Duke's Movie Horses

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  • Hi Bob,
    I thought that he also rode Banner in the Rio Grande and Fort Apache.

  • Bob;

    You did a great job of Nailing down all of Duke's Horses from The Old Days. :rolleyes:

    Vera I think you are right about Fort Apache and Rio Grande. It is hard to remember after all these years. :angry: It has been over 50 Years ago when Duke made these Films. I put up one more page on Duke's Horses on the Site Below. Let me know if some of them are not right. :fear2:


    Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Thanks Bill.
    You've saved me some research! I have to play the DVD's on my computer, take a screen capture of the horse, save it to my computer, then bring it up in another program and compare the photo to a known photo of the horse I am researching, comparing color, markings and size (if I can, based on people or other things near the horse). It is time consuming, but you've just saved me about a half hour.

    I think Vera is right about Banner in Fort Apache and Rio Grande, so I will add those two to my "Banner" list.

    ejgreen77, I am still not sure about "Sammy" being "Steel." I have read that Duke only rode Steel in two films, "The Conqueror" and "Tall in the Saddle," but that could be wrong. One thing I have noticed in researching John Wayne, is that some folks simply rely on research that others have done, without checking it out first. This often allows mistakes to creep in and be listed as fact. I think I'll make Lady Takes a Chance my next project and see just who "Sammy" is, if I can.

    I'll keep y'all updated.
    Best to all,
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Howdy All,
    I did a little more research, and what I'v ecome up with is this. John Wayne rode Sammy in Lady Takes a Chance. he also rode Sammy in The Conqueror, as his first horse. He later switched to Steel. John Wayne rode Steel in Tall in the Saddle also. Steel has a large white blaze and three white stockings. Sammy has a small white star right between his eyes. I could be wrong on this. Please feel free to correct me if I am. I am going to try and add a comparison photo of the two horses from these three films, and I'll keep y'all updated as I continue looking at John Wayne's horses.
    Best to all,
    Colorado Bob

  • I've had time to watch carefully only Rooster, Rio Lobo and Cowboys halfway so far, but I'm going to the bottom of this... If those paintings Chilibill posted are any proof, Dollor is the horse with 3 white legs and a blaze. That's the one in Rio Lobo (as long as Duke is in the army, in civilian he has a black star-head), but in Rooster and Cowboys he has a light sorrel with a stripe, white on muzzle and white hind legs - not Dollor. This horse also holds its head in a different way, bending on the neck, while Dollor has a habbit of throwing its head up.
    In the scene where mr Anderson ropes a calf in Cowboys, there's a third similar looking sorrel: white hind legs, but a larger blaze - the horse changes when the actual roping begins, apparently the star horse is not a cow-horse.
    The filly the boys help to break has a name in the movie, Crazy Alice.

    I don't believe in surrenders.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by etsija@Jul 31 2006, 06:26 AM
    I've had time to watch carefully only Rooster, Rio Lobo and Cowboys halfway so far, but I'm going to the bottom of this... If those paintings Chilibill posted are any proof, Dollor is the horse with 3 white legs and a blaze. That's the one in Rio Lobo (as long as Duke is in the army, in civilian he has a black star-head), but in Rooster and Cowboys he has a light sorrel with a stripe, white on muzzle and white hind legs - not Dollor. This horse also holds its head in a different way, bending on the neck, while Dollor has a habbit of throwing its head up.
    In the scene where mr Anderson ropes a calf in Cowboys, there's a third similar looking sorrel: white hind legs, but a larger blaze - the horse changes when the actual roping begins, apparently the star horse is not a cow-horse.
    The filly the boys help to break has a name in the movie, Crazy Alice.


