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  • Hi

    Bill gets up to see the sun as I'm composing this outside it is dark and tipping down with rain

    Ho Hum

    On this day 31st October

    27 years ago Great Western Savings and loans announced that John Wayne commercials had helped them rase $242,000.

    32 years ago John Wayne informed Pat Stacey that he is to seperate from Pilar.

    47 years ago The Barbarian and the Geisha was released in West Germany.

    35 years ago the War Wagon was shown on NBC television it had a 30 rating and a 53% audience.

    98 years ago Sheila Bromley was born. aka Sheila Manners she appeared under both names in John Wayne films.

    93 years ago Dale Evans was brn. Married to Roy Rogers she appeared in War of the Wildcats.

    103 years ago the actor Eduard Franz was born. He used to appear as an Indian chief in many films but also appeared in Wake of the Red Witch.

    30 years ago Joseph Calleia died aged 78. I watched him last week in some obscure British picture but he was also in The Alamo.

    42 years ago Henry Daniel died aged 69. This day spread over the years was obviously not a good day for those who appeared in Wake of he Red Witch.

    and its stopped raining, I might get to work dry.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 1st November:

    37 years ago the Green Berets was released in West Germany:-

    Reporter: Could you answer a question that all of us are asking?
    Sergeant Muldoon: We'll try.
    Reporter: Why is America raging this ruthless war in Vietnam?
    Sergeant Muldoon: Foreign policy decisions are not made by the military. A soldier goes where he is told to go, and fight whom is told to fight. [I]

    32 years ago Cahill US Marshal was released in West Germany:-

    [I][talking to the town drunk who is locked in a jail cell]
    J.D. Cahill: Charlie, what are you doing in here? It ain't Thursday.
    Charlie Smith, Town Drunk: A man has got a right to change his mind. Besides, it's going to rain on Thursday. And drinking in the rain, that's bad for your health[I]

    52 years ago John Waynes marriage to Chata is annulled.

    52 years ago in Hawaii on a candlelit beach John Wayne married Pilar.

    51 years ago The High ad the Mighty released in the UK:-

    last lines]
    Tim Garfield: So Long. So long, you ancient pelican.

    29 years ago The Shootist was released in Sweden:-

    [/ICarson City Marshal Walter Thibido: Books, I want you out of town. These are law-abiding people here and I don't want any trouble. I can deputize as many men as I need to see that you leave.
    John Bernard Books: I'm not going anywhere, Marshal. I'm dying and I intend to die right here.
    Carson City Marshal Walter Thibido: Really? You're really dyin'?
    John Bernard Books: Ask Doc Hostetler.
    Carson City Marshal Walter Thibido: Hot damn! You know, Books, that's the best news I've had all day. While I was walking over here I was thinking, what if Books decides to kill me? Who will take over as marshal? Will the town council pay my pension to my wife? Damn, that's good news. [I]

    53 years ago the actress and wife of Bing Crosby Dixie Lee died she appeared in Cheer up and Smile



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 2nd November:-

    46 years ago filming began on the Alamo

    28 years ago the actor Stephen Dunn died he was in I married a Woman.

    63 years ago Stefanie Powers was born she was in McLintock.

    85 years ago Anne Rutherford was born she appeared in The Lonely Trail.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 3rd November

    12 years ago the actor John Lupton died aged 65 he was in the Greatest Story Ever Told.

    38 years ago McLintock was shown on CBS it receive 31.2 rating with 54% audience.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 4th November:-

    23 years ago a statue of John Wayne was unvieled at John Wayne Airport.

    48 years ago Jet Pilot was released in the UK.

    93 years ago Gig Young was born. He appeared in Wake of the Red Witch

    94 years ago Dixie Lee was born she was in Cheer Up and Smile

    142 years ago Harry Beresford was born a screen veteran he was in College Coach.

    33 years ago Davison Clark died aged 91 he had an un-credted part in Red River.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day November 5th 400 years ago Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament, with things that are happening today many wish that he had succeeded. We celebrate by burning guys and setting off fireworks. With things that are happening to day many want to see them banned. A stance that I would agree with whole heartedly.

