How's The Weather

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  • Ill trade you ours for yours in a heart beat if the Lord would allow it? We are still over 10 inches below our normal rainfall for the year.

    Still hot too--but slightly less humidity.

    I guess somewhere in between would be a good compromise!
    Here once again a gloomy day

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I guess somewhere in between would be a good compromise!
    Here once again a gloomy day

    Its a wonder how the U.K--isnt under the waves by now like Atlantis with all the rains you all get.

    Back to mid summer high temps. I sweated a bucket of water today just walking the some 6-8 blocks back and fourth from the Laundry mat to do my clothes. I hate sweating for such a short period being outside. Looking VERY forward to the ""Cold Front"" were supposed to get in sometime Friday. Sat and Sundays walks will be great--and no darned sweaters, jackets or windbreakers. Im going T-shirt and shorts.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Its a wonder how the U.K--isnt under the waves by now like Atlantis with all the rains you all get.

    Back to mid summer high temps. I sweated a bucket of water today just walking the some 6-8 blocks back and fourth from the Laundry mat to do my clothes. I hate sweating for such a short period being outside. Looking VERY forward to the ""Cold Front"" were supposed to get in sometime Friday. Sat and Sundays walks will be great--and no darned sweaters, jackets or windbreakers. Im going T-shirt and shorts.

    Sometimes it feels like we are underwater the amount of rain we get!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Forgot to mention, hot and sunny here few clouds to be seen. Allegedly the cold front is to be here sometime early Friday morning. Looking forward to it IF it happens............

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I seem to have a Hurricane heading in my direction. "Sandy" is headed up the east coast and will make a sharp left into my state, Maryland. They are expecting major damage and power outages all up the northeast coast. It will hit here Monday night, so wish us luck!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • The temperatures last night dived to freezing,
    the same today, but it is a beautiful, but cold sunny day

    Pretty similar here 6 degrees out, centigrade that is before you Stateside folks have a heart attack! Thankfully clouds have gone.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"