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  • Arthur,

    As far as we are concerned, On This Day was inspired, and a wonderful feature.

    We're with you - where has the year gone?? Has it really been a whole year?? It hardly seems possible!

    It has been an amazing compilation of facts, and your persistance in placing everything in the proper place and with such class is a testimony to your true love of the Duke and all things related!

    As Keith so appropriately stated, "Points are picked up, and memories jogged."

    We appreciate the herculean effort this topic must have been, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts! :wub::wub:

    If by chance you were to continue on into the next year, who would we be to try to stop you . . . :rolleyes: ?

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

    P.S. Regarding the 2500 names . . . if you do 5 a month, it will get down to a more manageable 42 years. :lol:

  • Hi Chester & Keith

    Thanks for your kind remarks.

    On this day Valentines Day 14th February:

    106 years ago the actor Stuart Erwin was born. At one time he had his own television show and also appeared as Radioman Jenkins in Men Without Women.

    77 years ago the French actor Moustache was born, he appeared in Circus World.

    70 years ago Andrew Prine was born he made his film debut in the late 1950s, appeared in the cult seres V and played storekeeper Alex McSween in Chisum.

    39 years ago Sig Ruman died aged 82 a man with a large voice and a big moustache he played the manager involved in the Army Navy brawl in Wings of Eagles.

    36 years ago the Cinematographer Arthur edeson died aged 78 he was the cameraman on the Life of Jimmy Dolan.

    5 years ago Charles B Fitzsimmons died aged 76. The brother of Maureen Ohara he was a producer, and also appeared in The Quiet Man.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day February 15th

    110 years ago the Irish actor Arthur Shields was born. The older brother of Barry Fitzgerald he performed at the Abbey Theatre Dublin then moved to Hollywood working with John Ford. He payed the Reverend Playfair in the Quiet Man and was also in She Wore A Yellow ribbon. He could also play a baddie quite well.

    99 years ago The actor Cesar Romero was born. A latin lover he appeared in Donovan's Reef.

    64 years ago the actress Sherry Jackson was born a child star she appeared as John Wayne's daughter in Trouble Along The Way.

    55 years ago the actor Jack Luden died in San Quentin prison at the age of 51. One of the early cowboy stars he lost his way somewhat and was jailed for drug related offences I believe.

    54 years ago the actress Ethel Wales died aged 53. The wife of Wally Wales (Hal Taliffero) she appeared as a townswoman in Dark Command.

    33 years ago Tim Holt died ten days after his 55 birthday he had been in Stagecoach.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    Thank you very much for your contribution and keep it going, because it is always some new information that can be added. This thread mustn't be closed. I and many others here enjoy it greatly. :rolleyes:

  • Hi

    On this day 16th February

    96 years ago Ruben Padilla was born, never an acto he was one of John Waynes business associates and appeared as Santa Anna in The Alamo and in two ther pictures one of which was the Batjac production The Bullfighter and the Lady which also featured Robert Stack.

    43 years ago Paul Anka who appeared in and who wrote the title music and song The Longest Day married Anne de Zagheb

    and on the same day

    Jamie Farr who appeared as Klinger in M*A*S*H and also in The Greatest Story Ever Told married Joy Ann Richards



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 17th February:-

    96 years ago the actor Arthur Hunnicut was born, known also as Arthur 'Arkansas' Hunnicut he played Davy Crockett in the Republic picture 'The Last Command' which was to be John Wayne's original version of the Alamo, and he starred with Duke in El Dorado.

    and on the same day

    The actor Marc Lawrence was also born. One of the actor who suffered from the blacklist of the 1950s he did play a saloon owner in The Flame of the Barbary Coast.

    65 years ago Gene Pitney was born. The link is slightly tenuous as he was never in a John Wayne film. He did however sing The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and for some reason that I don't know the song was never used in the film.

    31 years ago the director George Marshall died aged 83, like Pitney he never directed John Wayne but he was in charge of the Railroad sequence of How The West Was Won, so I think he can be included.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance-Gene Pitney

    Hi Arthur,
    I hope this helps, ironically, I'd included this piece
    in the trivia section of the Movie Review,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Keith

    Thanks for that.

    Ford would often use the same music over agin in his films and he was particulary fond of his Ann Rutlidge music in Young Mr Lincoln. the same type of music also occurs in How the West Was Won and to a greater extent in Fords The Iron Horse.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 18th February

    61 years ago the film Re-Union in France was releaed in Finland.

    81 years ago the actor George Kennedy was born. Still around as far as I know he played the baddie in The Sons of Katie Elder.

