
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 884,000 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Obviously a bunch of so-called "moderates" (meaning fence-sitters) on the board. Apparently they didn't read my very first comment when I originated the thread.

    What you folks don't seem to comprehend is that politics is war by another name. If you don't care who wins or loses the war, then you don't care if you live under communism, Nazism or sharia law.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I read your list Jim. On most of the subjects I came out conservative.

    I exclude myself on the abortion issue for the simple reason until a male gives birth I dont believe any male should raise an opinion on the subject.

    The main problem with the Republican party is not an issue of conservative or liberal. The crux of the matter is that GOP party now stands for the super rich & big corporations. They have no connection with either the working or middle class but just play along soothing noises with no real substance.

    The reason Obama got elected was he was the lesser of two evils.

  • Just to remind all our members,
    that this is the only thread where politics can be discussed freely.

    If any members object to any posts or contents of this thread,
    then they are free to post their views here.
    Should any member object to the discussion on this thread,
    then may I suggest they stay away!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • The reason Obama got elected was he was the lesser of two evils.

    I'm not real sure about that, Mike. I'll admit I wasn't a big fan of Romney but IMO, Obama is the worst thing that has happened to the USA since 1789, the year we became a republic. With the probable exception of the Civil War.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Mike,

    I'm not what they call a "social issues" conservative, meaning I don't get all upset over abortion, etc. I'm primarily a fiscal conservative who believes EVERYBODY should learn to live within their means and that each of us should be responsible for ourselves and not become dependent on government.

    I also believe national defense is the most important function of any government, especially this one.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Dang it, I just can't help it. We KNOW how horrible Obama is....he has just about destroyed our country already. OK, I almost had a heart attack when we got Romney to oppose him, BUT, we don't KNOW that he would be horrible. We already KNOW that Obama is. I am STILL in a state of shock. Anyone can look at the things he has done and just freak out. It is incomprehensible that he could be allowed to continue on with the devastation. But, I predict, if he keeps on his present track, he WILL be impeached. And you can take THAT to the bank! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Just to remind all our members,
    that this is the only thread where politics can be discussed freely.

    If any members object to any posts or contents of this thread,
    then they are free to post their views here.
    Should any member object to the discussion on this thread,
    then may I suggest they stay away!!

    Ditto what Keith has stated above.

    Thanks for posting, you beat me to it. ;)

  • Keith in NC,
    Obama should already have been impeached for his flagrant violation of our Constitutional laws and system of government. But with the Senate controlled by Dummicrats, that's not going to happen because it takes both houses to impeach a president.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • republican is not rich corporations, Im not saying it doesn't include those but it also is working class folks, Its a principal. I find it amusing how so many include wall street or rich but they never say anything about hollywood. Look at Joe Bidens donations to charities and look at romneys. Ill say this the churches do more for poor and helping their fellow man than any other entity. The majority of churches are conservative in their beleifs. The democrats kicked God out of their platform. Obama says we can't go back but for over 200 years this nation has prospered and became the greatest country, what destoryed Bush was he spent or allowed them to spend way too much. Obama has tripled that , Nothing wrong with capitalism we have used that model for a long time. I suggest people read alinskies rules for radicals a sublect Obama taught. Alisnky says ridicule is the most powerful weapon, he holds up Lucipher, some of the 13 rules of Alinsky is pick a target,freeze the target. anything look familar? wall street, Insurance companies, Banks, energy sector. Alinsky says it doesnt matter if you lie,cheat as long as the agenda is met. If caught in a lie deny and deny and deny. read the book and everytime they speak you'll understand what they are doing. Get ready folks it may be tough road to hold not for me but for my children. God Bless America!!!

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

    Edited once, last by brick ().

  • Mike,
    I agree with Brick; you've apparently absorbed and believe all that crap about Republican presidential candidates supporting only the wealthy. It would pay you to do a bit more research because some of the richest and most millionaire-backing politicians in America are Democrats.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Keith in NC,
    Obama should already have been impeached for his flagrant violation of our Constitutional laws and system of government. But with the Senate controlled by Dummicrats, that's not going to happen because it takes both houses to impeach a president.

    Well, Stumpy, after getting away with some of the preposterous things he has, I feel he will go a lot further now that he feels secure.......then, even the Democrats won't stand by him.

    My boyfriend, one of 14 vice presidents of the Union would NOT make the vote unanimous to support Nixon years ago. He said, "The man's a thief, and I will NOT vote for a thief to be anything, and certainly not the President of the United States." Look what happened to him. Get too big for your britches and eventually, it will catch up to you. Just hope it is sooner than later. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I think the main reason Romney lost this election is that too many GOPers didn't go to the polls because they were not convinced Romney was a true conservative. After all, he has a history of flip-flopping on issues that are dear to conservatives hearts. The ONLY reason I voted for him is that I regarded him, as Mike said, the lesser of two evils.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Same here. I couldn't believe we once more didn't have a good choice for president. Figured might as well give Romney a chance....couldn't do worse than Obama.....don't think anyone could. Just wonder when the puppeteers will start showing up. Probably out there already and we just don't know who they are yet.
    If they get strong enough......wouldn't be surprised if a third term gets worked into there somehow. Scary, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I know this is an idea that probably would never fly in this country but I have often wished we'd sometimes embrace that Latin notion of military coups. As a military retiree, I know for a fact that a large majority of GIs are about as conservative as I am.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Latin American coups? So much for upholding the Constitution of the United States! I thought all those conservatives GIs were fighting for the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, or was I daydreaming?

    Ironically, coups are going the way of the dodo in Latin America. The continent for the most part now consists of democratic countries with elections, presidents, etc. Even wannabe dictator Hugo Chavez has to submit himself to elections.

    Cheer up. These things run in cycles. Dems are on top now but the Republicans will reconstitute themselves with young blood and they will eventually put forth a fresh face that will be a lot more appealing to what is now a very diverse electorate than corporate raider Mitt Romney. (And I don't mean Paul Ryan, whose hometown of Janesville and home county Rock County voted for Obama.)

  • Latin American coups? So much for upholding the Constitution of the United States! I thought all those conservatives GIs were fighting for the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, or was I daydreaming?

    If their erstwhile CIC doesn't uphold the Constitution, why should the military, Paula.

    De gustibus non est disputandum