How's The Weather

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  • In the 80s today and only down to the mid 50s tonight.....No fire.
    Next three days in low 30s at night......wood will be a going in the fireplace, LOL!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well the weather news in colorado is snow,snow and a chance of snow... It's been pretty windy the last few days with the highs in the mountains staying in the 20's and below zero at night. Today was 22 and the low is to be -10 deg. You can set a glass of water out in a cup and come back in and hour and it's frozen!!! But that's colorado. Happy veteran's day to all my current and semi retired pals. I don't say retired because i have never meet any one who is really retired! Adios

    That'll Be the Day!

  • Been warm the last three days....rained a bit last night. This morning was nice but got colder as the day went on. Started up the fireplace about 5pm, was getting quite chilly in here. Low on stout logs, but have plenty of older ones.....Might have to get up a lot during the night, but should stay warm....only going down to about 30 degrees. PUT ANOTHER LOG ON THE FIRE, lol! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Let one dog out at 3:30 am.....not bad outside. Another at 6am...still Ok. Let them back in at 7 and there was a heavy frost and COLD.....glad the fireplace was going! Cold and clear for the next few days.......need some NEW firewood, mine is great for STARTING the fire, but had to get up about 8 times in the night to KEEP IT GOING, LOL!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE