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  • Hi

    On this day 20th October

    2 years ago Jack Elam died aged 84 he was in Rio Lobo

    34 years ago The Green Berets was released in Sweden

    90 years ago the actor Fred Libby was born. He only appeared in 22 pictures many of which were made for JohnFord, some like She Wore A Yellow Ribbon with John Wayne.

    50 years ago Frank Darien died, he was in Tall In The Saddle



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 21st October

    52 years ago Gail Russell was interviewed by Louella Parson for the Los Angeles Interviewer and denied that she had had an improper relatiopnship with John Wayne.

    95 years Adele Palmer was born, she appeared in The Quiet Man.

    25 years ago the Indian actor Lal Chand Mehra died aged 83, he played a doctor in Hellfighters.

    46 years ago Olive Blakeney died aged 56, she was in Dakota.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Oct 21 2005, 09:01 AM

    52 years ago Gail Russell was interviewed by Louella Parson for the Los Angeles Interviewer and denied that she had had an improper relatiopnship with John Wayne.


    Hi Arthur,
    But something between them was going on. It is clearly seen in Angel and the Badman. It was not only an acting.

  • Hi Senta,

    It has to be remembered that in those days infidelity could cost a star his contract, so Duke had to be very careful how he conducted himself. Even when he was still married to Chata and seeing Pilar he had to do it in the utmost secrecy. The fact that he divorced Chata and married Pilar within hours must have made it appear that it was the quickest courtship in history.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 22nd October:

    56 years ago She Wore A Yellow Ribbon was released in the USA.

    [watching from a distance as Apaches torture gunrunners who cheated them]
    Captain Nathan Brittles: [to Sgt. Tyree] Join me in a chaw of tobacco?
    Sgt. Tyree: No, sir. I don't chaw tobacco and I don't play cards.
    Captain Nathan Brittles: Chawing tobacco is a nasty habit. Been known to turn a man's stomach.
    2nd Lt. Ross Penell: I'll take a chaw if you please, sir.

    54 years ago Flying Leathernecks was released in UK.

    88 years ago the British actor Harold Goodwin was born he played a bit part in the Longest Day

    95 years ago John McGuire was born he was in Sands of Iwo Jima.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 23 October:

    35 years ago Chisum was released in Finland:-

    Sallie Chisum: I think in some ways, the two of them are a lot alike.
    Pat Garrett: Who?
    Sallie Chisum: Uncle John, Billy Bonney. Don't you think they are? Don't you?
    Pat Garrett: Not in the important things.
    Sallie Chisum: Like what?
    Pat Garrett: Well, Mr. Chisum's changed with the times. He doesn't like to let on, but he cares... about the people here and in town, about the Indians and the territory. Well, he's independent, and he likes to do things his own way, but he cares.
    Sallie Chisum: And Billy doesn't?
    Pat Garrett: I guess he can't help it. But you heard him, all he cares about is gettin' those men.
    Sallie Chisum: In a way, doesn't it amount to the same thing?
    Pat Garrett: No. Billy wants revenge. Mr. Chisum wants justice. There's a big difference

    71 years ago Diana Dors was born in Swindon. Groomed as the British answer to Jayne mansfield she turned out to be a much better actress once she was given better parts and appeared with John Wayne in I Married A Woman, which wasn't one of her better parts.

    85 years ago Johnny Carson was born. Duke appeared a number of times on his show.

    85 years ago the actor Rayford Barnes was born. A cousin of Peter Frankowich he played outlaw Pee Wee Simser in Cahill U.S. Marshal.

    113 years ago Seymour Felix was born. A former Broadway dancer and choreographer he came to Hollywood and directed two pictures. Unfortunately for John Wayne he appeared in one of them Girls Demand Excitement, which he later described as one of the silliest pictures he ever appeard in. One good thing came out of the movie when he met and befriended Paul Fix who apart from starting a life long friendship also helped coach Duke in many aspects of acting.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    Thanks for the comment. I didn't think that it was so strict at that time. I always feel that in movie world the moral rules are not so clear as in other. And it is not only my opinion. I remember funny story from my family history.
    My Grandma didn't agree to marry my Dad until he quit from the theater (he has a fine voice and talent and sing in musicals). And he did it for her. Enlisted to the army. Became a fine officer, but didn't return from the WWII

  • Hi

    On this day 24th October:-

    45 years ago The Alamo was released in the USA

    Davy Crockett: Republic. I like the sound of the word. It means people can live free, talk free, go or come, buy or sell, be drunk or sober, however they choose. Some words give you a feeling. Republic is one of those words that makes me tight in the throat - the same tightness a man gets when his baby takes his first step or his first baby shaves and makes his first sound as a man. Some words can give you a feeling that makes your heart warm. Republic is one of those words.

    60 years ago The actor Don Costello d aged 44. He was in A Lady Takes A Chance.

    35 years ago How The West was Won was aired on ABC TV it had a 26 rating and 46% audience.

    95 years ago the actor and stuntman Boyd 'Red' Morgan was born he appeared with his horse 'Hot Rod' in 9 pictures from the Conqueror up to Rio Lobo.

    105 years ago Frank 'Spig' Weade was born. The film Wings Of Eagles was based on his life.

    107 years ago the producer Merion C. Cooper was born

    63 years ago the actor James C Morton died he appeared in In Old California.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 25th October

    57 years ago Fort Apache was released in Sweden.

    51 years ago The High and the Mighty was released in Sweden:-

    Ben Sneed: Hey Fella aint you Dan Roman?
    Dan Roman: Yeah.
    Ben Sneed: I heard youwhistlin' and I said to myself only one guy does that just so.

