How's The Weather

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  • You guys are killing me!!!! We just got almost 2 feet of snow and I bought a snowmobile. Let it be winter just a couple more weeks!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • What's that old axiom about "a man and his toys"? :wink_smile:

    The one who dies with the most, wins!!!!

    Incidentally, I put on close the 300 miles over 2 days on the new snowmobile. Fun! Fun! Fun!!:hyper: :jump:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Well what a difference a week makes. We were so hot last week, and now we are only reaching 53F with gusty winds of 25 mph. Tonight with a calm wind we are going down to 28F. A little warmer tomorrow about 63. But we are sunny for the most part of the week.

    Still getting through the storms of the week. And I do have a friend who lives in Enterprise, AL. He is fine, and so is his family. Daughter is in high school and she was there at the time of the storm. The big storms that hit the high school and downtown. The storm destroyed his home along with 742 other homes in town.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hate to hear that Hondo. We had our share of that storm last week ourselves and there are people who went homeless, but I haven't heard of any deaths so I guess we can be thankful for that.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • WE got a huge line of thunderstorms in early this morning. Last night in counties nor and west of mine, they were under a tornado watch. Were allegedly supposed to get more rains in today (have not seen any since noon) and aslo tomorrow and part of Wednesday.

    Its cooler and overcast--my absolute favorite kind of day.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..