    105 yeas ago the actor Hugo Haas was born. An actor and a director he appared as General Marchand in The Fighting Kentuckian.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi,
    He sure did Arthur,and in Cahill.
    I will be including, him later on
    in 'Pals of the Saddle'
    In the meantime, he was in:-

    Cahill U.S. Marshal (1973) .... Abe Fraser
    The Sons of Katie Elder (1965) .... Curley
    In Harm's Way (1965) .... Colonel Gregory

    He is stll alive, and making films,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi

    On this day 19th February

    I'm sitting typing this in the conservatory listiening to the rain rattling on the glass roof overhead.

    82 years ago Lee Marvin was born, a fine actor he appeared in many memorable films such as Raintree County, The Dirty Dozen and including of course The Comancheros, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and Donovans Reef

    55 years ago the veteran actor Vestor Pegg died. Aged 61 he had appeared as Hank Plummer in Stagecoach and Born to the West.

    65 years ago Edmund O'Brien married Nancy Kelly

    72 years ago Bob Hope married Dolores.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 20th February

    91 years ago The German actor Hans Christian Blech was born in Munich. He played Major Plesket in The Longest Day and German officers in various other Anglo American war pictures made during the 1960s including the Battle of the Bulge and The Bridge at Remaggan.

    68 years ago the actor Richard Beymer was born. He played Private Schultz (The soldier who won the card game) in The Longest Day. My records have him being born on the 21st but according to IMDB they say today so I have moved him

    58 years ago Jennifer O'Neil was born in Rio de Janerio. She played Shasta in Rio Lobo and by all accounts was a pain in the a** to the point where Howard Hawks cut her part down to the bare bones.

    10 years ago the supporting actor Al murray died aged 90. His last film was an un-credited role in Jet Pilot. However it has been suggested that Hank Worden played the referee in the flashback sequence of the Quiet Man, in fact it wasn't wasn't Worden it was actually Al Murray.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 21 February

    68 years ago Idol of the Crowds was released in the UK

    103 years ago the cinematographer William Clothier was born he shot many of Dukes pictures.

    126 years ago Frank Orth was born he appeared in Tall inthe Saddle.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 22nd February:

    129 years ago the actor Maurice Costello was born, a big star in the 1920s among many of the films he appeared in was The Lady From Louisiana, A Man Betrayed and an uncomfired appearance in Reap the Wild Wind. Falling on hard time he later sued his daughters for maintenance.

    78 years ago the sound version of Mother Machree premiered in the US

    49 years ago The Wings of Eagles was released in the US

    John Dodge: I don't want a story just about ships and planes. I want it about the men who run them - how they live and think and talk. I want it from a pen dipped in salt water, not dry martinis.

    47 years ago the actress Helen Parrish died aged 36 she was in 'In Old California'

    22 years ago John Wayne was the subject on the Woman to Woman television programme. Two of his daughters discussed what it was lke to have a famous father.

    7 years ago Bob Morgan died aged 83 a brilliant stunt man he lost a leg while returning from filming one of the Railroad scenes in How the West Was Won.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    Originally posted by arthurarnell@Feb 21 2006, 11:05 PM
    22 years ago John Wayne was the subject on the Woman to Woman television programme. Two of his daughters discussed what it was lke to have a famous father.


    Does anybody know if an audio version of this is available, or perhaps a transcript?

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi

    It would be great if it were but I doubt it. It must have made a fascinating programme.

    However back to work.

    On this day February 23rd

    30 years ago Al Fuzzy Knight died aged 76 he appeared in The Shepherd of the Hills.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi

    On this day 24th February:

    126 years ago J.P. McGowan was born he was in an un-credited role in Stagecoach

    122 Max Barwyn was born he appeared in Bardelys the Magnificent.

    78 years ago the Actor Al Lettieri was born he was a baddie in McQ

    74 years ago the actor John Vernon was born he appeared as the baddie in Brannigan.

    45 years ago the cinematogerapher Harry J Wild died he shot the Conqueror.

    34 years ago The Cowboys was released in Sweden

    Wil Andersen: Sometimes it's hard to understand the drift of things. This was a good boy. He'd have been a good man. He didn't get his chance. Death can come for ya any place, any time. It's never welcomed. But if you've done all you can do, and it's your best, in a way I guess you're ready for it.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi, thanks Arthur,

    I will be featuring Lee Marvin,
    in 'Pals of the Saddle', today.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi

    On this day February 25th:-

    9 years ago the British born actor Scott Forbes died aged 76. During the late forties and arly fifties British film magazines raved about this actor known by the name of Julian Dallas and predicted a bright future for him in the British cinema.

    Moving to Hollywood he changed his name to Scott Forbes and his identity to South African and developing an American accent began appearing in TV Westerns. He also appeared with John Wayne in Operation Pacific.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low