    I will now get off my political soapbox and concentrate on this day.

    On this Day 5th November:-

    70 years ago Richard Davlos was born he appeared in The Sea Chase.

    93 years ago John McGiver died a famous supporting actor with a bald head he was in I Married A Woman.

    94 years ago Roy Rogers was born.

    45 years ago the actor and singer Ward Bond and Johnny Horton both died.
    I believe the circumstances were extra ordinary. Ward Bond had travelled to Dallas to take in in a football game, and at the same time discuss wih Johnny Horton an appearance on his television western Wagon Train. On the same day Horton was killed in an automobile accident. Later whilst taking a shower Bond suffered a massive heart attack which proved fatal.
    In a previous post I mentioned the circumstances wth regard to John Ford and Bond's funeral; watch this space on Monday.

    42 years ago the actor Vernon Dent died, a veteran of hundreds of pictures he featured in Texas Cyclone.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    You celebration of saving the Parliament from Guy Fawkes is widely shown on pr news all day. But what things that happening today do you mean? If you think that speaking about political affairs are not correct just ignore my post.

  • Hi Senta

    Its no problem, with the antics of some of our politicians now a days it makes you wonder what would have happened if he had succeeded. Its just an old fuddy duddy letting off steam occasionally.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Nov 5 2005, 09:39 AM
    93 years ago John McGiver died a famous supporting actor with a bald head he was in I Married A Woman.


    Hey Arthur,

    I think you errored, and I'm not sure what it is. I know that I Married A Woman was out back in the '50s.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Keith,

    On this day, was John McGiver born on this day or died on this day?

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    Yep as Ethan says John McGiver was born in 1912.

    I Married a Woman (1958) was a starring vehicle for Diana Dors and George Goble.John Wayne played a very small role wth Angie Dickenson, but they both went on to appear in Rio Bravo a year later.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Nov 6 2005, 02:30 PM

    P.S. Lovely weather, we're having?


    If you have lovely, we have very bad. All snow is gone and it is raining all day.

  • Hi

    I don't know what happened yesterday but the thread I posted didn't show up

    so I'll try again.

    On this day 6th November

    32 years ago John Wayne and Pilar seperated with Pilar leaving the family home.

    88 years ago Harlan Warde was born he appeared in The Wings of Eagles.

    119 years ago the Producer Trem Carr was born. Between 1935 and 1937 he produced ten of Duke's pictures.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    Hopefully back on track. Yesterdays weather was fit only for ducks but it seems to have dried up.

    On this day 7th November:-

    44 years ago The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance was completed

    Ransom Stoddard: You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?
    Maxwell Scott: This is the west, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.

    1 year ago the singer and actor Howard Keel died aged 85 a great loss, he featured in The War Wagon.

    31 years ago the actor Rudolfo Acosta died aged 54. He played baddies in a number of pictures including How The West Was Won.

    46 years ago the actor and John Ford stalwart Victor McLaglen died aged 75.

    52 years ago Pat Boone who appeared in the Sea Chase married Shirley.

    54 years ago Frank Sinatra married Ava Gardner.

    [B45 years ago Ward Bond's funeral took place
    The ceremony was held at the Field Photo Farm. Bond's open casket was draped with flowers and an American flag placed over it. It was standing next to a cannon on the lawn.

    Ken Curtis sang And he was there. Harry Carey jnr sang Come Ye Saints, and the Sons of the Pioneers The Song of the Wagonmaster.

    John Wayne gave the eulogy calling Bond 'A wonderful generous big hearted man'.

    Following the service Bond's ashes were scattered in the Pacific Ocean between Newport and Catalina Beach.

    John Ford didn't attend the funeral.

    When he heard the news of Bond's death two days before Ford had been distraught and closed down the set.

    Some said that by not attending the funeral Ford was showing his anger at Bond's anti communist stance of the late 40s and early 50s. There is no doubt that Ford was capable of holding a grudge for that long. Luckily even with hindsight am not in a position to judge, just to comment.

    At the time Bond was disliked in any quarters for that reason and had made many enemies by his attitude o the set of Wagon Train.

    Overall a sad ending to a fine career.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low