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  • I was probably 1 of 20 people who saw it at the theaters. I liked it for several reasons. One was because Sir Moore--was so against his type in that he hated women. Another is because he loved Cats and finally--I thought the double "F" for Ffusiliers was kinda neat and related to the double "F" in Ffolkes.

    I watched another grand classic: The Great Escape. Such a great all around cast and story. This movie will never be bested in a milliion years.

    You will love Roger talking about his biography in his short promo video. A class act.…r+moore%7d%2bc%7b91%7d%2b

  • Couldn't get the "Multi-quote" to work so I copied and pasted, LOL.
    Originally Posted by The Ringo Kid
    I was probably 1 of 20 people who saw it at the theaters. I liked it for several reasons. One was because Sir Moore--was so against his type in that he hated women. Another is because he loved Cats and finally--I thought the double "F" for Ffusiliers was kinda neat and related to the double "F" in Ffolkes.

    I watched another grand classic:
    The Great Escape. Such a great all around cast and story. This movie will never be bested in a milliion years.

    Last I watched was Gone with the Wind. As for the Great Escape, believe I saw it about 10 times in the movies Ringo. And the whistled song has never left my head! What a super movie! KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Roger Moore actually makes the movie with his lines and performance (and of course a cat lover) although Anthony Perkins has some classic quotes too.

    I fully agree. They both were great in it as well as James Mason and Devid Hedison. I forget the name of the Chap who was that ships Captain--I KNOW his name just cant think of it. He was in many favorites of mine like: The Wild Geese and others. In The Wild Geese-he was their Sergeant Major.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • You will love Roger talking about his biography in his short promo video. A class act.…r+moore%7d%2bc%7b91%7d%2b

    Nice little vid, and he is a class act. Im a member of his site and he supposedly answers questions there but im not sure in what section? I'd love to have a contact address for him so I can send one of my The Wild Geese lobby cards to him for signing. I have an address for Hardy Krueger--but have not written yet.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I would love to see it in theaters too, but got lucky with: The Searchers. It took 36 years--for me to see a Duke movie on the big screen. If they ever do this with The Great Escape? Im going and more than once. That movie's 50th anniversary is coming up next year and im HOPING they will show it on the big screen as well as have some sort of Collectors Edition released as I want one and badly. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Steve McQueen, James Garner and Richard Attenborough...
    Stellar cast, fantastic film!

    No arguments from me on that one ;-))) I'd say a conservative estimate of how many times ive seen that movie over the years--more than 100 times. I hope im around long enough to watch it at least another 100 times.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Carl

    Jack Watson played the captain and sergeant major in Wild Geese. He also had a role in The Sea Wolves which was another Andrew V Mc Laglen movie.

    A very lived in face reminds me of Victor maybe that why Andrew had him as part of his regulars.


  • Well, read up on it, and I am still getting only one quote. Will have to ask one of my friends.
    I saw all of my Duke movies on the big screen up until about, well, when he quit making them. Can still remember sitting in the theater and watching The Shootist. Although three of us loved it, one kept saying how he came to watch a John Wayne movie and "this is NOT a John Wayne movie". I suspected he was just trying to cover up any emotion rather than show it as the rest of us did unabashedly. I rarely saw any on TV until I began my research project, and those were satellite, DVDs or Streamline from Netflix. I lived in big cities the majority of my life, so there were usually re releases of a lot of the great movies. Here is a link to the full movie, THE GREAT ESCAPE. I just watched a little and checked it a few places...seems pretty good.
    I read that Mcqueen did most of his own riding plus was disguised and rode as a German a bit. One part was where he strung the wire....that was McQueen who hit it and crashed. Also, he attempted the long fence jump but crashed. So his friend, a Triumph , (the motorcycle kind, LOL), dealer did it. That started him on a new career doing scenes in Bullitt and later in the TV show Chips. Good luck on finding it Ringo!

    I would love to see it in theaters too, but got lucky with: The Searchers. It took 36 years--for me to see a Duke movie on the big screen. If they ever do this with The Great Escape? Im going and more than once. That movie's 50th anniversary is coming up next year and im HOPING they will show it on the big screen as well as have some sort of Collectors Edition released as I want one and badly. ;-))

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • LA Confidential Great movie.

    I agree very well done all around.
    Also saw Ted in the movies.
    Not for everyone or children. Sex drugs and language.
    If you do not like the Family Guy you will not like this film.
    If your like me and find the show funny,you might like this film.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''