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  • Gentlemen,

    I hate to get involved in your rigorous debate, but I can't help but wonder if you aren't arguing about apples and oranges. I personally feel that no one in the higher echelons of either party has any concept of what being a conservative is. I believe that they have all been inserted in the positions they are in through the efforts of the multi-national banking and industrial complex that are working towards a "new world order." There are people in this country that consider themselves conservative, who believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, but rarely are they able to get into positions of power. Currently, the forces that control this world have placed us into fast-forward as far as accomplishing their goals, so hold on for the ride.

    As far as Dick Cheney's activities dodging the draft, I wouldn't condone that, or anyone else's, but that's small in comparison to his activities in helping subvert our country's future (along with all of his pals in the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, et al).

    Chester :newyear:

  • Bravo!

  • that's small in comparison to his activities in helping subvert our country's future (along with all of his pals in the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, et al).

    Forgot to ask, Jim - noticed any black helicopters in your area lately? :wink:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Is this the Cole Thornton of old or a new one? Did Dick Cheney win the election? Must have been asleep that day!! I thought it was the guy asking for change.

    You guys dont know you are living! try having Goofy Gordon and his gang of crooks for a week or two. Glad they threw off there communist/marxist clothes and became ordinary low down thieves instead:vomit:

  • Forgot to ask, Jim - noticed any black helicopters in your area lately? :wink:

    No, I haven't, they backed off after so many Militia's started popping up all over the country. Then, after Clinton left, everyone thought the problem was solved. The powers that be went back to the drawing board, and their new plan will be economic chaos, where we will sell our souls, birthright, (and Bill of Rights) for food, shelter, etc.
    This fellow, Alex Jones, a fellow Texan of yours, has radio shows all over the Country and does a Great job of bringing Americans up to speed as to what "the men behind the curtains" are up to. You can also listen online. Enjoy.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Well, I just gotta throw in my 2 cents here. I've been following the debate between Stumpy and Bill and Cole Thornton. I have to say that I agree with Stumpy and Bill, and I am a conservative, and I have to say that all of this with Cheney is nonsense. To say that he "dodged" the draft just doesn't hold water. Yes, he did what he could to avoid going to Viet Nam, and what he did was apply for a deferment. Yes he did this 5 times. However, Cheney did not force the draft board to accept or approve those deferment requests. It was THEIR choice. They very easily could have rejected his deferments, and drafted him against his wishes. There were many who applied for deferments, and for a myriad of reasons. Applying for a deferment does not make one a "draft dodger." I won't even call Clinton a draft dodger, since he was in school and not eligible for the draft at the time. However, I do have some serious questions about his choice to visit communist Russia during that time, and what he was doing there, since they were our enemy at that time (and still are as far as I'm concerned).

    But all of this is water under the bridge. Our concern should not be about Cheney's wartime activities, or George Bush's, or Clinton's. Not should it be about Barney Frank's sexual orientation (although I question why he is still in office after committing multiple felonies while in office, and was never prosecuted). But this is all old news. What we should ALL be concerned about is the man currently residing in the White House, and why is he President, and how did he even become President?

    Here is a man who admittedly has mob ties (Tony Rezko), has admitted ties with terrorists (William Ayers, and Palistinian terrorist Rashid Khalidi), has admitted ties with communists (ACORN and Frank Marshall Davis), has admitted ties to radical rascist anti-white and anti-American organizations (The Black Panthers and Trinity United "church" and Jeremiah Wright), and, to top it all off, he is not, I repeat NOT, an American citizen. It has been proven that the so-called "birth certificate" which shows him to be an American citizen was in fact forged. There is documented evidence which shows that he was/is a citizen of a foriegn country. The very fact that he now resides in the White House should scare the hell out of each and every true American, and should be the focus, the primary political focus, of each and every true American, and not who did what in the past.

    Well, there's my two cents, and I'll get off my soapbox now.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • What we should ALL be concerned about is the man currently residing in the White House, and why is he President, and how did he even become President?

