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  • To introduce a subject that is almost guaranteed to start an argument..............:stunned:

    Those of you who've read my posts in the past will know that my ideology is somewhat to the right of our hero's. IOW, I'm a take-no-prisoners conservative.

    That said, let me just add that if I'm forced to view one more picture of the bug-eyed creature who now heads the U.S. House, I think I'll puke. :evilgrin:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • As you can tell you are not alone. What makes it worse for me is not her looks, that's just on the outside. Its that everytime I see her I have no sense of leadership or that she has a clue what is going on. If this is the best the Democrats have, we should be good to go in 08 and beyond!!! :pizza:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hello

    I was mystified for awhile about who you were talking about but I reckon it is the strange female who has taken over recently as leader of Congress

    As a totally impartial observer :yeaahh: what is a wedgie?

    I got this definition on yahoo so is it a "melvin" or "atomic" and any clues who delivered it.


    A wedgie could also mean when a person's undergarments get folded up and 'ride up' between the buttocks, causing discomfort and annoyance. Can be caused by bad posture, awkward sitting or tight underpants such as thongs. Special varieties of the wedgie include the melvin (a frontal wedgie), the hanging wedgie, in which the victim is suspended from a hook or ledge by their waistband, and the atomic wedgie performed by pulling the underpants over the head of the victim from the back.

    From your esteemed correspondant from the 51st State.

  • Well said and I fully agree with all you Gentlemen. Im not a fan of that lady either. I can't stand that smirk she has on her face after she and someone else, had sent a letter to Bush saying they are against a surge in our soldiers going to Iraq. Im so sick of these people throwing monkey wrenches into the Bush machinery at every turn. They are not giving him the chance, just like they never gave former Vice-Presidnt Dan Quayle, a chance. Part of it was due to his last name--something that little children do.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • As a totally impartial observer :yeaahh: what is a wedgie?

    Well, Pilgrim, it's my understanding that a wedgie is what people my age used to call being goosed. Of course, don't bet the farm on that because I must admit that my knowledge of contemporary slang, language, customs, etc is not really up to date. I more-or-less divorced myself from American society back in the Sixties.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Howdy All,
    How does one describe a wedgie other than uncomfortable? Maybe a better description would be a Pelosi. In fact, I would like to ask for a vote among a members of this prestigious forum, that we, from this point on, refer to a wedgie as a "Pelosi." All in favor say "aye", all opposed, stand to the left.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Wedgie's can be given, received or just plain happen by themselves, and as far as my description goes, its always a pair of underwear or other piece of clothing. Basically it is when your butt crack looks like it is eating your underwear.

    Bob, "Aye" :laugh:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Howdy All,
    How does one describe a wedgie other than uncomfortable? Maybe a better description would be a Pelosi. In fact, I would like to ask for a vote among a members of this prestigious forum, that we, from this point on, refer to a wedgie as a "Pelosi." All in favor say "aye", all opposed, stand to the left.
    Colorado Bob


    I realize we kinda got off on a tangent here but in her pictures, she almost always looks like somebody either goosed her or gave her a wedgie. :ohmy: Whichever it is, the next two years are gonna seem like a lifetime.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • 2 Years blink and you will miss it try 10 years of Blair & still counting.

    Would you be prepared to do a swop.

    I will contribute personally $10.00 if you take him & his wife for life.

    They are in Robin Gibb's mansion in Florida just kidnap him now.

    You will get a honorary knighthood from the Queen for your services.

    As a buy one get one free offer you can have the entire Northern Ireland Assembly. They have done nothing and plan to do nothing for a lifetime or two and are waiting for the phone call from Brian Henson to tell them The Muppets Show is reforming!!!

  • 2 Years blink and you will miss it try 10 years of Blair & still counting.

    Would you be prepared to do a swop.

