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  • Wow, Thats something that I never knew, that Brandon De Wilde was in Shane. He did a terrific job as jere in In Harms Way, promising actor...such a tragedy for his life to be taken so early in life.


  • Hi

    On this day 7th July

    90 years ago te actor Yul Brynner was born. famous as the king of Siam in the musical The King and I, and a Chris in the Magnificent Seven, he also featured in Cast A Giant Shadow.

    95 years ago the actor Ralph Volkie was born. He appeared in a number of John Wayne pictures as well as being John Wayne's personal trainer.

    118 years ago the actor Raymond Hatton was born. He was one of the original sidekicks and appeared in Tall in the Saddle.

    Two Reporters investigating John Wayne on behalf of his second wife Chata were thrown into a Mexican Jail. On this day 52 years ago John Wayne requested their release.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 8th July

    65 years ago the film Dark Command was released in the UK


    4 years ago Rod Steiger died

    98 years ago the actor Eddie Dean died he was in A Man Betrayed.


    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 9th July

    98 years ago Eddie Dean was born known as a country and western singer he appeared in A Man Betrayed.

    3 years ago the actor Rod Steiger died, he appeared n the Longest Day

    This may appear to be very similar to yesterday and the plain truth is that it was. I got my days mixed up



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Jul 9 2005, 01:46 AM
    This may appear to be very similar to yesterday and the plain truth is that it was. I got my days mixed up




    We are constantly amazed at all you share with us in this thread. An occasional mistake is bound to happen, considering the volume of information you are dealing with. As far as we are concerned, no apology is necessary (although the explanation was nice - thanks!).

    Thank you for an outstanding job in this thread!!

    Chester :newyear:

  • hi

    On this day 11th July

    32 years ago Cahill US Marshal was released in the US
    Cahill.Any of you want to surrender?
    Ben Tildy Now what did you just say?
    Cahill I said any of you want to surrender.
    Beb Tildy Five of us and one of you' I'll say one thing for you J.D
    you got style! Yes sir you got style.


    30 years ago John Wayne was in Marion County looking for a coal degasification plant.

    74 years ago the actor Tab Hunter was born he appeared in The Sea Chase

    83 years ago the actor Gene Evans was born one of the director Sam Fuller's favourite actors he also appeared in he War Wagon

    91 years ago the actor Robert Ryan was born he played Wayne's second in command in the Flying Leathernecks

    103 years ago the actor Thomas Mitchell was born he was an Academy Award winner for Stagecoach.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • HI

    on this day 13th July

    63 years ago The Spoilers was released in the UK.

    78 year ago the actor Bob Terhune was born, he was one of the Three Mesquiteers

    87 years ago the actor and stunt man John 'Bear Hudkins was born.

    38 years ago George 'Gabby' Hayes died aged 78.

    52 years ago Jose Ferrer married Rosemary Clooney.

    56 year ago the producer David O Selznick married Jennifer Jones



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 14th July

    33 years ago She Wore A Yellow Ribbon was re-released in Finland

    Captain Nathan Brittles: [Cohill and Pennell are about to fight over Olivia] Button your shirt, Mister Pennell! Thought better of you. Four years out here and still actin' like a wet-eared "kaydet" on the Hudson. What is this all about, Mr. Cohill?
    Lt. Flint Cohill: Sir, I... I decline to answer... respectfully.

    77years ago the actress Nancy Olsen was born

    79 years ago Harry Dean Stanton saw the first light of day

    97 years ago the director George Sherman was born

    102 years ago the actor Ken Murray was born. For those with English television see him this coming Sunday in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

    127 years ago the actor Donal Meek was born he appeared in Stagecoach.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi
    On this day 15th July

    61 years ago the actor Jon Michael Vincent was born

    66 yearsaago John Wayne's son Patrick was born

    40 years ago Peter van Eyck died aged 57

    58 years ago the actor George Cleveland died aged71.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 16th July

    94 years ago the German actor Peter van Eyck was born

    98 years ago the actress and star of Baby Face Barbara Stanwyck was born

    125 years ago the western actor Heinie Conklin who played the stage driver in Riders of Destiny was born.

    49 years ago Stanley Blystone died at the age of 61 he appeared in In Old California.

    33 years ago Natalie Wood of The Searchers married Robert Wagner of The Longest Day.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Jul 16 2005, 10:40 AM
    33 years ago Natalie Wood of The Searchers married Robert Wagner

    To this day I've had a sneakin' suspicion that Wagner had something to do with Natalie's drowning. I know there was no thorough investigation of the incident but of course, Teddy Kennedy wasn't investigated very thoroughly either over the Chappaquidic drowning.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • HI Stumpy.

    There were three peple on the boat at the time besides Wagner and Natalie Wood Christopher Walken was a guest. Wagner believed that his wife and Walken were romantically involved. As all three were completely drunk what actually happened will probably never be known. But the thought must be it is strange that Wood who had a fear of water would of her own volition leave a state room to sleep in a dinghy.

    It brings back memories of the 1920s with I believe with the death of the director Ince and the intrigues with Mack Sennett and Mabel Normand.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 17th July

    54 years ago John Ford completed the location work on 'The Quiet Man'

    103 years ago Edward Gargon the brother of the actor William Gargon, was born in Brooklyn New York. He appeared in the 1943 picture In Old Oklahoma or as I prefer 'The War of the Wildcats'.

    105 years ago the French actor Marcel Dalio was born forced to flee to the United States with the German occupation of Paris, he later appeared in Donvan's Reef.

    63 years ago Lana Turner the female lead in The Sea Chase married Stephen Crane.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 18th July

    64 years ago The Shepherd of the Hills was released in the US it was John Wayne's first picture made in Technicolor.

    85 years ago the actor William Cabane was born he appeared in Reap the Wild Wind

    97 years ago the actress and dancer Lupe Valez was born, known as the Mexican Spitfire at one time she was married to Gary Cooper and appeared in Hollywood Handicap.

    102 years ago the actor Chil Wills was born. Seen in many pictures his advertising of himself as the Best Supporting Actor in The Alamo did great harm to the picture and is reckoned to have been a major contributory factor in the picture not winning the number of Academy Awards it should have.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Jul 18 2005, 11:49 AM
    102 years ago the actor Chil Wills was born. Seen in many pictures his advertising of himself as the Best Supporting Actor in The Alamo did great harm to the picture and is reckoned to have been a major contributory factor in the picture not winning the number of Academy Awards it should have.


    I imagine Duke must have been pretty upset with Wills for all the shennanigans he pulled regarding "The Alamo" and the Academy Awards nominations that slipped through as a result. Out of seven nominations, "The Alamo" only received one Oscar - that for best sound.
    He must have forgiven him some because Wills appeared in "McLintock" a few years later.
    Cheers - Jay ^^

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I always liked Chill Wills. Did y'all ever see him in the "The Rounders" starring Glenn Ford and Henry Fonda? He plays a slick-talkin' rancher who's always gettin' over on Ford and Fonda, two down-on-their-luck cowboys. Pretty funny movie. Had an alcoholic horse in it. :lol:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi

    I agree Chill Wills, Jack Elam Walter Brennen L.Q Jones and the one who played in McLintock and tH Comancheros and whose name I can never remember were part of a indispensible group of supporting actors who made the western what it was.



    On this day

    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 19th July:-

    15 years ago the actor Eddie Quillan died aged 83.

    67years ago Richard Jordon who played Hawk in Rooster Cogburn was born.

    29 year ago Gene Rogth died aged 73 he was in The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    39 years ago Frank Sinatra married Mia Farrow



    Walk Tall - Talk Low