How's The Weather

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  • Hey Stumpy, we were in the nineties earlier this week and now, we're supposed to be down to freezing tonight.

    That sounds like the typical Texas weather situation. We have a saying, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute" and there's a lot of truth in it.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It also sounds like pneumonia season too. I had a long weekend and I wanted to do a lot of things outside, but I can't stand the freezing cold.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Well I'm not complaining but we sure need the rain. It actually snowed in Mobile, AL. yesterday morning. Didn't stick, but they saw snow in the air. There is a Low pressure in the Gulf of Mexico and it happen to hit the area Sunday morning. But we on land are getting the wind and chill with this cold snap.

    You're not kidding with the swings in temps. Last month we were record highs and around 90 which is unheard of and now we are freezing in April with record lows. I guess we call this global warming?

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • This is supposed to be a picture of a park bench beside St. James Lake in Minnesota. Is that anywhere near you, Todd?

    This is roughly 120 miles west of me. I live NE of Rochester,MN(Home of Mayo Clinic). And we are about 13 miles from the Mississippi River. I was born and raised in Albert Lea, MN so I know of the city and the lake.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I was born and raised in Albert Lea, MN so I know of the city and the lake.

    Man, Albert Lea looks like it has about 7 or 8 of those 10,000 lakes in the immediate vicinity. And it looks like your hometown of Plainview is roughly the size of the town I live in (about 3,000 population).

    Are any of you folks aware of this web site? It's fascinating because you can type a geographical location into the search engine and it will give you a bird's eye (actually a satellite) view of the place. You can zoom in and out and actually pick out individual structures (or at least their roofs). A friend of mine clued me in about the site a few weeks ago and I've had a lot of fun "flying" over the earth's surface exploring new and unknown places (such as Albert Lea and Plainview, MN). You can even save the views to your Documents folder. I saved a view from about 500 feet of my sister's house and the surrounding area and emailed to her. Blew her cotton-pickin' mind. :omg_smile:

    Not all areas have good resolution. You can buy a copy of the software that'll give better resolution but the freeware is good enough for my purposes.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Thank you Stumpy for that site. I have heard a lot about that site and wanted it for awhile, but never knew where to get it. I have checked out my house as well as some of my friends.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Man, Albert Lea looks like it has about 7 or 8 of those 10,000 lakes in the immediate vicinity. And it looks like your hometown of Plainview is roughly the size of the town I live in (about 3,000 population).

    Are any of you folks aware of this web site? It's fascinating because you can type a geographical location into the search engine and it will give you a bird's eye (actually a satellite) view of the place. You can zoom in and out and actually pick out individual structures (or at least their roofs). A friend of mine clued me in about the site a few weeks ago and I've had a lot of fun "flying" over the earth's surface exploring new and unknown places (such as Albert Lea and Plainview, MN). You can even save the views to your Documents folder. I saved a view from about 500 feet of my sister's house and the surrounding area and emailed to her. Blew her cotton-pickin' mind. :omg_smile:

    Not all areas have good resolution. You can buy a copy of the software that'll give better resolution but the freeware is good enough for my purposes.

    Stumpy, yes. the town I live in now is about 3,000 people. Both my wife and I work in Rochester. I work for IBM and my wife is a nurse at the Mayo Clinic.

    Albert Lea is basically built around a lake, Fountain Lake. It also has a lake connected to it called, appropriately, Albert Lea Lake. Here is some info if anyone is interested in Albert Lea and its history. .

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • A few days ago we were struggling to reach 35 degrees. Today we are in the mid to upper 80's. Each day we jumped at least 20 degrees warmer. Clear skies, moderate winds, lots-a humidity.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Had a line of thunderstorms pass through last night with potential for tornadic winds. Fortunately, all we got here were some sporadic marble-size hail.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi Jay, at least you guys got some rain. We were promised rain but, never got any. At least were not so humid today as we were yesterday.

    Oh and, this weekend here in CC land, we have an airshow and the Blue Angels are here.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..