Carl's Update on WWI and WWII Veterans

There are 138 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 32,173 times. The latest Post () was by The Ringo Kid.

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  • Greetings Hondo and everyone. Here is a little bit on my deceased friend, Captain (then) 2nd Lt. Richard Wallace Annand V.C. He was in the 2nd Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry. He was 25 years old at the time.

    Captain Wallace's Citation:

    On May 15 1940, near the River Dyle, Belgium, 2nd Lt. Annand inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy with hand grenades. He was wounded, but after having his wound dressed, he made another attack on the enemy the same evening. Later, when the position became hopeless and the Platoon was ordered to withdraw, Lt. Annand discovered that his Batman (Aide) was wounded and missing. He returned at once to the former position and brought him back in a wheelbarrow before fainting from loss of blood.


    During WWII, a total of 106 members of the British Armed Forces were awarded Victoria Crosses.

    In order of service:

    Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Navy Reserve, Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve: 23 V.C's were awarded.

    The Army had 61 V.C.'s awarded and the Royal Air Force had 22 V.C.'s awarded.

    50% of all the V.C.'s awarded to British Soldiers in WWII were awarded to men who were Killed In Action.

    Hondo, hope you enjoyed this little bit on Captain Annand V.C. Most anything else I have on him has nothing to do with his service in the Army and is more just idle "chit-chat" and Christmas wishes etc. I never got to shake his hand being that he lived in London and I only was able to make one trip to Europe--which was to Germany and Switzerland in late 2000. I had been wanting to make a trip to London to visit with Richard & Shirley for a few days. I really would have loved listening to them both.

    Take care and best regards--Carl (TRK)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Ringo Hondo

    The Victoria Cross is a very modest medal, a small cross with either a dark red or blue ribbon which if I am right alternates after each war. The original ones were made of Bronze melted down from Russian cannons captured during the Crimean War.

    The authorization for the medal was given by Queen Victoria (hence the name) in 1856 and since that time only 1354 have been issued.

    The highest number awarded in any one engagement was for gallantry during the action at Rorkes drift on Wednesday and Thursday January 22-23 1879 when a total of eleven were awarded. The allocation was:

    7 to the officers and men of the 2nd Battalion 24th Warwickshire Regiment of Foot
    1 to the Army Medical Department
    1 to the Royal Engineers (I assume if the film is any thing to go by this was for the commanding officer Lt John Chard)
    1 to the Commissariat & Transport Department
    I to the Natal Native Contingent.

    Three men have won two Victoria Crosses



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Ringo

    In Portsmouth you will find the Royal Marines Museum it used to be the main officers quarters of the Royal Marine Barracks. In the Medal Section there are many of the Victoria Crosses awarded to the Royal Marines over the years.

    Portsmouth is an hours train ride from London and if you ever get to London and want to see some of these places including Southwark House where D Day was planned and the original map is still on the wall, the Submarine Museum and many more, give us a shout.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hello Arthur, thank you for the extra information. I like to call myself a student on the battle of Roarkes Drift and the man who got their V.C's there. The movie Zulu, did a nice job of telling part of their story.

    You are quite right in that the V.C's are made from the Bronze from captured cannon. I think this metal is kept as a huge block in a vault in London if i'm not mistaken.

    Also, many many medals were stolen out of that Museum about a year ago. Danr shame for the theft but, that is also a slap in the faces of all the men who earned those awards. The awards will never see daylight again.

    I don't know if you have ever heard of the Uboat Commander Erich Topp or not but, a few years ago, a similar thing happened to him as well. A few people were in his home posing as a news team and they stole his solid gold honor daggger that was presented to him by Grand Admiral Erich Raeder and Admiral Karl Donitz. The thieves also took the Knights Cross that his crew had made for him--before he got the official award.

    Back to the 24th Regiment of Foot. Its popularly believed that the regiment was made up mainly of men from Wales, but that was not the case.

    Forever more, Captain Annand will be a personal hero of mine as is Audie Murphy.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hi Ringo -

    Audie Murphy was one of my favorites also and not just because of his valor in WWII. It was a shame he had to die so young - an airplane crash, as I recall. I'm glad that we have the Audie Murphy Veterans' Hospital here in San Antonio. It does make for a good tribute.

    Best of the holiday season -

    Jay :newyear:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Carl,

    That was very interesting, and I admire your tribute of Captain Richard Wallace Annand V.C. I again am sorry for our lost treasure in this world. It seems that almost all the heros of that era are gone, and I just hope that we truly appreciate their contribution for the freedom and elimination of the evil. Even though I was not around at the time of WWII, I know that we owe a lot to those who were fighting, and helping out for our fighting men.

    I also thank Arthur for the followup information as well. I feel like I received a great history lesson. Just don't quiz me! :mellow:

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • :cowboy: Hello Jay/Hondo D.W.

    Jay, as far back as I can remember, Audie was always the top hero in my family. I never have visited the Vets hospital named for him but I have always wanted to go there. Some of those vets can really use some cheering up this time of year. In about a year or so, I am hoping to move to San Antonio, and I will be interested in visiting with the vets there.

