What Was The Last Western You Watched?

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  • Bill of PA- "They Died with their Boots on"-One of my favorite movies- I like most Errol Flynn movies, and this is one of the best.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60 ().

  • I've been watching episodes of "Bonanza" for about six weeks. Before and after an Alaskan cruise during the first two weeks of August. Sorry to say but I was rather disappointed in that trip. I was expecting to see some fabulous and awe-inspiring scenery but except for two days, saw very little except fog and low-lying clouds. Very gloomy - especially considering the money that it cost. However, the Glacier Bay National Park really was awe-inspiring, as was the coastal "Inland Passageway" from Vancouver, BC to the first Alaskan stop, which was Ketchikan. Most cruise ships sail up that route, mostly avoiding the Pacific

    I still enjoy "Bonanza." Even though almost fifty years have passed since it first appeared on TV. I especially like the theme music.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Stumpy--"I still enjoy "Bonanza." Even though almost fifty years have passed since it first appeared on TV. I especially like the theme music."

    I lived in California for 12 years. In 1971?, the year that Hoss died, we went up to the northeast part of Lake Tahoe to the Bonanza town. Saw the House that was used when they were shooting up there and the little tourist town.
    Also went to the spot where they filmed the Intro scene, where the they all rode up to the camera.Tahoe is one my favorite places to go. Haven't been there since 1998, since we move to Colorado in 1977.
    We also did the Alaska cruise, but in September of 2006. We loved it, we did have rain but were able to see most things well. I spent eight years in the Navy, was on aircrews most of the time and never went to Sea.
    The Alaskan cruise qualifies for being at sea, no matter how short a time it is. lol!

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited 2 times, last by colkid60 ().

  • I spent eight years in the Navy, was on aircrews most of the time and never went to Sea.

    I spent four years in the Navy back in the Fifties. Made two cruises aboard carriers (Essex and Shangri La) I also spent about 18 months as an aircrewman during that time. Flying on and off carriers was a real adventure. I was classified as a "tow target operator".

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