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  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? A tribute to Katharine Hepburn's 105th Birthday. Happy Birthday, Ms. Hepburn.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • "The Dirty Dozen". Damn, what a cast. I remember seeing it when first released in 1966 and the audience - mainly families - was really into it. When Donald Sutherland reviewed the troops you couldn't hear all the dialog due to the eruption of laughter.
    The applause at the end was tremendous. Don't get much of that anymore.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Sat down with two of my grandchildren to suffer through what I thought would be a cloying, boring family movie. I was really wrong and we all enjoyed "Dolphin Tale" with Kris Kristofferson and Morgan Freeman.
    If you're looking for an intelligent movie to watch with the young ones, I'd recommend it.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • "The Dirty Dozen". Damn, what a cast. I remember seeing it when first released in 1966 and the audience - mainly families - was really into it. When Donald Sutherland reviewed the troops you couldn't hear all the dialog due to the eruption of laughter.
    The applause at the end was tremendous. Don't get much of that anymore.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    I agree, what a heck of a cast. I would love to see this played in the theaters again. I would sit through it as long as my backside would allow ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Forgot:

    Just watched twice since it arrived on Sat--my copy of a Glenn Ford Navy Comedy Classic: Don't Go Near the Water. I love everything about this movie and it's absolutely hilarious. The best moments in the movie for me-is when the Public Relations Officers attempt to build an "OH" Club, and they totally are worse than 4 sets of Three Stooges-who attempt to construct that monstrosity. The other scenes that have my laughing out loud include the ones with Farragut Jones--the Mickey Schaunnessey character who uses the "F" word several times only everytime he said it--it was Tooted out--but you KNOW what he said.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • The Vow It was really a good movie. It is out on video this past week, and has Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. It is a tear jerker, and based on true events. Just a kind of movie to sit back and enjoy.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Sat down with two of my grandchildren to suffer through what I thought would be a cloying, boring family movie. I was really wrong and we all enjoyed "Dolphin Tale" with Kris Kristofferson and Morgan Freeman.
    If you're looking for an intelligent movie to watch with the young ones, I'd recommend it.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Thanks for that recommendation! I am always on the lookout for decent, family-friendly movies that are also not a "cloying bore"!

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • Last weekend, I joined a friend and several other women for a ladies' beach retreat, and we watched several 'chick flicks' - Montana Sky, Pure Country 2, 27 Dresses, and The First Wives Club. I liked the first three pretty well, would even consider watching them again. The First Wives Club - :vomit: - would not waste a minute of my life on it ever again.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • "Treasure Island" (2012)
    -Eddie Izzard

    Plot: IMDB
    Young Jim Hawkins is the only one who can sucessfully get a schooner to a legendary Island known for buried Treasure. But aboard the ship is a mysterious cook named John Silver, whose true motivation on the journey challenges Jim's trust in the entire crew.

    Phantom's Review: Decent, if a bit overly long version of the Stevenson classic. All the actors do a fine job and it's nice to see a wide range of accents among the pirates, but a four hours the film tends to drag in a few places. Not a very faithful adaptation, but still worth a viewing.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • Operation Secret w/ Cornel Wilde, Karl Malden, Steve Cochran and Paul Picerni. This was a great little known movie about WWII in long flashbacks.

    Today--Desperate Journey w/ Flynn, Reagan, Kennedy, Hale Sr and Massey.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • "Barbarian and the Geisha". Picked it up at Wal Mart. Wayne is always fascinating to watch but this one plays like a propaganda piece to promote Japanese tourism. It does, however, look great.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • "Dark Shadows" (2012)
    -Johnny Depp

    Plot: After almost 200 years of sleep, vampire Barnabas Collins reawakens in 1972 to battle the evil (but gorgeous) witch who cursed him, help his descendents rebuild their fortune, find his lost love and generally deal with the strange new world he now finds himself in.

    Phantom's Review: First, let me say I love the original "Dark Shadows", been a fan for decades, so when I first heard that Depp and Burton were going to do a film version I got very excited I'm a fan of them and I like their style, but then I saw the first few previews and I saw a comedy not a Gothic Horror movie, but I went and saw it anyway and much to my surprise I loved it. The film does have some comedic moments, but they seem natural since they mostly deal with Barnabas trying to figure out his new world. There are some really decent BOO! scenes, great FX and the film really tries to keep the atmosphere and spirit (no pun intended) of the original show. The whole cast does a great job with their characters. My only main complaint is a late film reveal about the Carolyn character that really goes nowhere and the original "Dark Shadows" music is only barely hinted at in the soundtrack. Outside of that really enjoyed this film.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town