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  • David Vitter didn't resign. He even got re-elected! And he had actual SEX with hookers instead of merely texting photos of body parts to various ladies.

    So I missed one, oh loyal Democrat Paula. For every Vitter, I imagine I can name 10 other Pubbies who've resigned for scandalous behavior.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The worst thing about this moron is that he bold face lied about it. What else will the scum bag lie about? Every voter in his constituency should press for a recall and get his low moral ass out of office... I know it won't happen, when are people going pull their heads out of their backsides...

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Oh, I'm not defending Weiner, at least not with what he was doing with his Twitter account! I think what he did is mega-icky. I do think it's amusing when Republicans get caught with their, er, let's say, hand in the till since they all run on family values and the sanctity of the traditional family platform. Though Dems occasionally get hoist on the same petard, with John Edwards being the main case in point. My husband the lawyer says he thinks the U.S. Attorney's case against Edwards is bogus, but we will see. ;)

    But to be honest I get a lot more upset over politicians who sell their integrity out to corporations and Wall Street -- which is virtually every politician IMHO, Democrat or Republican.

  • So Paula, it seems that you're saying that Dems have no family values and consider sanctity of the traditional family to be a political liability.

    She's married to a lawyer and depends on the NYT for most of her news - that says it all. :wink_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Quote

    So Paula, it seems that you're saying that Dems have no family values and consider sanctity of the traditional family to be a political liability.

    Nope, I'm saying that the Democrats (in general) don't hold as narrow a view of what constitutes a family as Republicans (or perhaps I should say social conservatives) do. The "traditional" family exists only as a minority family structure now. I know families where the only grandkids are the children of the *gay* sibling. :) This country will not be going back to working dad, stay at home mom, and 2.5 kids as the norm, all the data says it's going in other ways. So when Republican politicians harp on about the sanctity of the traditional family and all that -- a losing battle -- and then so many of them violate said traditional family norms... well, it's sad but I'd be lying if I didn't say it was also amusing.

    Dems like family values too but the construction of a family has a far wider wider definition. And there's a lot less emphasis on the dictates of religion. God is NOT mentioned in the U.S. Constitution, after all.

    Dems tend not to get as bent out of shape over sexual indiscretions, at least OTHER people's indiscretions. The moral outrage comes not so much from something like Weiner's sexting (although it's bad enough), but that he LIED ABOUT IT for over a week! Personally, I'm much more concerned about politicians lying about their affairs, when caught, or even breaking laws to cover it up, than the actual sexual mishap itself. (Unless you're talking about fooling around with minors which IS a crime.) C.F. John Ensign, currently under investigation by the Justice Department and who resigned to prevent being *thrown out* of the Senate. Or John Edwards, one of the few Dems who really did go on and on about family values and built his "brand" around it. Whether he broke a law is still in question (despite the indictment -- this is definitely not going to be a cut and dried case). Edwards and Newt Gringrich now have something in common to talk about, i.e., their faithlessness to cancer-stricken wives. At least Edwards wasn't pointing his finger at anyone else while doing his bad thing; Gingrich was trying to take down Clinton while doing the same thing Clinton was doing!

    But politicians have been fooling around since -- forever. The thing that's destroying families -- "traditional" or otherwise -- isn't politicians breaking the bonds of wedlock or whatever, and it's not gay marriage (which some Republicans, like former Bush solicitor general Ted Olson, think is a *good* thing). It's the millions of jobs going overseas, the loss of our manufacturing base, Wall Street's legal thievery and the now-huge inequality of wealth, and the screws the insurance middlemen have put to the healthcare system. Now those are the issues I really get my dander up about, not about which married politicians is indulging himself with how many fans or what you might call "professionals."

    As for my husband -- who I should mention is an Army veteran and also worked for the Army as a civilian for three years after he resigned his commission -- he is a wonderful, wonderful man who is the epitome of ethical behavior. Everyone who knows him admires him as a friend, colleague, mentor, role model and teacher. He's made me the happiest woman in the world for literally decades. Don't say anything against him or we will be dealing in lead! (Well, verbal lead.) :) He has his flaws as do we all (especially me) but not when it comes to upholding standards.

