overcast but dry,
How's The Weather
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Dreary but no rain and warmer.
Still warm but not as bad as it was. Fall officially arrives Saturday Morning circa about 9:30AM and im counting down the hours till this lousy summer comes to an end.
Still warm but not as bad as it was. Fall officially arrives Saturday Morning circa about 9:30AM and im counting down the hours till this lousy summer comes to an end.
Ditto, Carl.
A better day than expected, some sunshine, but now chilly
sunny day but chilly
Woke this morning to torrential rain, great!!!
Jeez, does it ever stop raining in this country!
Been away a week, just back and it hasn't stopped. -
Ditto, Carl.
Hi Jay.
Its now Fall, but, it's still broiling hot. I almost passed out from the heat both yesterday and again today--while out walking.
Jeez, does it ever stop raining in this country!
Been away a week, just back and it hasn't stopped.
Peter, you are kidding! -
overcast but dry,
Wait until you see tomorrow. Bring your wellies and umbrella!!
Thank goodness it is cool tonight. My 10 year old fan just died today. Sure hope it stays cool! KP
I never stopped pouring with rain all night long, sometimes torrential.
Today is looking the same -
Keith, are you at risk for flooding if it keeps up?
Stay safe!
Keith, are you at risk for flooding if it keeps up?
Stay safe!
No Jim, I live by the sea, but no flood problems,
thanks for asking -
Hot and humid--as per standard procedure around here.
Started off sunny, but now dull and uninspiring
Sounds like a lot of Tom Cruise movies I've seen!
it's raining today