Blood Alley (1955)

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  • My understanding is Boggy was on set with Bacall for the shoot. Did he normally do this;for watching the screen you could see the spark between Bacall and Duke. Jealous, wary maybe?
    In The Shootist years later the spark is still there between them.

  • Okay ya'll, tonight it is bag-O-popcorn number two and Blood Alley. Looking forward to seeing this one as well, as I have never watched it before. I shall give my report soon after. LOL! *so excited*

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • not a great film but enjoyable.duke and bacall worked well should have been a much better film with a good cast and a good director in william wellman.

  • I've been so busy I forgot to post my report. LOL! I thought this movie was a little slow and would liked to have seen a little more action. I too liked the chemistry with Becall and Duke, I think they played well off of each other. I have always enjoyed her films as well. I did, as usual, like the comic aspect of Duke's acting, which he gave little glimpses of throughout. Not a favorite, but I am glad to have it in my "little" collection.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on."

  • I thought the Duke did a good job with this role! Although I too think Bogart would probably have done better. I liked it!

  • If anyone has a good clear close pic of Lauren and Duke in this, I would love to copy it. Want to do a sketch of them in this and on the same page together in The Shootist! Thanks, Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE