
There are 2,687 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 936,722 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • I feel that President's and Prime Ministers etc really have a no-win job there will be thousands out there who vilify them and it's impossible to please all the people or even most people, these jobs require a healthy dose of pragmatism and with that you always run the risk of upsetting some people. For example the things that Bush is vilified for, would Clinton or Reagan or Roosevelt have handled them any better? It's impossible to say and I think deep down these guys hands are hugely tied in their jobs and often wonder if these men really have the influence over history and events that many suggest.

  • I feel that President's and Prime Ministers etc really have a no-win job there will be thousands out there who vilify them and it's impossible to please all the people or even most people, these jobs require a healthy dose of pragmatism and with that you always run the risk of upsetting some people. For example the things that Bush is vilified for, would Clinton or Reagan or Roosevelt have handled them any better? It's impossible to say and I think deep down these guys hands are hugely tied in their jobs and often wonder if these men really have the influence over history and events that many suggest.

    Everyone has been giving Obama hugely deserved hell for driving the U.S. further into bankruptcy with his spending but G.W. Bush was almost as bad. Please don't suggest that presidents' hands are tied when it comes to spending too much. Every single one of the last several presidents have used the U.S. Treasury to buy votes.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • For the Ladies of this site--I just found something you might be interested in providing you own or wish to buy a firearm. This group was originally started by a lady here in Texas--and started this Org back in 2011--which has now grown to be in 16 States. Its called:

    A Girl and A Gun Shooting Club.

    I suppose they have a web site on the net-so if interested? well, you ladies have your own shooters club :lol:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • There has been an Admin decision
    that all Gun Lobby posts must be confined to this thread

    I wished we had been informed on any decision. I think that would have been fair to do?

    PS, they are NOT--gun lobby posts but news. There is a big difference. If I were lobbying on guns? my posts would be totally different.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote from The Ringo Kid;127978

    Keith, here is a simple solution, why not create a Gun thread? Use the word in the thread title that way if there is someone who hates them? they will see the word they hate-and then--not look in the thread. I made it a seperate thread BECAUSE--there are more pro gun people here than anti--I know because ive been in touh with many over the years both openly as well as by email, phone and snail mail.

    If you want to discuss guns, shooting guns, buying guns, then feel free to start threads about it just as with any other topic. But, when posts relate the gun subject with politics (just as with any topic) then we will move it too this thread.

    That is the way we will handle this.


    BTW, sorry for the delay in addressing this, I was late responding to Keith.

    Sent from my Galaxy S III using Forum Runner

  • Hi Kevin, I appreciate this but--especially that topic letting the Ladies know about an all-female gun club--had nothing to do with politics.


    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Quote from The Ringo Kid;128469

    Hi Kevin, I appreciate this but--especially that topic letting the Ladies know about an all-female gun club--had nothing to do with politics.


    Never said it was political.

    Sent from my Galaxy S III using Forum Runner

  • This will be the most interesting time in our history for the next year, and we as Americans have to make some very hard decisions that will affect the future of this country. If we don't take control of our country (the United States), we will loose what we know as our freedom forever. The Immigration bill, the gun battle, are just examples of smoke and mirrors on this country right now. We are seeing every bit of our lives challenged and we must take total control.

    By the way, I don't trust anyone in Washington.

    This is about responsible leadership and tolerance to make this a great country. There was a time when us locals took care of our own. Now we want the government to it. And the way they do it is not acceptable to us. We use to depend on our churches to feed the needy. Now, the churches are too busy trying to entertain the congregation. The churches in all denominations are telling us to let the government take care of the poor. We've lost our edge. We are too busy with our gadgets to help our neighbors. Is this what we've become?

    In a years time we are going to have to make some hard decisions. What will we do?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • You guys our spoilt, you should see the standard of politicians we have here in Northern Ireland, i'd love to feel apart of a power country like the US

    We were spoiled, but we are approaching some crossroads that is in my opinion compromising our freedom and the way we choose our leaders. The leaders we have today are not representing the people of this country. That is why I do not trust anyone in Washington. You can blame it on money, corruption, or scandal, but it is us that are not taking the time to see to our country's needs. And it is slipping away from us.

    We are losing our power like you've never seen before. For example we are forced to take an insurance that will not help anyone but the politicians. And they will determine who gets what and dare I say, who lives or dies. This is not their job. This is suppose to be our responsibility. How dare they do this. Oh, we let them do it. There are other issues we are starting to compromise other principles too. Let's start with transportation, education, housing, wealth, food, and many more things. This will truly be a country divided with liberals and the rest of us. The liberals will rule us with no rules or laws and we will be their subjects.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • AMEN to that my Southern Bro. Thats also partially why I keep posting about Guns.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Well said, er, written, Hondo.
    I applaud your use of "we as Americans". The politicians have forgotten that we are first and foremost AMERICANS, then conservative, liberal, Republican or Democrat or Bull Moose party. If they would all put aside their partisan agendas and focus on the good of the country we would all be better off.

    We deal in lead, friend.