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  • Without Reservations. Not the Duke's best to say the least, the idea had some potential and I quite liked the bits in Hollywood towards the end including the Grant cameo but the middle with the latin family and all the train stuff was pretty terrible. This really felt like much more of a Jimmy Stewart style movie than a Duke one but the Duke acquainted himself alright. Think alot more comedy could have been found if the film covered Duke trying to play the guy in the film but that may have been the kind of satire that was avoided at the time.

  • The Following with Kevin Bacon. Had never heard of it. It is a 15 one hour episode season. I am just on the third episode, but I think I may have nightmares soon, LOL!

    Irish......never heard of yours.........looks as if it is not worth the effort?

    Rocklin, suppose you could try taking a picture of the composite? Sure would love to see it. Glad you had fun. Can't believe you didn't go see EK, LOL! I would have.......yep, I would. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • It's worth the effort for me just because it has the Duke in it and i'm aiming to watch everythings hes been in thats avaliable. As a film I didn't think it was great but it's probably fairly standard for most mid 1940's rom-coms. I found Claudette Colbert intensely annoying in this whereas I quite enjoyed her in It's a Wonderful World with Jimmy Stewart.

  • The Following with Kevin Bacon. Had never heard of it. It is a 15 one hour episode season. I am just on the third episode, but I think I may have nightmares soon, LOL!

    Irish......never heard of yours.........looks as if it is not worth the effort?

    Rocklin, suppose you could try taking a picture of the composite? Sure would love to see it. Glad you had fun. Can't believe you didn't go see EK, LOL! I would have.......yep, I would. KEITH

    Rocklin wants to know a picture of what ?

  • A month or so ago I pre-ordered the TV series "I Dream of Jeanie" (or maybe "Genie") and just received it. I really enjoyed that old comedy when it was showing on television. Watched the first episode yesterday evening and it was as funny and enjoyable as I remembered. That Barbara Eden was a little doll.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • A month or so ago I pre-ordered the TV series "I Dream of Jeanie" (or maybe "Genie") and just received it. I really enjoyed that old comedy when it was showing on television. Watched the first episode yesterday evening and it was as funny and enjoyable as I remembered. That Barbara Eden was a little doll.

    Nice series and yes she was a looker.