General age of the fans who love Duke

There are 199 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 100,881 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • we dont seem to have many members in the 91 or above age group!!
    i wonder why :wink_smile:

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Bob, I think that when I first entered my age in the poll, I may have been in the previous age group, but I just turned 61 in December myself.

    I'm real happy to see all the 'youngsters' though - it means Duke's memory should live on for a good long time!

    Ned, I think most who are 90+ years old are probably not using a computer . . . :wink_smile:. I know that one of our members, Harold, is over 80. He hasn't been around for awhile, though . . . .

    Chester :newyear:

  • I am up to 2 fingers on the keyboard, but they do just fine. You keep going BILL.

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"

  • my grandma is 89 years old and she likes John Wayne but after spending 60 years with my grandad watching Duke films she's bound to like him :wink_smile:

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Newbie on here but old enough to have seen most of Johns movies when they first came out. Born in 1940 if that tells you anything. John stood tall for what he believed in and let you know up front where he stood. Did not start a fight but didn't back down either. Man's man and treated the ladies even the saloon girls like ladies. Didn't have to use cuss words to get his point across either. Clean, direct and loyal to his friends, we can all learn from that in this day and age.

  • I grew up on a ranch so don't think I am exactly a tenderfoot, did my share of roping and branding as a teenager, had my own horse, the whole bit.....miss those days a lot.

  • Newbie on here but old enough to have seen most of Johns movies when they first came out. Born in 1940 if that tells you anything. John stood tall for what he believed in and let you know up front where he stood. Did not start a fight but didn't back down either. Man's man and treated the ladies even the saloon girls like ladies. Didn't have to use cuss words to get his point across either. Clean, direct and loyal to his friends, we can all learn from that in this day and age.

    Hi thedon1940,
    I have made you a formal
    Welcome here.
    Thanks for your insightful first posts,
    and yes they just about sum up the great man.

    I have also included you in our
    Rich Tapestry

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 5 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • I'll admit when I was younger I didn't like Duke. In fact, he kind of drove me crazy for some weird reason. But, as I grew into a young woman, I started to notice the shortage of men who treated women like ladies. When I watched a lot of Duke's movies I felt honored by the way he treated the women in them. Gradually I started to really appreciate his acting skills, too.

    Edited once, last by Little One ().

  • Fascinating results! I suspected at 52 I would be one of the youngsters here. Of course, you have to wonder how many older Wayne fans are that savvy to hop on a computer. So encouraging to see younger folks drawn to the legend. Love it!!!

  • hi,

    just thought that i should add my son to your list of fans of dukes but he falls outside your list at being only 6 my dad likes dukes movies but he don't live with me and he is 63, we have a joint collection and when he kicks the bucket (dies) all the collection come to me and the little bloke

    cheers smokey

    Hi Smokey,

    Is your son still a fan of the Dukes?


  • I know when that poll was first put up, our son was also too young (like smokey's). He is 21 now and I think he would consider himself a John Wayne fan still. Maybe it IS time to update the poll. I know I was in a different age bracket back in 2003.

    Maybe an idea to make the poll more "timeless" would be to put brackets of birth years instead of age brackets. My birth YEAR won't change over time, but certainly my age bracket will.