The Quiet Man (1952)

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  • But that doesn't make sense to say that She is the best man ! Watch how Mrs. Playfair looks at her when she says the line, like she knows that Mildred said the wrong word.

  • lenrehn,

    Thanks for your response. The only thing that had me wondering about the Connemara Pony is that I notice the horse in the movie has feathers and I haven't seen feathers on the hooves of Connemaras I have seen. I wonder if there would be any way to contact John Daly to find out.


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • But that doesn't make sense to say that She is the best man ! Watch how Mrs. Playfair looks at her when she says the line, like she knows that Mildred said the wrong word.


    You have misunderstood the scene, Mildred was imitating the Squire and Mrs Playfair was looking at her with that expression secretly knowing that despite her protests at the wedding she fancied the Squire.



  • You make me curious so I most check it up in the Quiet Man transcript and here is the lines from the first bar scene.
    - Sean Thornton, the men of Inisfree bid you welcome home.
    - Thank you.
    - “And the men of Inisfree bid you welcome home.” What’s wrong with that little speech?
    - Oh, you’d be knowing what.
    - I’m a man from Inisfree, and the best man. And I bid no welcome to a man fool enough to pay 1000 pounds for a bit of land that isn’t worth 200!

    And this is what Widow Tillane and Mrs Playfair is saying in that window scene and that is a reference to that first scene.
    - I hope that Thornton beats him senseless.
    - He’s a married man, Sarah.
    - Who cares about him? It’s that big bully concerns me. “I'm the best man in Inisfree”. As if I didn’t know that.

  • Hi Lt. Brannigan.
    For me and many others is The Quiet Man a spectacular piece in every way, the cinematography, the score, the acting, the script, the scenery and directing. You are telling us that Pappy wasn't really a good person though, but don’t forget that nearly all actors loved him and could nearly do anything like go through fire and water for him, like The Duke, Ward Bond, Ms O’Hara, Victor McLaglen, Barry Fitzgerald and his brother Arthur Shields. For me and I hope some more is The Quiet Man the best movie ever made and I love that movie and have translated every scene and line to my language. I have not 106 John Wayne movies but there is something over 65 movies.

  • Pappy could be a bit of an old Devil but he was a genius filmaker and his heart was in right place.

    I think he really needed a good kick up the behind every so often but apart from Duke's introductory football tackle he didnt get too many.


  • I am quite aware that all of Pappy's crew would go through hell and back again fro him, but at times from what I have read he abused that a little to much. But then again I would like to point we are only hearing about the type of person he was, well after the fact so it could very well be exaggerated.

  • He seemed to be a two people at times in that he was capable of great kindness yet he could cut somebody off for years for some remark or imaginatory comment.

    Ford was an gifted and talented filmaker but those who stayed with him over the years and experienced his moods must have had their patience tested at times.


  • The June 6 1952 was that a Gala Premiere on Adelphi Theatre in Dublin. The movie they show for their audience was just one of the world’s most disused movies and today is that 65 years back in the time. I will reply Father Peter Lonergan. Hip, hip, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray for Ms O’Hara and the movie

  • As I've mentioned elsewhere, occasionally some of the Film Facts duplicate information Keith has shared earlier in the thread. I have found new information in each set of Film Facts I've posted so far, though.

    Thanks to Clive Woollands for allowing me to share his Film Facts here at the JWMB!

    Here We go then, another Film Fact, this time from one of my very favourites, The Quiet Man.

    Producers: Merian C. Cooper, G.B. Forbes, John Ford, L.T. Rossa.
    Screenplay: Frank S. Nugent (Original story by Maurice Walsh).
    Cinematographer: Winton C. Hoch. Art Director: Frank Hotaling.
    Composer: Victor Young. Editor: Jack Murray. Distribution: Republic
    Pictures Corporation. Location: County Mayo, Ireland. Cost of
    production: $1.75 million. Box office takings (US): $3,800,000. Date
    of production: 1951.

    The Quiet man was nominated for 7 Oscars. It eventually took home 2 Academy Awards; Best Cinematography for Winton C. Hoch and John Ford's 4th (and last) best director award.

    Herbert Yates insisted that the film run no more than 120 minutes, but Ford's cut clocked in at 129 minutes. He screened his cut for Republic Pictures executives; they were enjoying it hugely and just getting ready for the big final fight to start when Ford stopped the film bang on 120 minutes. Ford turned to Yates: "I couldn't figure out how to cut 9 minutes without ruining it, so I figured, what the hell? Why knock myself out? I just cut out the fight and got it down to 120 minutes". Yates got the point. The movie was released as 129 minutes.

    The original opening had Sean Thornton chatting to a woman and achild on the train, with the child giving Sean an apple. The scene was cut, but in the finished version Sean is still holding the apple when he gets off the train.

    Wayne gives a great performance, but he didn't find it easy. "For nine weeks I was playing straight man to those wonderful characters," he said, "And that's really hard. Wayne's 4 children came with him to Ireland for the shoot. They make an appearance in the finished film. They're the children sitting on the cart with Mary Kate Danaher as she watches the horse race.

  • Here can you read a short quote from “In the Footstep of The Quiet Man” by Gerry McNee about that production cost in Ireland.

    Herbert Yates had agreed a budget of $1,7 million for The Quiet Man but very quickly returned to his old ways, complaining about the script and the casting. Ford, who had worked with the top studios, was becoming more and more exasperated and John Wayne was growing unhappy in the knowledge he had got his friend and mentor involved with someone like Yates.
    During pre-production in Hollywood, Yates threw another spanner in the works by summoning Wayne to his office and telling him the film would damage his career. He told Wayne he wanted nothing to do with it and would not be responsible for the consequences. He insisted it was the wrong type of movie for Wayne, even though he knew the part had been specially written with the actor in mind. Yates, who had made part of his fortune from the button industry, tobacco trade and some shrewd dealing on Wall Street passing day his paranoia grew and he convinced himself that Ford had sold him what he constantly referred to as “a phoney arthouse movie.” The drama heightened considerably when Yates, who had sweated over an injection of $1,5 million into Rio Grande, became apoplectic about his latest outlay and went back on his word to Ford. He demanded the budget be trimmed but the director had already cut it to near enough the bone. This prompted the following telegram from Ford to Wayne, who was having his first holiday in years: “After much fuss and feathers, much wrangling, fist-fights and harsh words, the budget is set excepting, of course, for your salary, which you will have to take up when you get back. I’m a nervous wreck.”
    But his cherished film was still in danger and Ford turned to his friend Wayne who, after years of battling with Yates, had succeeded in getting a percentage of Republic box-office profits, and asked him to settle a flat fee. Maureen O’Hara recalled: “John Ford asked John Wayne and me to take a cut and because we had all waited for so long and so badly wanted to make the movie, we agreed. John Wayne accepted $100,000 and I got $65,000. I even took down the script in shorthand and typed it as it meant so much to me.”

  • Yeah it must have tested their patience. But I can see why they would remain faithful to the old codger, hell I probably would have been in the same boat as them. He obviously had some type of magnetism going on.

    When I was in Boot Camp at Parris Island I thought my D.I.s, were sadistic a**holes, after I graduated and got to know them on a personal level they were all great guys.They just developed these very effective alter egos in order to get the job done.

    Anyone who has ever been in a management postion can tell you you can't be effective if your being their friends. When you're working you have to be the boss. And remmmmember Boss spelled backward is Double SOB!

    "John Wayne is not just an actor and a very fine actor,John Wayne is the United States of America."