    Thanks etsija,
    I'm still looking at these DVD's, so I can compare the different horses, but it looks like you are right. When I get a more definitive list, I'll post it, hopefully with some pictures. I wish I could talk to someone who knew John Wayne and knew the horese he rode as well. I'll keep looking and thanks for setting me straight on the horese in Rooster, Rio Lobo, and Cowboys.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Not to throw a wrench into the works, but don't forget about makeup. Any changes we see could just be makeup continuity error. I know they have painted special blazes and markings on horses, can't seem to remember any movie names right now. But I seem to remeber a horse with a lightning bolt or something like that.. heck I don't know maybe I'm just starting to get old... lol

    Didn't they dye the dog in Hondo or Big Jake?

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by erthomp143@Jul 31 2006, 04:36 PM
    Not to throw a wrench into the works, but don't forget about makeup. Any changes we see could just be makeup continuity error.

    I'm not forgetting that movies are illusion, that's why I'm doubting myself when I hear things like "Duke never mounted another horse after Dollor". And I'm waiting to hear a second opinion that's based on careful watching or first-hand knowledge. Still, I don't believe these horses are madeup. Why would they be?


    Originally posted by erthomp143@Jul 31 2006, 04:36 PM
    Didn't they dye the dog in Hondo or Big Jake?

    In Big Jake the dog keeps changing colour. I believe it's a collie painted black (most of the time) so that it looks like Belgian shepherd (groenendahl). May be because they didn't want it to look like Lassie?

    I don't believe in surrenders.

  • In Cowboys, Anderson (Duke) rides a second horse, a buckskin, on the cattle trail. During the start credits, in the small backside pictures there is probably the same horse than in the calf roping scene.

    In Cahill Duke has again the same stripe head sorrel than in Cowboys and Rooster

    I don't believe in surrenders.

  • Bob, and Any of you other people that into the horses that Duke used in some of His older Films, I have added a few more Pages to the Site Below. :)

    And yes they Can and Did use Make Up on some of the horses. When we were doing the "Gunfighters" series back in the early 1980s for Hearst A.B.C. and needed more Paint Horses for the Yavapai Apache Indians to ride, the Make-Up People that work on animals were brought in from California and they did their thing, and we had plenty of Paint Indian Ponys for the Apaches to ride. :D

    If you want to see more on Duke's Movie Horses you can go to


    Chilibill :cowboy:

  • So . . . from another thread, over three years ago . . .


    Originally posted by chester7777@Mar 7 2003, 11:42 PM
    As I have shared in a post in a different thread, the horse from True Grit was living up in Southern Oregon as recently as 2 years ago. I'm going up there in a few weeks, and can check to see if the horse is still around and see what other information I can dig up.


    Now, fast forward (or something like that) to just a few months ago . . . when I was up in Oregon, I asked about Beau, and found out that he had passed on about three years ago, about the time we were discussing that particular horse originally. I was thinking it's too bad they didn't stuff him, like Trigger, Roy Rogers' horse. He might have been a welcome addition to the 26 Bar Ranch museum :D !

    Chester :newyear:

  • I remember seeing the stuffed Trigger when I was a kid. For some reason he scared me, even though I had been around horses all my life.



    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • Chester My Friend, good to see you back we need some of your input!

    I guess I could go out in the Morning and Shoot one of those Great Big Elk in my front yard every Morning and have him Stuffed and get a Good Make-up Man and make him look like Beau or Dollor. :fear2:

    But who is going to Sit in the Saddle on Him? Not Me !!! :fear:

    Bill :cowboy:

  • Watched The War of Wildcats recently and noticed that Duke rode Banner there too. Sometimes changing him to the other horse with the same confirmation (usually I recognised Banner by it and after look at marks) but different hear marks.
    Senta :rolleyes:

  • Quote

    Originally posted by chester7777@Oct 18 2006, 03:22 PM
    You know, I just breezed through that site the first time, but in looking at it a second time, in a more leisurely way, I'm disappointed to note that they only show one of Duke's horses.

    Chester :newyear:


    You know Jim, You're right,
    so to even things up a bit,


    Banner**************Zip Cochise***************Duke