How Did You Become A John Wayne Fan?

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  • that is so cool i have always been a big fan of John Wayne I was always going to grow up and marry him. i have a whole sheet of John Wayne Stamps, two clocks, loads of movies on vsh and have been getting them replaced as i can with dvds. and also lots of books on him that have all the movies he made i also have a life time member ship to John Wayne foundation that came out the yr he passed. and some pictures of him.

  • Mornin' Rocklin,
    Don't remember if I welcomed you or not...but if not....welcome on board to the best site about Duke there is. Oh, send us your sites will you?

    Funny about El Dorado. My very good friend, Tony, was the specialist doctor who worked on both Duke and Bob Mitchum's legs after they were shot. Also, he is the one who told him about his paralysis and the surgery he needed. I knew Tony for a good many years before he even told me he was in a movie with Duke, LOL. He was a friend of James Caan. He also played Sir Dunedin in Richard Harris' Camelot.

    Anyway, sounds as if you have quite a nice collection going. Don't forget to send us your site.

    Love the whole quote that you put the end of down. "
    “Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.” One of my very favorites! I suppose you know that it is on Duke's grave marker! Keith, (the other one)!

    Well I bought a John Wayne limited edition belt buckle a long time ago and I was not into John Wayne at the time, when I said a long time you can go with the price which was Ten Shillings Sterling. I got into J.W oh about 30 years ago I taped Eldorado off the tv to video and just kept watching it, well I started collecting his movies on video my wife started buying birthday and Christmas presents for me either videos or anything John Wayne built up a good collection of videos then out comes dvd. Started collecting dvd's now I have a collection of over 100 dvd's some which are silents as well, and I have built up one website to The Duke and have started a second site to the great man John Wayne.

    Tomorrow hopes
    We have learned something
    From yesterday

    John Wayne

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • FORGOT, you still have time to post on THE GROUP WATCH. You can find it in Quick Links for today. This month's movie is Tall in the Saddle....the one you got your "name" from. Would love to have you post your thoughts. I did a whole STILL shots of the fight that Rocklin and Judge Garvey had as Duke and Ward were the best of friends and used to practice their stunt fights on their own time! It really shows how the stunts were done and shows what good actors Duke and Ward were....look at their faces.....they actually SEEM to be fighting, LOL. Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • First JW movie I ever saw at the theater was in 1950. I think. But I first really started noticing him in "Sons of Katie Elder." Met Wayne in 1975 at Universal Pictures when he was making "Rooster Cogburn," and got his autograph in his 1925 Glendale High yearbook. (My aunt knew him in high school.)

    Thanks for your first post JamesMace
    I have extended you a WELCOME

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • First JW movie I ever saw at the theater was in 1950. I think. But I first really started noticing him in "Sons of Katie Elder." Met Wayne in 1975 at Universal Pictures when he was making "Rooster Cogburn," and got his autograph in his 1925 Glendale High yearbook. (My aunt knew him in high school.)

    That is so cool! Lucky you.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • First JW movie I ever saw at the theater was in 1950. I think. But I first really started noticing him in "Sons of Katie Elder." Met Wayne in 1975 at Universal Pictures when he was making "Rooster Cogburn," and got his autograph in his 1925 Glendale High yearbook. (My aunt knew him in high school.)

    Very cool James! Lucky dog, you! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well my fanship started like this: my dad is a Republican: one of the few African american Republicans in our area. He raised us that way. He was always talking about how this guy named john Wayne, an actor, was republican. Well, when I was seven, my best friend, whose family is big on john, showed me my first john Wayne film, Big Jake. I was mesmerized. He was everything I thought a man should be. I started my collection at the age of ten. He is one of the reasons I am a Republican and a hard core one.
    Thanks John

  • i was always a big fan of John Wayne I was going to grow up and marry him. i always watched his movies. he is the one n only greatested star.
    i had friend in grade school who say a picture of my dad and said he looks like John Wayne. that realy felt great.

  • My father introduced me to John Wayne when he use to watch True Grit in the early and mid 70's. I knew his infamous "fill your hands" line before I knew much else about him. That use to tickle my dad so much. Have been a fan ever since. But I have to say what really got me more intensely involved in John Wayne lately was the direction of this country and the fact the world I knew so well when John Wayne was alive is almost gone. Watching John Wayne movies keeps my feet firmly in the ground the way I want it.