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  • Hi Tommy, I am waiting to see the first new episode of Gently from Peter, (Dooley). Have you seen Martin in the old Run the Gauntlet competition? He was head of one of the teams and actually DID a great deal of the stunts! Awesome! Would love it if you will send the pictures of the framed sketches to [email protected]. Can't wait to see them. Thanks.

    Watched episode one of the new series of George Gently Saturday night, yes we are talking about the same Lewis, the Lewis I posted is the series that was set in Oxford England. The Professionals was a very good tv series let me know where to post the framed picture to.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Hickey & Boggs-1971 film about a couple PIs (Bill Cosby & Robert Culp). Weird movie, I only caught the last 2/3's of it. so maybe it would have been better from the beginning. Lots of build ups to what would normally be a big action scene, or a dramatic scene, but fizzles out instead. Good cast, but I guess a typical early 70s anti-establishment film.