Last Non Western You Watched

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  • The Barbarian and The Geisha in Blu-ray. I've only seen this film one time before, and enjoyed it more the second time around. Not a great film in relation to all his other masterpieces, but enjoyable all the same. I loved watching Duke stand in front of that canon so the Japanese couldn't fire on the ship in the harbor. The way he acted so slyly and movies with the canon was great.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Wreck of the Mary Deere. W/ Charlton Heston, Gary Cooper, Michael Redgrave and Richard Harris. I had never seen it alll the way from start to finish till today. Sure was great seeing Heston and Coop working together.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • What's worse is I do think Downey Jr. definitely has some acting talent but it's just easy to churn these type of films out at the box office to make cash.

  • I just loved CG when I was young. Told Bill I used to take the bus way into downtown Atlanta by myself when I was 12 or so where the old fashioned big theaters were. One was the Fox a very famous one that had a ceiling with stars, clouds, fake "boxes", etc. The Rialto was owned by the grandfather of one of the neighborhood kids'. I remember, he took us down in his limousine once a year, we saw a movie and then he took us across the street to a restaurant where you could pickout your own lobster, LOL. First time I had lobster and have been in love ever since. I THINK I remember a CG movie called to Catch a Thief. I really enjoyed it. Will have to look for it on Netflix. AND, I am going to start looking for old movies in the big Cinemas again. Just have to find someone who wants to go with me. Believe I remember Holiday also. Ride hard and don't put 'em up wet! KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • What's worse is I do think Downey Jr. definitely has some acting talent but it's just easy to churn these type of films out at the box office to make cash.

    Agreed: he has way more talent than he shows most of the time. I remember seeing an interview with Richard Attenborough and he cited Downey Jr as one of the most talented people he had worked with, which is quite a statement considering.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Pretty sure I have never seen this. I tended to stay away from non-western JW's when I was a kid. I am catching up on them now, and some are great, (like Island in the Sky). Watched an old one with Duke and Ward, (Ward died early from an accident on the deck), and enjoyed it because Duke was so young and wasn't riding a horse! It was an old Sea movie....not the Long Voyage or the Wake of the Red Witch. Will have to find it. A good episode in Wagon Train was called "Around the Horn", and I thought was excellent.

    OK, what is this BLUE RAY? Is it much better quality? What do you play it on? Can you get all the films on it? DUH...Newbie showing through again! KPKEITH Help, Mark, LOL!

    The Barbarian and The Geisha in Blu-ray. I've only seen this film one time before, and enjoyed it more the second time around. Not a great film in relation to all his other masterpieces, but enjoyable all the same. I loved watching Duke stand in front of that canon so the Japanese couldn't fire on the ship in the harbor. The way he acted so slyly and movies with the canon was great.


    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Pretty sure I have never seen this. I tended to stay away from non-western JW's when I was a kid. I am catching up on them now, and some are great, (like Island in the Sky). Watched an old one with Duke and Ward, (Ward died early from an accident on the deck), and enjoyed it because Duke was so young and wasn't riding a horse! It was an old Sea movie....not the Long Voyage or the Wake of the Red Witch. Will have to find it. A good episode in Wagon Train was called "Around the Horn", and I thought was excellent.

    OK, what is this BLUE RAY? Is it much better quality? What do you play it on? Can you get all the films on it? DUH...Newbie showing through again! KPKEITH Help, Mark, LOL!

    Someone mention Island in the Sky?:wink_smile:
    The film you watched WAS The Long Voyage home: Ford, Wayne and Ward. Watched it less than a week ago; good film with the Duke taking a smaller role, although he's huge on the poster lol!

    Blu ray is the next gen after DVD. New format, new machine etc, etc. huge improvement in picture quality, even on old films: watched The Big Country yesterday and The Ox Bow incident, both on Blu ray, and they were phenomenal. Need any more info just shout, don't want to bore the guys on here with me banging on about Blu ray!:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Yea, what Dooley said, Keith! :wink_smile:

    Blue-ray is a better quality picture that the usual DVD. You need a Blue-ray player and a high-def (1080p) television to really reap the benefits of it. But, it is all worth it!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Shame on you Arthur!:wink_smile:
    I just managed to get my hands on it a few weeks ago and unbelievably that was the first time I'd seen it!
    The Duke has somewhat of a smaller role in this one and for me Ward Bond steals the show.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • LOL Peter...for me Ward Bond ALWAYS steals the show! KPKEITH

    Shame on you Arthur!:wink_smile:
    I just managed to get my hands on it a few weeks ago and unbelievably that was the first time I'd seen it!
    The Duke has somewhat of a smaller role in this one and for me Ward Bond steals the show.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • "Safari" from 1956. Victor Mature stars as the great white hunter. His house is burned by marauding Mau Maus while he's away and his small son is butchered. Vic spends the rest of the movie searching for the tribal leader responsible.

    Sounds like it could almost be a western. As a bonus a savage man killing lion is named "Hatari".

    We deal in lead, friend.