I Cover the War was released in the US

    35 years ago Chium was released in Mexico.

    Pepper: You know, there's an old saying, Miss Sally. There's no law west of Dodge and no God west of the Pecos. Right, Mr. Chisum?
    Chisum:: Wrong, Mr. Pepper. Because no matter where people go, sooner or later there's the law. And sooner or later they find God's already been there.

    45 years ago Life Magazine published a three page photo spread advertising The Alamo.

    21 years ago The Winterset Chamber of Commerce sponsored a John Wayne Day Celebration.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • hi arthur

    thanks for that thought he was that writer but you confermed it for me. was he a ring gear or what maybe she was better off with out him in the long run.

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Hi

    On this Day July 5th

    105 years ago the actor Reed Howes was born he appeared in some of John Wayne's Lone Star Films often as a villain.

    57 years ago the actress Carol Landis committed suicide at the age of 29. She made over forty pictures few of them memorable and is one of the saddest tales of Hollywood's misuse of a talent.

    56 years ago the actress Joan Blondell married the producer Michael Todd.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 6th July

    78 years ago the actress Janet Leigh was born, she had a similarity to John Wayne in that she shared the same surname as the Duke. See her looking gorgeous in Jet Pilot.

    84 years ago The supporting actor Bill Shirley was born he made an appearance in Flying Tigers.

    132 years ago John Philliber one of the veterans of the screen was born, he was in A Lady Takes Chance.

    33 years ago Brandon de Wilde the small boy in Shane was killed at the age of 30.

    35 years ago the actress Marjory Rambeau died aged 80

    38 years ago Chief John Big tree died aged 90. A veteran of many westerns including She Wore a Yellow Ribbon and Statecoach.

    11 years ago the actor Cameron Mitchell died, one of his early pictures was They Were Expendable

    71 years ago the British actor Alec B Francis died aged 66

    14 years ago the actress and former president of Paramount, Sherry Lansing married William Freidkin.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Jul 6 2005, 01:13 AM
    33 years ago Brandon de Wilde the small boy in Shane was killed at the age of 30.


    Hi Arthur - searching deep in my memory, I recall that he was killed in an automobile accident near Colorado Springs, CO, where he was doing dinner theatre.
    Cheers - Jay -_-

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"