    Here is a man who admittedly has mob ties (Tony Rezko), has admitted ties with terrorists (William Ayers, and Palistinian terrorist Rashid Khalidi), has admitted ties with communists (ACORN and Frank Marshall Davis), has admitted ties to radical rascist anti-white and anti-American organizations (The Black Panthers and Trinity United "church" and Jeremiah Wright), and, to top it all off, he is not, I repeat NOT, an American citizen. It has been proven that the so-called "birth certificate" which shows him to be an American citizen was in fact forged. There is documented evidence which shows that he was/is a citizen of a foriegn country. The very fact that he now resides in the White House should scare the hell out of each and every true American, and should be the focus, the primary political focus, of each and every true American, and not who did what in the past.

    AMEN, brother! I couldn't agree more!

    Bob, your two cents is worth more like $100,000!

  • I won't even call Clinton a draft dodger

    I agree with everything you said, Bob, except the above.

    As someone who did two tours in 'Nam, I loathed Bill Clinton with a passion for his behavior during that unhappy period of our history. In fact, I severed all relations with my own mother during the last few years of her life because I learned that she had voted for Clinton, not once but twice. This despite the fact that she had had two sons who served in Vietnam.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • You guys dont know you are living! try having Goofy Gordon and his gang of crooks for a week or two. Glad they threw off there communist/marxist clothes and became ordinary low down thieves instead:vomit:

    I've always been kind of a rebel against "constituted authority" but you know, Mike, reading about the transgressions by various politicians around the world is almost enough to turn me into an out-and-out anarchist. Off with their heads, say I. :wink:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I agree with everything you said, Bob, except the above.

    As someone who did two tours in 'Nam, I loathed Bill Clinton with a passion for his behavior during that unhappy period of our history. In fact, I severed all relations with my own mother during the last few years of her life because I learned that she had voted for Clinton, not once but twice. This despite the fact that she had had two sons who served in Vietnam.

    Howdy Stumpy,
    As a Viet Nam Vet myself, I do understand what you're saying. All I'm saying us that Clinton, as a full time student, was ineligible for the draft. However, that being said, why the hell was he spending time in communist Russia, especially at a time when they were our enemy? (Which they still are as far as I'm concerned). To me, a draft dodger was someone who burned their draft card and refused to register even when they were eligible to do so; and also those cowards who ran off to Canada and Mexico just to avoid serving this country. And I have to add: this country who gave those ungrateful bastards so much, just so they could spit on it. As far as I'm concerned, they are treasonous bastards who should be shot. I have no sympathy for them, and I think when Carter pardoned them all so they could come home, he too committed a treasonous act.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • BY the way, I suppose that I should inform you all that I am not only a conservative, but also a vet, and an NRA member, and I hunt, and I own guns. Therefore, because of these things, according to Janet Napoliatano (current head of Homeland Security), I am a terrorist.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Howdy Stumpy,
    As a Viet Nam Vet myself, I do understand what you're saying. All I'm saying us that Clinton, as a full time student, was ineligible for the draft. However, that being said, why the hell was he spending time in communist Russia, especially at a time when they were our enemy? (Which they still are as far as I'm concerned). To me, a draft dodger was someone who burned their draft card and refused to register even when they were eligible to do so; and also those cowards who ran off to Canada and Mexico just to avoid serving this country. And I have to add: this country who gave those ungrateful bastards so much, just so they could spit on it. As far as I'm concerned, they are treasonous bastards who should be shot. I have no sympathy for them, and I think when Carter pardoned them all so they could come home, he too committed a treasonous act.

    Again, Bob, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said except for the circumstances of Clinton's draft avoidance, deferment or whatever you want to call it. Although my memory has gone to hell during the past couple of years, I seem to recall something about him lying to an ROTC colonel in order to obtain a draft deferral. I'll see if I can find something about it on the 'net to refresh both our memories.

    De gustibus non est disputandum