How's The Weather

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  • Hi Smokey, ill see if I have some "pull" with the good Lord on that one ;-))

    We finally got some decent rain last night-near 2 inches in most places. It was just 79 F about an hour ago but is now already back into the mid 90s F >;-(( I have yet to step outside to see how bad the humidity is but will be doing so in about 45 mins.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • We finally got some decent rain last night-near 2 inches in most places. It was just 79 F about an hour ago but is now already back into the mid 90s F >;-(( I have yet to step outside to see how bad the humidity is but will be doing so in about 45 mins.

    Yeah Carl - We got an inch and a half :hyper: at the San Antonio International Airport, which was the most in a 24-hour period since Sept.6 and 7 of last year. The temp was 89 F., a change of 10 F from what we have been having. And a lot of humidity!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Yeah Carl - We got an inch and a half :hyper: at the San Antonio International Airport, which was the most in a 24-hour period since Sept.6 and 7 of last year. The temp was 89 F., a change of 10 F from what we have been having. And a lot of humidity!

    Hi Jay, my brother claimed it was mid 60s at about 6:30 am. I got up briefly to feed Shasta--the Cat, looked outside and was gloriously solid overcast. I laid back down while watching local weather-said then was 79 and more possible rain.

    I got back up about 11am? saw the weather again and it was already 94. Clouds mostly gone. I left for my walk after that and the humidity was awful feeling like I was walking around after jumping into a pool wearing my clothes. I absolutely despise this kind of weather.

    I got to the bus stop I walk to which is about 27 minutes walk from the house-to make sure I get my exercise in-I was raining sweat. The bus ride I take to WM-the long way-normally takes about 30 minutes-I do so so I can dry off. Well, I was still sweating when I got to wm.

    This late afternoon wasnt so bad. More clouds than morning and the humidity was noticeably down but I still sweated buckets of water for my 30 minute walk back to the house.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • below zero again and stayed cool all day long my hot coffe was like an iced coffee within 5 mins this morning cant wait for summer to be here

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Not as bad today as two days ago and about the same as yesterday. At least we have gained 1-2 minutes of night since the 22nd-it WILL only get better from here on in.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • getting 7C tonight so they say and 22C during the day at least the day is warm dont like anything below 20C will be glad when summer is here and i hope we have a hot dry one this time round

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • overcast this afternoon with a few spots of rain, cold again tonight only a couple of more months of this hope it will be over by august.

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"