The Shootist (1976)

There are 179 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 260,479 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • I could be wrong, but I don't remember the word bs in this movie. But it won't hurt if I watch it again just to be sure. The Shootist was (is) one of my favorites.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • John Bernards old flame calls him one.

    The milk delivery man warns Duke at the start of the movie 'Yea I'm talking to you you dumb b*****d, I said move it or I'll deliver you something to remember me by.

    John Bernard told said to the sheriff, 'Your the longest winded b*****d I ever listened to.



  • I read in Emmanuel Levy's book on John Wayne that Paul Newman and George C Scott were both offered the role of JB Book's before John Wayne.

    Paul Newman passed on the role and George C Scott wanted too many changes made to the script.

    The winning choice of Duke was also added to the fact that they could use footage from his old movies in the credits to show the life of J B Books.


  • I have had this book for a year now but I have yet to read it, maybe cause it's very difficult for me to watch this movie. I watched my Granddad go through pretty much the same thing with his cancer and I have a hard time watching this without thinking about him. But I have to say that this film was the best way for him to end his career, regardless of the fact that he never viewed this as his swan song. But what a beautiful swan song it was, and the perfect epitaph to a legendary career.

  • Hi,
    I love this movie, even if it makes me cry everytime I watch it. I think that is because you know that in real life that he is fighting cancer. But there again, that is the person he was, and that is why he is loved so much!

  • Hi everyone
    This movie is one of my fayorites.
    and for a lomg time, I have one question.
    I wonder what brand of whisky(may be bourbon?) which on the bar counter
    in this movie's scene?
    this whisky's label mark looks like clover.

    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • sanda,

    I will have to pull out my copy of The Shootist and watch it to see if we can answer your question, but in the meantime, I would like to welcome you to the John Wayne Message Board!

    As far as I know, you are our first and only member from Japan. You've expanded our scope to another continent!

    We hope you will take a moment and introduce yourself to us in the Newbie Forum.

    Again, WELCOME!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • I echo the above, but to add,
    I see the Whiskey bottle, with sort of a yellowish label,
    but can't read it.

    Perhaps our whiskey drinking friends in the States,
    will sober up enough, to tell us!!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • chester777
    Thank you for your invitation to newbie forum.
    and I hope american whisky friend will teach me that whisky brand name.

    I effort to introduce myself in the newbie forum, but my ability of english speaking
    or writing is so poor. please forgive me my odd expression,miss spelling.

    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • Just watched this the other night. I was amazed at the amount of exceptional actors involved. A high quality production all the way around. And Duke's acting was terrific. This was one of the few times that Ron Howard appeared before the cameras (after "The Andy Griffith Show") before going on to directing, and his acting abilities were paramount too. Loved Harry Morgan as he portrayed his character's exuberance on hearing of Books' cancer.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Jay I agree with you Completly, and think this was one of Duke's Best Films. And how could you beat The Cast ! Most of the Main Cast had ask to be in the Film with Duke, because I think they all knew this would be one of His Last Film, and they were Right !!!

  • The Shootist is a brilliant movie and a wonderful Epitaph to a long and wonderful career.

    If Paramount had spent more time marketing it rather than King Kong Duke would have got a second Oscar.


  • Sanada,
    Most of the Bottles in the Films are made of what was Called "Candy Glass" and would Break But Would Not Cut You. It was Made of the same thing as the Windows Glass that You See Them Breaking in the Films !
    The Labels on the Bottles were "Called No Name Labels" and made up for the Films so that They would not Get in Trouble With the Companys that Make The Real Stuff !!!


  • Thank you Brooks
    No name Labels,regrettably i understand.

    and one more question.
    His last day,J.B.Books said a greeting to little lady in the streetcar.
    by japanese subtitle,it was "I hope you will meet a good young man "
    but a restriction of transrate that three word by a second we can read,
    subtitles are not seldom uncorrect.

    I heard that line is "I sure hope you have right to welcome a star"
    want what Books said ?
    Best regards,


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~