    By the way, if you do not know it already and if you have heard of them, guess who lives in San Antonio? Clue: If you have heard of the Flying Tigers, the man who commanded the 2nd Flying Tiger Squadrion (The Panda Bears) lives in Sna Antonio. He is retired: Brig Gen David Lee "Tex" Hill. He attends gun and militaria shows as well as a few other famous WWII vets. I have a nice 8x10 photo signed by him when I met him in Feb 2002. Oh and, he is listed in the phone book and also does not mind chatting with people on the phone.

    Hondo, thank you for the nice compliment. Captain Annand V.C. is a treasure that has been lost. His passing really hit me hard but I am comforted that he is in a much better place. I'm trying to get more details on what he passed away from and Funeral details. So far I have only seen obituaries from a few publications by searching in Google.

    Strangely enough, the Victoria Cross site still has him as living. Also, there are now less than 12 men awarded the V.C. still living. This encludes WWII vets as well as Vietnam vets and men who earned the V.C. in other actions. There are about 125 American Medal of Honor Recipients still living, and about 700 Knights Cross recipients still living.

    You are correct though. As of 2001, WWII vets were passing away at the rate of 7,000 per week. This info was given to me by the Command Chaplain of the U.S. Air Force--who had presided over the services for my Uncle. Now I understand that over 10, 000 WWII vets pass away each day (and this is only speaking of American vets and not all vets world wide, lumped in together.

    I'd be glad to give anyone a quiz on WWII, anyday.

    Best regards to you--Carl (TRK)

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote

    I'd be glad to give anyone a quiz on WWII, anyday

    That sounds like fun ringo. I have been alittle displaced from my WW2 knowledge, but me and a buddy back in high school(20 years ago) were big WW2 nuts. He still maintains allot of knowledge, but, I have been busy in the recent years with family things.

    If you want, pick a time and date and see if anyone would be interested. And then we can go from there.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi Ringo

    Captain Annand's Obituary is included in todays Independent newspaper. I covers half a page. If you are interested send me your address and I will post it off to you.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • :cowboy: Hello Viper/Arthur,

    Viper, I will look forward to doing a quiz with you and anyone interested. How about lets starting it during the first week of January. I have some personal business to attend to which hopefully will not take more time that I am hoping and then we can go from there. I will be back here Mon 3rd (LORD willing)

    Arthur, thank you for the offer, i will send you my address. I greatly appreciate this and owe you one.

    Take care and best regards--TRK.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • :( He was:

    George Dewey Perkins of Louisiana. He was America's oldest living WWI USMC veteran. He passed away at the young age of 107.

    Rest in Peace Sir.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Sorry to hear it. It's very sad when we lose a living link with history.

    I noticed during the Superbowl pregame that a lot of the WWII vets are getting older and older, and I thought that someday there'll be a day when we'll hear about the last one dying. My dad can remember being a kid in the '50s and hearing about the death of the last Civil War vet! Now that's hard for me to imagine!

  • :cowboy: Hi Jen, I agree with you. It is very sad to lose such a link with past history as Mr. Perkins was.

    However, I just came across this today which lifted my spirits a bit. If you recall that series done by HBO called: Band of Brothers--which was about Easy Company in the 101st Para Division. It was centered around a person named Dick Winters.

    Well, I found his official website today which also has mailing contact info. His website is: Major Richard (Dick) Winters Website.

    He was nominated for the Medal of Honor but never awarded it. Now there is a movement out there that many people are supporting that is trying to help him get this award. I will be mailing out my letter of support to him by weeks end. I sure hope he gets this award that he so well deserves.

    Best regards--TRK.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • That is sad news. It's nice to hear that he lived such a long life! That's great!
    He also passed away with such honor.
    Prayers to his family,

  • Very sad! I have to agree with The Ringo Kid above and say...

    Rest in peace Sir! Our respect and gratitude is with you!

    -duker777- (Chris)

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them."
    --John Wayne as John Bernard Books "THE SHOOTIST" (1976)--

  • Quote

    Originally posted by The Ringo Kid@Dec 30 2004, 03:27 PM
    By the way, if you do not know it already and if you have heard of them, guess who lives in San Antonio? Clue: If you have heard of the Flying Tigers, the man who commanded the 2nd Flying Tiger Squadrion (The Panda Bears) lives in Sna Antonio. He is retired: Brig Gen David Lee "Tex" Hill.


    Hi Ringo -
    Tex Hill has been a busy guy this spring - I count at least three events he has been involved in here. So he does remain quite active, at least here locally.
    By the way, hope you are feeling better. Noted your post last week that you were under the weather. What is the saying - "feed a fever ...?" :lol: Anyway, best wishes that you are back to your usual self soon.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • hi ringo

    sorry to hear that you have been under the weather but if you are ever feeling like that again you could try lemon and whiskey ( you place the lemon on the foot of your bed and you drink the whiskey and when you see two lemons you know you have drunk enough to kill it :lol: ) or you could warn the lemon juice and add it to some whiskey this will depend on you.

    hope you are better now

    cheers amokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • hi jay

    the lemon is necessary only if you want to say you had lemon and whiskey :D
    but its still fun trying :lol:

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"