    Well, you know, it's funny, DP, but since Tony is a Labourite (and thus on the left), and I'm a right-winger in the mold of Attila the Hun, you'd probably assume that I wouldn't think much of Great Britain's PM. But he has been such a steadfast ally during the past 3 or 4 years that you'd be wrong. I'd swap Tony in a New York minute for Pelosi.

    Loyalty is a trait that I very much admire and Mr. Blair has been nothing if not loyal.

    I realize he's made a lot of people mad in the U.K. but believe you me, my friend, when I tell you Bush has done the same on this side of the pond. I voted for young Bush twice for governor and once for president and right now, I wouldn't vote for him if my life depended on it. In fact, I have come to regard him as even more of a disaster than his old man, who I thought was one of the worst (Republican) presidents the U.S. has ever had.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • He's on his way. Big brown parcel with lots of string. Sorry there is no return address LOL.

    Well Stumpy, who do you reckon the contenders are going for 2008 race.

    Personally ,John Mc Cain seems the most credible from what I have heard and seen of him. I keep having this recurring nightmare of the Hilary thing no please tell me it is a nightmare Ahh. Mind you it might galvanise Republican voters to come out and vote.

    In terms of Presidents you never really know who is good or bad until about 20 years after they have left office.

    Funny, I was reading a book about Presidents at Christmas time and if it had not been for intervention of Ross Perot it is possible that Bush Sr would have won his second term and Dole could have won through in 1996.

  • Howdy All,
    How does one describe a wedgie other than uncomfortable? Maybe a better description would be a Pelosi. In fact, I would like to ask for a vote among a members of this prestigious forum, that we, from this point on, refer to a wedgie as a "Pelosi." All in favor say "aye", all opposed, stand to the left.
    Colorado Bob

    AYE:glare: ! All this talk a few weeks ago of bipartisanship and she dumps it all in one fell swoop:headbonk: !!? Pelosi and Clinton - two of the most prominent devil-witches around:devil_smile: .
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hiy Stumpy

    First of all can I say how dare you start a discussion on politics on this board. :wink:

    No seriously I honestly don't mind little political debates. As for Tony Blair I understand why many Americans will like him as he has been a steadfast supporter of president Bush and helped maintain and improve the special relationship between America and the UK, this is something which I am in favour of.

    However here in the UK mainly in England there is a weird phenomenon called 'open prisons'. Yesterday on the news the head of these prisons told the British public that many people have escaped from these prisons but he can't put a figure on it because there is no way of ever knowing how many were in them in the first place. I find this unacceptable that there are prisons in which the inmates can leave more or less of their own accord and to make things worse these inmates are guility of some pretty horrendous crimes despite the spin the government may put on it. I blame the Blair government for this situation in the UK as they have been soft on crime and soft on the causes of crime yet tough on workers and or motorists by a never ending stream of tax increases.

    The real grievance I have with British politics is the so called leader of the opposition who offers nothing new and is virtually a cutout of Tony Blair. Its likely that he will become primeminister in the future, yet he has no policies and doesn't differentiate from Blair on much at all. He wants to be all things to all people and will make for a pretty awful primeminister in my humble opinion.

    Well thats my political vent over for today, I'm sure I will get lots of criticism by fellow posters but hopefully nobody reading my post will be too offended.


  • Hi Robbie

    You forgot to mention his beloved successor Gordon Brown the Kama Sutra of taxation he knows all the positions and angles and he always ensures you end up screwed!!!

    Anyway I'll enjoy working to 95. Give me somewhere warm and dry to go every day.

    No Taxation without Representation.

    Damn it all the good slogans are alway used!!

  • My ancestry is Scotch-Irish so I've always been a pretty staunch Anglophile. But they sure don't make Prime Ministers like they used to. Where's Winnie when we need him most?

    I try to keep up with events occurring in the British Isles and I read stuff almost every day that shocks and saddens me. It's sure not the British Empire I once knew that set the standard for the rest of the world.

    De gustibus non est disputandum