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  • LOVE Charleton Heston...........think he liked people to call him Chuck.

    Anyway, I was taking a break and needed something to take my mind off work. Haven't talked to Jack in a few months, so I watched his last "work" of his life before he retired. It is the last episode of the 4th season of A Team, and he plays General Bull Fullbright. I cried, as usual. But, it is a cool episode as the team goes back to Viet Nam and each has "flashbacks" about what happened to them there. Some nice helicopter action also.

    Jack as Bull

    Jack as himself 2 years ago

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hmmm, when I put Jack Ging in search it comes right back here where I THOUGHT I posted his two pics and the A TEAM episode. If it got moved, will someone tell me where it went. I sent the link out to 5 prospective new members........needless to say, they didn't find it.
    Thanks, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hmmm, when I put Jack Ging in search it comes right back here where I THOUGHT I posted his two pics and the A TEAM episode. If it got moved, will someone tell me where it went. I sent the link out to 5 prospective new members........needless to say, they didn't find it.
    Thanks, KEITH

    I saw those and posted after your original post. Weird they are missing in action.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • So PLEASE some moderator tell us where these posts are so that I can send the A team one to the 5 new prospective members....HELP!!!!!!
    Someone put the Jack Ging in Red letters.....I didn' what is the deal? I know the post is somewhere because Kevin told me they are never completely deleted, that the mods can still see them. SO, if you want to, you can send me the post by PM if for some reason you don't want it out was just telling about the last episode of the A Team, I didn't even tell how it ended, that I watched of season 4.........what is wrong with that? I am trying very hard to stick to your rules. So please return my post to somewhere and tell me where it is. Thanks again, Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • So PLEASE some moderator tell us where these posts are so that I can send the A team one to the 5 new prospective members....HELP!!!!!!
    Someone put the Jack Ging in Red letters.....I didn' what is the deal? I know the post is somewhere because Kevin told me they are never completely deleted, that the mods can still see them. SO, if you want to, you can send me the post by PM if for some reason you don't want it out was just telling about the last episode of the A Team, I didn't even tell how it ended, that I watched of season 4.........what is wrong with that? I am trying very hard to stick to your rules. So please return my post to somewhere and tell me where it is. Thanks again, Keith

    Are you referring to this post?…p?p=128726&postcount=6781

    If so, then it's just about 4-5 posts above this one in this thread.

  • Are you referring to this post?…p?p=128726&postcount=6781

    If so, then it's just about 4-5 posts above this one in this thread.

    Thanks Kevin. That is very cool how it just reappeared. Wasn't there earlier and when folks tried to access it. Talked to four people about it, LOL.....and Carl and I were on the phone and looking for it at the same time. Thanks for whatever, appreciate it. Now, the links I sent out, no.....better send them again...I think it is in one spot down or up from where it was. Right..will just send out a new link. Thanks again, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Thanks Kevin. That is very cool how it just reappeared. Wasn't there earlier and when folks tried to access it. Talked to four people about it, LOL.....and Carl and I were on the phone and looking for it at the same time. Thanks for whatever, appreciate it. Now, the links I sent out, no.....better send them again...I think it is in one spot down or up from where it was. Right..will just send out a new link. Thanks again, KEITH

    I see one thing that happened. When I posted, it was above Tennessee's it is below. I just sent out the link you gave me....dang it, will have to email them again.....this is what is says no matter what I do:

    Whoops! The page could not be found. Try giving it another chance below

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hey Kid are you ok with opening a zip file for those stills.

    I think you quoted the wrong kid :-)) but--I dont know what zip files are? you would have to ask Hawkswill (Keith) to spend about 6 hours on the phone with me teaching me what that stuff is? :-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Just finished watching Sergeant York. Absolutely one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. I grew up about 50 miles from Alvin York's stomping grounds, and my step-granddad was in the All-American division with him.

    Joan Leslie is probably THE most underrated actress of that era. She was such a great addition to whatever she was in.

  • The Tennesseean Ditto on Sergeant York, a fine movie and performance by Gary Cooper.
    Did you know there is a history program out there, they went back to the find the spot where he did his great deed.It looks like they found the exact spot where he was. I just found the following at website:

    Search for Medal of Honor action site
    In October 2006, US Army Colonel Douglas Mastriano, head of the Sergeant York Discovery Expedition (SYDE), conducted research to locate the York battle site. After forensic ballistic analysis verified that the rifle and pistol cartridges that his team recovered matched York's weapons, French and American government officials determined that he had pin-pointed the location of York's exploits. Dr. Tom Nolan, head of the Sergeant York Project and a geographer at the R.O. Fullerton Laboratory for Spatial Technology at Middle Tennessee State University, places the site 500 meters south of the location identified by Mastriano.With the support and endorsement of the French government, two monuments and a historic trail were built on the Mastriano site.Battlefield guides are available at the Sergeant York Historic Trail.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited 2 times, last by colkid60 ().