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  • Flynn's love of underage girls is well news here. That doesn't excuse it. So is Joe Biden's predilection for young girls...but he's gotten away with it...and that doesn't excuse it.

    OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder...but there was evidence he committed such. Our legal system is what it is...once acquitted you're not guilty under the law.

    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • Flynn's love of underage girls is well news here. That doesn't excuse it. So is Joe Biden's predilection for young girls...but he's gotten away with it...and that doesn't excuse it.

    OJ Simpson was acquitted of murder...but there was evidence he committed such. Our legal system is what it is...once acquitted you're not guilty under the law.

    I'm amazed they have not changed the law in the United States so Simpson can be retried. The law was changed in the UK so a person could be retried for the same crime if there was new evidence.