    It's easy to make jokes about lawyers but if you ever need one, you'll be REALLY happy when he or she is there to advocate for you. Shakespeare's line about "First, let's kill all the lawyers" has turned into a kind of joke, but if you read it in context, it's said by a character who is helping to foment a rebellion, and one step towards achieving the rebellion is to kill the lawyers, and thus eliminate the rule of law and the legal process and the defense of individual rights. From what I know of you folks around here, you like individual rights. I do too. :) You have them, in good part, because of lawyers. :) It's not just soldiers out there defending your rights.

    And just because I subscribe to the New York Times (for its arts coverage mostly, which includes very nice pieces like that Dave Kehr one about John Wayne) doesn't mean that's the ONLY magazine or newspaper or website I read.

    Besides, I have you guys to keep me informed. :) I am actually very sympathetic with a lot of conservative viewpoints, I think on about 85 percent of issues we have the same goals although we usually don't want to get there the same way.

  • Duke, Ward, Ronnie.........where are you when we need you?????

    I think they are working behind the scenes-sorta incognito in that they can help us get rid of the worst ones on the other side-starting with Anthony Wiener. After that? HOPEFULLY the two buffoons that are in the top positions in this Country.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Oh, I'm not defending Weiner, at least not with what he was doing with his Twitter account! I think what he did is mega-icky. I do think it's amusing when Republicans get caught with their, er, let's say, hand in the till since they all run on family values and the sanctity of the traditional family platform. Though Dems occasionally get hoist on the same petard, with John Edwards being the main case in point. My husband the lawyer says he thinks the U.S. Attorney's case against Edwards is bogus, but we will see. ;)

    But to be honest I get a lot more upset over politicians who sell their integrity out to corporations and Wall Street -- which is virtually every politician IMHO, Democrat or Republican.

    Stick to your guns against forum bullies.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • To Misogynist Mike in Belfast:

    Hey Mike, I know you're not a fan of Sarah but what's your opinion of this gal? :wink_smile:

    Speaking for myself, I'd vote for either of them before I'd vote for any of the other announced candidates from either party. Particularly Romney, Huntsman or Paul on the GOP side and any Dem.

    Jim from Texas

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • You must be missing me Jim. :wink_smile:

    Never heard of her but then who knew of Barack Obama. Looking at a google search for her she sounds reasonable miles better than "Wing Nut Sally" Time will tell its a long way to 2012.

    My assessment at the moment is that Palin will not run. Romney will be the Republican candidate against Obama.

    Depending on the economy and whether a 3rd candidate stands for the conservatives I think it is a fair bet that Obama will win.

    Greece the country not the musical could play a deciding factor in a lot of elections.

  • What irks me (today, anyway) is that the POTUS has already started his re-election campaign on our dime. He also has released 30,000,000 barrels of oil from the federal reserve (at a time when oil prices are marginally starting to decline) for his own political well being. Yet he still panders to his left wing base by refusing to drill, thus creating new American jobs.
    It is also a purely political move on his part to start troop withdrawals from Afg. when his military advisers think it's too soon. He wants to be able to say that he ordered the withdrawal next campaign season.
    Whoever runs against him can now cite his sorry record, unemployment, the economy and his broken promises from the last campaign (remember transparency?).

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Romney will be the Republican candidate against Obama.

    Depending on the economy I think it is a fair bet that Obama will win.

    I doubt Romney can win the Republican nomination. He's a RINO from the word GO and true conservatives just don't vote for RINOs. Same thing for Huntsman. Especially Huntsman, since he served his master Obama as ambassador to China and Harry Reid just complimented him. That's two BIG strikes against him.

    The GOP is gonna have to come up with a tried-and-true conservative to have any chance of beating Bambi. Michele is a take-no-prisoners conservative, even more so than Sarah. I'd vote for Bachmann in a New York minute.

    De gustibus non est disputandum