The Horse Soldiers (1959)

There are 229 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 223,850 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • This movie is one of the lesser team efforts by Duke and Pappy, I still enjoy the fool out of it but it's lacking something that was present in their earlier pairings. I prefer Donovan's Reef over this one. However the Chemistry between Holden and Wayne is great. And of course how could I neglect to mention the wonderful, and eternally old Hank Worden, he livened up many a film .

  • In the scene where the children are marching to attack, wasn't that based on a true story?

    And as far as the Bing Russell posts go, that was good info as I never knew he was Kurt's father.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Quote

    Based on the true story of Col. Benjamin H. Grierson. In the Spring of 1863, Grierson left bases in northern Mississippi, taking 1,700 troopers with him. According to Bruce Catton, Grierson "drove through central Mississippi, tearing up railroads and upsetting [Confederate General] Pemberton's troop deployments before reaching Union-held Baton Rouge."

    I can't say about the children's academy scene being true. To me it seems a bit far fetched.

  • The children's academy scene was necessary to reinforce the anti-war theme of this movie. I have always enjoyed The Horse Soldiers, mainly because of the excellent William Holden who was great in everything from The Wild Bunch and Network to Damien II! It's certainly less dated than any of the Cavalry Trilogy. Wayne gave an underrated performnace, I think it would have been more effective if his character had been seen to get killed at the end.


  • I can't agree that Cavalry trilogy is dated. It is true classic. Horse Soldiers is one of my all time favorites too, even if it is often less regarded as other Ford movies.

  • Hi everyone,
    Around 1975 still CD has not spread generally, i purchased the Record
    that an original sound track recording of The Horse Soldiers.
    this LP was suddenly released in Japan through United Artists Recording.
    The score by David Buttolph is a clever use of Civil War standards and
    orijinal compostions.
    A side list is 1 Dixie 2I Left My Love 3 Lorena 4 Bonnie Blue Flag 5 I Left My Love
    6When Jonny Comes Marching Home.
    B side is 1Bonnie Blue Flag 2 The Girl I Left Behind 3 Deep River-Lorena 4Kingdom Coming 5 Tenting Tonight 6By the Campfire 7 When Jonny Comes Marching.

    When I sometimes hear this record,I lomg for this movie.
    sorry,i attached wrong photo,but nice photo.
    below this,record jacket photo.


  • Another movie I need to purchase on DVD to replace my VHS version

    Excellent cavalry movie, William Holden was in a great part, and I enjoyed the 'irratation' between him and Duke

    The look on Dukes face when at the southern ladies house when Duke and his officers are enjoying a meal and she is rattling on about how romantic it must be being a train driver and Duke growled back that he was an engineer - memorable :teeth_smile:

    Ding-dong, ding-dong !!!

  • Here is an example of the book and comic about the movie. They were both put out by Dell, the first is the book, second is the comic. Enjoy!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Mark,Thanks for your rare pictuers.

    Here is another one. It's japanese press sheet for The Horse Soldiers. Enjoy.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • You know, H.sanada...I'm really starting to envy you your collection. You have a lot of very nice Duke related mememtos. I don't have any movie posters, but I do have a few Press Books in my collection. We all have a little collector in us, don't we? :wink_smile:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • You know, H.sanada...I'm really starting to envy you your collection. You have a lot of very nice Duke related mememtos. I don't have any movie posters, but I do have a few Press Books in my collection. We all have a little collector in us, don't we? :wink_smile:


    In the world,there must be a moe terrible collector.and i had never met JW besides
    on screen.(so,i envy W.T.Brooks or others in USA )
    However, I'll introduce my little collection as much as i can to young JWMB members
    who have common interest.It's my pleasure.

    Well,as you teached me ,i put my photo in "My gallery" and link it in my post.
    But, photo is not seen, linked underline is just seen. i cant figure out. why?


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • I'll try to explain how I do it. It may not be the correct way, but it works. I go to the picture I want to add from my gallery, and highlight (double-click on) the address next to the BB Code IMG slot. Then I click "copy" and go back to the post I am working on and click on the "Add Photo Icon" in the menue bar and paste the address in the space provided. Now here's the trick...the address will look something like this...

    What I do is delete the [img] in front and the [img/] in the back of the address. Then when you ok the popup, the picture will appear in your post. I hope this helps.

    If there is an easier way that another member knows of, jump in and let us know. I'm always looking to learn.:teeth_smile:


    P.S. I just learned something while attempting to show you how to do this. If you just cut and paste the address directly with the [img] and [img/] intact into the post, the picture appears as it should when you post it. Hmmm. Try it either way, H.sanada and one or the other should work. I hope I didn't confuse you.

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello Mark,
    Thanks for your kind explain how to use my photos.
    i did successfully.Thank you so much.
    However ,my photo of The Horse Soldiers is too large?
    i'm surprised.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~