    43 years ago Donovan's Reef was released in Denmark

    69 years ago Burt Brinkerhoff was born he played Andrew in The Greatest Story Ever Told.

    97 years ago Polly Ann Young was born she was in The Man From Utah.

    35 years ago Frank Puglia died aged 83 he was in Without Reservations.

    15 years ago Mildred Natwick died aged 89 she gave sterling work in The Quiet Man and She Wore A Yellow Ribbon.

    40 years ago Buddy Messinger died one day before his 58th birthday, he appeared in College Coach.

    19 years ago Forrest Tucker died aged 67 he was in Chisum and Sands of Iwo Jima.

    44 years ago Jay Wilsey died aged 65 he was in Rainbow Valley



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Forrest Tucker was only 67 years old when he died? Didn't know that. How did he die? That was young, well you know what I mean. I was not aware of his death at that age.

    I knew he died, but I thought he was much older than that.

    I thought he was closer to Duke's age. He would be 86 today if still alive.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Mike,

    He died of Lung Cancer he made 101 pictures, two of which included John Wayne as the star - Chisum Sands of Iwo Jima and one in which Duke made a cameo - Cancel My Reservation. He was also indirectly responsible for John Wayne making America Why Love Her, as John Mitchum showed him the poems and he walked them over to where Wayne was playing chess and showed him. Duke was very moved by the words and Tucker suggested that he record the album.

    I assume that this happened on the set of Chisum as all three men were in the cast.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 26th October:-

    38 years ago the Alamowas re-released in Denmark:

    Davy Crockett: It was like I was empty. Well, I'm not empty anymore. That's what's important, to feel useful in this old world, to hit a lick against what's wrong for what's right even though you get walloped for saying that word. Now I may sound like a Bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting, but that don't change the truth none. There's right and there's wrong. You got to do one or the other. You do the one and you're living. You do the other and you may be walking around, but you're dead as a beaver hat.

    98 years ago Buddy Messinger was born, as reported yesterday he was in College Coach.

    91 years ago Jackie Coogan was born he appeared in Cahill US Marshall.

    83 years ago the director Don Siegal was born. A great favourite of Clint Eastwood he also directed The Shootist.

    97 years ago the stunt man and supporting actor Fred Graham was born, he appeared in numerous picture with John Wayne.

    4 years ago Eugene Jackson died aged 84 he was in Reap the Wild Wind

    43 years ago the actress Louise Beavers died aged 60 she also appeared in Reap the Wild Wind.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 27th October:-

    45 years ago the Alamo was released in the UK

    Smitty: So many times every day you stop and give thanks, but mostly I don't catch on what you're thanking the Lord for. I mean, there's nothing special.
    Parson: I give thanks for the time and for the place.
    Smitty: The time and the place, Parson?
    Parson: The time to live and the place to die. That's all any man gets. No more, no less.

    38 years ago The War Wagon was released in Finland

    after shooting down two bad guys]
    Lomax: Mine hit the ground first.
    Taw Jackson: Mine was taller.

    94 years ago the actor Lief Ericson was born apart from playing John Cannon in the high Chapparel he also appeared with Duke in Trouble Along the Way.

    23 years ago Brooklyn Public School 380 was renamed the John Wayne Elementary School.

    47 years ago The Barbarian and the Geisha was released in Sweden.

    32 years ago Chisum was shown on NBC it had a 25.9 rating and a 43% audience.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 28th October:-

    55 years ago the actor Maurice Costello died aged 73. Famous in the days of the silent era he appeared in Lady From Louisiana. When he became destitute he went on to sue his two daughter for maintenance.

    This day 52 years ago off screen events took the headlines. In Los Angeles America followed the divorce hearing of John and Chata Wayne.
    Duke gave evidence naming millionaire Nicky Hilton as the other man.
    After Chata gave a brief rebuttal the jufge granted a double inter locutory.

    47 years ago location work began on The Horse Soldiers.

    36 years ago the actress Beulah Archuletta died aged 57 she appeared briefly in How The West Was Won.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this Day 29th October:-

    72 years ago The Life of Jimmy Dolan was released in Finland

    89 years ago 'Big' John Hamilton was born. Heappeared in Hellfighters, and the Undefeated among others.

    106 years ago the actor Akim Tamiroff was born he supplied the voice of Chinkpin in Reap the Wild Wind.

    33 years ago Rudy Bowman died aged 81 his last screen credit was a private John Smith in She Wore A Yellow Ribbon.

    On the same day 32 years ago the Cinematographer Victor Milner died aged 71. He was the cameraman responsible for Cecil B DeMille's Reap the Wild Wind.

    42 years ago the actor Adolphe Menjou died aged 73. One of the great men of Hollywood he was always dapper and well manicured. he was also a leading exponent of the anti communist purge in the late 1940s and 50s leading up to the HUAC hearings. Reading the book 'Hollywood on Trial' his evidence wasn't very good, but then the book is slightly biased towards the Hollywood Ten.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 30th October:

    British summer time ends and we are all supposed to get an extra hour in bed, but not when you've got your grandchildren staying with you.


    89 years ago the actor William Campbell was born he was in The High And The Mighty.

    2 years ago (and I can't believe this) In Old California was re-released in Germany.

    44 years ago The Alamo was released in Denmark.

    27 years ago Wallace MacDonald died aged 87. He appeared in Two Fisted Law and:-

    on the same day John Wayne was admitted to Massachusets General Hospital for tests.

    38 years ago The actor Charles Trowbridge died aged 85 he appeared in Wings of Eagles



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur, Keith and Emmanuel,
    We also have an extra hour from today. But I have read at Alissa Wayne book that Duke used to get up very early about 5. I thought that it will be wonderful for me, I shall have time for all things, so I'm trying to get up at five for two days.