The Quiet Man (1952)

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  • My Wife and I went to Ireland, did the Quiet Man tour of Cong. We loved it. They have recreated the little house in Cong. We didn't go to this sight though to see the original white O' Morn . We hoped to go back again someday.
    Saw both videos, this one is the best, with the music.
    We bought the music Three? years ago. Played it several times a year. Thanks to John Ford for all of this and the wonderful movie with Duke and Maureen. All the actors recreated Ireland in the 1920's for us. My favorite John Wayne movie.
    God Bless Ireland as they headlong down hill in the modern hell we are letting happen to the great Western countries.
    While interloping scum come here to make the U.S. a picture of hell itself.
    Hopefully we stop this downhill slide in the U.S. in 2016.

    Watch the video with music: White O' Morn with music.

    The original White O' Morn is not the white house we see at first, but the pile of rocks later.
    Many have come and taken rocks away. This area is privately owned. There was an effort years ago
    to restore this place, but the land owner didn't cooperate.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • Time to update something about this movie.One of the best movie's ever made.
    I have written on this somewhere on this site before, but not sure where. I watch this every once in a while. I love it.I have it in blue ray and 2-3 three other DVd's. I loan them, or give them to friends and relatives.
    My wife and I went to Ireland in 2007, went to most of the places it was shot.
    Then some of you have posted your videos, some with music. I bought "the Quiet Man" music, and have bought several other albums of Irish music.
    I give John Ford credit for great music in most of his movies.
    When we were in Ireland i actually considered buying a little cottage and going once in a while. The only problem i have with Irish customs are, i can't drink like they do. lol!
    Now you folks, put your memories of this film on here. You people over there in Europe, if you go post something on here.
    May God richly bless you all.
    Also check american singer Hank Cochran, he had an Irish album, that is wonderful.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited 2 times, last by colkid60 ().

  • Came upon a documentary "John Ford - Dreaming the Quiet Man" by Se Merry Doyle from 2010. Nothing very new in it but it did take you around Ireland and show you where things were filmed. I liked it.

  • Lasbugas- The picture above is so good. Maureen and Duke were so young looking there. Just beautiful.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • Kevin- about going to Ireland. You live in Atlanta you are already half way there. :)
    You can get a direct flight to Ireland from Atlanta.
    Throw some clothes in the suit case and tell us in September 2017 about your trip.
    You will never regret it.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60 ().

  • OMG I love this movie. My family is from Ireland and Wales. JW and Maureen O'Hara are two of my favorite actors and actresses. I love the way that they played in McLintock and in Big Jake also. John Wayne has always been my hero. He reminded me so much of my daddy. They are both big men and they don't take no crap off of anybody. My daddy raised me to have respect for myself and respect for others and John Wayne was the same kind of man. Their hands were big enough to hold u and protect u. I miss them both very much.

  • Welcome to the board, Sheilah06. Maureen and Duke did have that chemistry on film, for sure. And they were close friends off camera as well.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Time to bring this movie up to the front.
    One of the best movies in my history. I watch it at least once a year.
    I am sorry to see the "dukewayne" sight so quiet. It was so lively 10
    years ago.
    Sometimes i am in a store talking to a young clerk, say something
    about John Wayne. Then i realize they probably don't know him.
    I ask them and sometimes they say my dad or grandpa loved him and
    i have watched some of his movies with them.
    I am 76 now and lived through much of the golden age of movies.
    Now I can see most of them on TV or computer or other sources.
    I probably own 250 movies. Including the original Duke's Alamo.
    I bought the disc of it and had it copied to DVD. Them I bought 4
    or 5 other discs because they are so beautiful covers and older ones
    have lobby cards in them.
    God Bless you all and all of the once busy people on this website who
    have left us, hopefully for greener pastures in Heaven.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower