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  • Big Seagal fan too Stumpy and that really is a great film. Few do all out action better than him

    Well, ID, I've just ordered numerous (about 20) of Seagal's movies from Amazon. Have to admit that he does so-called "action" films as good or better than anyone else. Of course, he's typecast and not much of a creative actor but so were many others in Hollywood.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Well, ID, I've just ordered numerous (about 20) of Seagal's movies from Amazon. Have to admit that he does so-called "action" films as good or better than anyone else. Of course, he's typecast and not much of a creative actor but so were many others in Hollywood.

    Under Siege 1&2 are two of my all time favourites.

    Under Siege particularly as it was supposedly on board Mighty Mo,
    which I had the pleasure of visiting in Pearl Harbor

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Last evening I watched another of Seagal's actioners, "Hard To Kill", in which he massacred hundreds (lol) of Los Angeles cops. That LeBrock gal was one foxy lady.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Agree 1000%. Terrible watch.

    Sent from my Galaxy S III using Forum Runner

  • Some Like It Hot I watched it with the commentary on. Then I watched all the extras and then I watched it as it was released. Originally it was going to star Tony Curtis, Sinatra and Mitzi Gaynor. Tony Curtis' female voice was dubbed by Paul Frees.

  • "The Ghost Ship" (1943)
    -Richard Dix

    Plot: IMDB

    Tom Merriam signs on the ship Altair as third officer under Captain Stone. At first things look good, Stone sees Merriam as a younger version of himself and Merriam sees Stone as the first adult to ever treat him as a friend. But after a couple strange deaths of crew members, Merriam begins to think Stone is a psychopathic madman obsessed with authority. He tries to tell others, but no one believes him, and it only makes Stone angry..

    Phantom's Review: Slow moving, but well acted psychological thriller. Filled to the brim with foreboding and just dripping with atmosphere (produced by Val Lewton, I expect no less). The plot is a bit predictable, but that dosen't take away from the over all joy of watching the film.
    A good old fashioned melodramatic film. I enjoyed it.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • Took the family to see "Despicable Me 2" today in 3D. Two senior tickets, two adults and four kids' cost $72.00. Outrageous by any standards, but I spent almost as much time watching my grand kids' reactions to the 3D effects as I spent watching the movie.
    The movie was actually amusing and I don't regret a penny. If anyone wants to take their youngsters to this, pay the extra for the 3D and don't leave once the credits start.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • OUCH! Outrageous. You know, I believe, if they would lower their entry fees and food concession pricing..........movies would once again become something for families to do together. No, they would NOT lose money......they would MAKE more because movie going would become a normal thing to do instead of a "save up for it, once in a while" thing. AND, it would be another thing to try to help to TRY to bring families back to the way they were, (like all sitting down to the dinner table at the same time, LOL). We had 4 season Tickets to the Falcons and Braves game in Atlanta when I was growing up. Even with normal salary increases, there is NO WAY we would have been able to afford that with the prices now. Glad you guys had fun, Bill......Hi to the Missus for me! KEITH

    Took the family to see "Despicable Me 2" today in 3D. Two senior tickets, two adults and four kids' cost $72.00. Outrageous by any standards, but I spent almost as much time watching my grand kids' reactions to the 3D effects as I spent watching the movie.
    The movie was actually amusing and I don't regret a penny. If anyone wants to take their youngsters to this, pay the extra for the 3D and don't leave once the credits start.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Took the family to see "Despicable Me 2" today in 3D. Two senior tickets, two adults and four kids' cost $72.00. Outrageous by any standards, but I spent almost as much time watching my grand kids' reactions to the 3D effects as I spent watching the movie.
    The movie was actually amusing and I don't regret a penny. If anyone wants to take their youngsters to this, pay the extra for the 3D and don't leave once the credits start.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Bill, I've taken my kids to see a few 3d movies,
    and I must admit, I'm pleased to say, here in the UK our prices appear to be much lower,
    just a little more expensive then the standard release

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • While I was on Holiday a couple of nights ago after returning from the club I watched Wanted starring Janes McAvoy, Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie and Terence Stamp, back home now but still on old computer fetching my other back tomorrow.

  • Ran a blu ray movie called "Side Effects" which was in theaters a short time ago. Now I know why it's available so quickly. It starred Jude Law and Catherine Zeta Jones and I hope they didn't lose sleep after cashing their paychecks for this stinker.
    I have no idea why this turd was laid. As the old joke goes - "this movie wasn't released, it escaped". It makes "The Conqueror" look like "Ben Hur".
    You have been warned.

    We deal in lead, friend.