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  • Yep, you can find them on your home page. Very handy sometimes! Like when your post gets deleted, LOL!

    Ill have to remember about this on another site im on--many dont get deleted-just lost when soemthing makes the site "burp".

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • "The Hunger Games" - All the publicity this movie received made me curious. It was a good movie, but the premise provided no reasoning of what led up to the focus of the film's plot. My own reasoning is that the present day infatuation of "reality" shows is taken to the most extreme but the movie does not elaborate. We as an audience are given the "games" in the plot as the motivating object and little background. Other than that, "The Hunger Games" is well put together.

    Just watched this one myself, Jay. I agree with you in most parts, but we had the benefit of having my 15 year old daughter watching with us, and she had read the book. She was able to fill in the story for the wife and I with details and back story from the book that the movie couldn't fit in. Made it easier to understand. Not a blockbuster film, but a good movie. We all enjoyed it.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Sergeant York w/ Gary Cooper, Walter Brennan, Ward Bond, Noah Beery Jr and others.

    What the Sarge eventually received:

    The Springfield .03 that the Sarge used in the movie:

    A nice shot of the Sarge as a Corporal:

    The "Sarge" and "General John "Blackjack" Pershing"

    About to go "Over-the-top"


    This here rifle-gun shoots a might low:

    Great shot of Sarge:

    Great shot of the Sarge and some of his men:

    This here pistol-gun touches off mighty easy:

    Booodoodoodoodle: About to bag his passel of German "Turkeys"

    Sarge sneaking up on them Heinie's:

    The movie and the real Sarges:

    Sarge side-by-side with "Himself"

    Sarge receiving the Medal of Honor from General John "Blackjack" Pershing:

    Nice combat scene:

    "Psssssshaw, I Cant hold my breath no longer" (Pusher)

    "Turkey" shooting:

    Of a perfect movie!!!

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited 4 times, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Another one to add to my list of Gary Cooper films to watch.
    Got round to High Noon yesterday on blu ray, def worth the upgrade from DVD.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I saw this one on TCM this morning. I need to dig out High noon again and watch it. It's been about 2 years since I last saw it. I admit-I disliked the movie the first time I saw it--but it's been growing on me and I like it more and more--except for the thematic music. I still dont care much for the theme.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I saw this one on TCM this morning. I need to dig out High noon again and watch it. It's been about 2 years since I last saw it. I admit-I disliked the movie the first time I saw it--but it's been growing on me and I like it more and more--except for the thematic music. I still dont care much for the theme.

    I think this may be a common thing as I too didn't think much of it the first time I saw it. The theme however has aged as well as the film itself.
    I find Gary Cooper, similar to how I find Duke, always imminently watchable. I never get bored of watching either of their films.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Here is our thread
    Sergeant York

    Well, thanks for giving the Link. Wonder if YOU like it.

    My grandfather was in both WWI and WWII. He told me York was a friend of his. I have no way of proving that but don't need to as he told it to me, and he never lied to me before that I know of. Also, when he came out of the reserves for WWII, he was made Colonel, and since he was a bit old for foxholes, they sent him to Hollywood where he helped coordinate the moeny raising aspect of the war. My grandmother and father wisited him there. Apparently they went to some fundraisers and met a great deal of celebrities. I am in the process of trying to find out from the Army, just what Grandpa collaborated on.
    Thanks again of the Link. Please let us know next time if you think it a movie worth while of purchasing. Seems as if it has to "grow on you" as someone said! KP

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • The Ape Man,
    Bela Lugosi as a mad scientist whose managed to turn himself into an ape.
    Classic low budget Horror, not one of the best but I do love my old, obscure movies.

    I wonder what a modern film would look like if I ever watched one on my hi def, super hi tech TV, LOL!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Just watched this one myself, Jay. I agree with you in most parts, but we had the benefit of having my 15 year old daughter watching with us, and she had read the book. She was able to fill in the story for the wife and I with details and back story from the book that the movie couldn't fit in. Made it easier to understand. Not a blockbuster film, but a good movie. We all enjoyed it.


    I have now seen all of this once and parts of it maybe 6-8 more times as my teenage daughter has watched it over and over again. She too had read the books and knew the rest of the story. Kind of a Rollerball, Thunderdome, post apocalyptic feel to me.

  • I have now seen all of this once and parts of it maybe 6-8 more times as my teenage daughter has watched it over and over again. She too had read the books and knew the rest of the story. Kind of a Rollerball, Thunderdome, post apocalyptic feel to me.

    I have yet to see it but from what I've read about it it sounds like a remake of battle royal which is a fantastic, if somewhat gruesome, film.
    It'll be arriving here shortly so I'll stick my oar in with a two line review. ;)

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I think this may be a common thing as I too didn't think much of it the first time I saw it. The theme however has aged as well as the film itself.
    I find Gary Cooper, similar to how I find Duke, always imminently watchable. I never get bored of watching either of their films.

    Same here. I wished they both had made at least a Western together. I dunno, some movies justt take a lot of time for me to "take" I guess.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Well, thanks for giving the Link. Wonder if YOU like it.

    My grandfather was in both WWI and WWII. He told me York was a friend of his. I have no way of proving that but don't need to as he told it to me, and he never lied to me before that I know of. Also, when he came out of the reserves for WWII, he was made Colonel, and since he was a bit old for foxholes, they sent him to Hollywood where he helped coordinate the moeny raising aspect of the war. My grandmother and father wisited him there. Apparently they went to some fundraisers and met a great deal of celebrities. I am in the process of trying to find out from the Army, just what Grandpa collaborated on.
    Thanks again of the Link. Please let us know next time if you think it a movie worth while of purchasing. Seems as if it has to "grow on you" as someone said! KP

    Looking forwards to hearing more after you get more info.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Having trouble trying to edit so ill post this anyway.

    The last movie I saw was today and it was: The Expendables 2. I thought it was much better than the first one and am hoping another will be made. I was a bit disappointed in that Chuck Norris, Ahnold, Willis and Jet Li were not on so much. Whom ever the Chinese lady is--I thought she was good and liked her.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Looking forwards to hearing more after you get more info.

    OK Ringo Kid, I will let you know. Also, hope to get a history of Grandpa's WWI activities just to be sure he was in the same areas at the same time as York!
    He must have been pretty high up in the fundraising movie bit, because he knew a great many celebrities and my Grandmother, Dad, and aunt went out from GA and stayed with him a few weeks......Dad said the parties they were invited to were unbelievable! Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE