Support Your Local Sheriff, a fun movie with a fun cast, was wierd seeing Walter Brennan as a villan and Jack Elam as a hero of sorts, not their usual roles! Must seek out more of James Garner's Western movies

What Was The Last Western You Watched?
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The Comancheros still a good film.
Support Your Local Sheriff, a fun movie with a fun cast, was wierd seeing Walter Brennan as a villan and Jack Elam as a hero of sorts, not their usual roles! Must seek out more of James Garner's Western movies
Check out these two.
Duel at Diablo
Hour of the Gun -
Thanks for the reccomendations Bill, i'll be sure to check these out.
Duel at Diablo is a good'un.
Haven't seen hour of the gun but it's supposed to be top rate -
Hour of the Gun is good, but a bit of a downer. Covers the OK Corral, and aftermath.
They are both excellent westerns and both have tremendous, but different, music scores. Either one will not be a waste of time. Go for both!
We deal in lead, friend
THE COWBOYS What a super movie. Those kids did the majority of their riding and stunts...still amazed, and not only do I watch it a lot, but do a great deal of rough riding, also. And I never really realized that Clay, (the tiny one that became the World Champion Roper), had his older brother, Sam in there with him...he is Jimmy. Not sure which is Jim and which is Steve, anybody know? One had really dark hair. I am thinking that must be Steve?
I think the Score is tremendous. I sometimes just put the Overture on while working on the net. Love that Vivaldi piece and almost have it learned on the guitar.
The one I felt sorry for the most was Ann, Wil's wife. The short interaction we saw between the two was one of the best I have seen. All she wanted was him back home and a string of blue beads.
Still have a hard time watching anything with Bruce Dern in it although I know that is not fair.....boy did he do one heck of a job. KEITH
They are both excellent westerns and both have tremendous, but different, music scores. Either one will not be a waste of time. Go for both!
We deal in lead, friend
Ladyhawk you really do put a strong case forward! I must watch this again and see if I can get into it!
Well, Peter, if you DO watch it again, don't skip past the Overture, although it means a LOT more after you have watched it a couple of times. Also, pay attention to how the character of each boy is mapped out at the beginning and grows and morphs into something akin to "little Men" who have learned so much about the job they are doing, the men who are teaching them and life in general. Only two of the boys you don't REALLY get to know, they are Jim and Steve. The rest become almost like family. And Duke and Roscoe were excellent. You tend to keep your eyes on Duke, but look around him at the boys working the herd. They ARE the actors, the majority of the time...also when tearing through dense woods on horseback. Watch carefully when Hardy, the smallest, ropes his calf and pulls him down....that is really the actor Clay O'Brien all the way. Rydell makes sure that most of the action scenes are close enough so that you can see the child's face.
But mostly enjoy it for the wonderful movie it became with Duke's help but Mark Rydell's hand, (yep, he had to call Duke down a time or two, LOL). And it was great to see that Duke appreciated Clay's talent as both an actor and horseman as he called for him to be in another movie with him the next year, Cahill, US Marshall. I saw The Cowboys once on a DVD with a commentary on it of how they made the movie, and then the boy actors getting together and discussing it later. Perhaps you appreciate it more after seeing it. Read this about the BlueRay: Anyway, the commentary showed how the young rodeo stars taught the actors and the actors helped the "cowboys". When they get together after the movie and talk about it and Duke, well, made ME cry, but then we all know that I cry a good bit in the sad, or the happy parts if done well. Not only do the boys grow but Wil Anderson does too with the help of Mr. Nightlinger. When he buries Charlie, there are tears in his eyes. They are there also as he is dying and talks to the boys. My take is that he didn't have to use glycerin or whatever they used back then.
I loved this when I watched it on the big screen for the first time. But, it gets better every time I see it. I keep finding things I hadn't seen before since I have learned to take my eyes OFF of Duke a lot....pretty hard to do, LOL.......kind of like the symbolic eagle in The Shootist. No wonder no one ever saw it or connected it....there was our DUKE lying dead with Gillum's coat over him. All eyes were there. As I have said before, I like to think of Duke and Ward looking down and saying, about time you picked up on the patriotism bit I gave you!
Some commentators have stated that it is possible that Duke thought this might be his last movie because of the health issues he had been having. I believe this to be true and I thought the same about The Shootist. No one knows but Duke, not even his children knew what was really in his mind.
Hope you enjoy it Peter. But give it a it more than once. Some of Duke's best movies take a second, third or even fourth viewing to really appreciate them....that is because of their complexity, and the nature of the viewer to pay strict attention to what Duke is doing. But, of course you KNOW that already, LOL. KEITH
Ladyhawk you really do put a strong case forward! I must watch this again and see if I can get into it!
Thanks Ladyhawk, I can always rely on you to give thoughtful answers to things. I'll check the blu ray too to see if there are any extras on it.
Thanks Ladyhawk, I can always rely on you to give thoughtful answers to things. I'll check the blu ray too to see if there are any extras on it.
Yep, it has the ones that I mentioned plus a running commentary of the movie by Rydell. It is excellent. Would love to hear more commentaries by him on ANY movie. There is a Deluxe Edition also that has stills. LH
"Across the Wide Missouri"
As far as I know, the only Western Clark Gable ever played in. Storyline was similar to Jimmy Stewart's "Broken Arrow", which I personally liked better. Clark plays a mountain man trapping beaver in the Rockies, who falls in love with and marries a Blackfoot Indian girl. She is later killed by a Blackfoot war chief, who hates the whites. It wasn't a bad Western - just not as good as many others I've seen. -
The Fighting Kentuckian, had a slow first 20 minutes or so as they set the scene but after that it was fantastic, lots of action and a good fast moving story with plenty of twists, Duke was doing some great stuff around this time. Particularly enjoyed Duke's double act with Oliver Hardy. Duke always worked better in a double act with a somewhat comedic foil for me such as Hayes or Brennan etc
I'm cheating a little bit, but I'm getting ready to watch "Rio Grande" on TCM at 3:00 PM Eastern time!!
The most underrated of the (unintented) cavalry "trilogy."
A Thunder Of Drums W/ Richard Boone, Richard Chamberlain, Slim Pickens, Arthur O'Connell, Charles Bronson and George Hamilton.
Twas an interesting but VERY well done Western. I THINK I had seen bits and pieces of it at one time--but not sure?
Hamilton w Sarge O'Connell:
Charles Buchinsky:
Richard Boone w/ wrong colored "Campaign Hat"
Half of "C" Troop overwhelmed:
A set of Lobbies:
Decent shot of General Sam Houston-er I mean--Richard Boone:
Slim Pickens no longer among the living: -
A few more:
Richard Chamberlain (Center) -
"Pony Express"
A young-looking Charlton Heston, Forrest Tucker, Rhonda Fleming and Jan Sterling star in this oater which purportedly tells the story of the competition between the Pony Express and the Overland Stage Company for U.S. mail-carrying duties. Heston plays Buffalo Bill Cody, with Tucker as Wild Bill Hickok. The story line is sorta complicated, as there is supposedly a conspiracy by the stage company's owners to convince California's government to secede from the Union (sometimes I wish they had succeeded).
Though Rhonda was a more beautiful female than Jan, the latter played a more sympathetic role. Jan followed Cody around like a puppy as she was madly in love with him. Naturally, he paid much more attention to the most beautiful of the two ladies. What was worse was Jan's killing by one of the bad guys near the end of the movie.
I've seen worse Westerns but I've also seen tons of better ones. -
Tombstone. Again!
Commachee Station with Randolph Scott.