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  • Bob,
    I found this website, which seems to contain considerable information relating to Clinton avoiding the draft through devious means.

    Howdy Stumpy,
    My apologies. I was under the impression that Clinton was simply ineligible for the draft. I did not know that he not only actively sought deferment, but also deceived people and outright lied to them to get his deferment, and while he was receiving his deferment through deceitful and dishonest means, he was actively and vocally engaged in treasonous activities both in this country and in foreign countries. Therefore, not only is he a draft dodger, he is also a communist sympathizer, and he is guilty of treason. Also, from what I read in a little further research, after Clinton had enlisted in the reserves, he left for his trips to England, Norway, Russia and Czechoslovakia, therefore making him a deserter as well.

    I stand corrected, and withdraw my previous statement where I said Clinton was not a draft dodger.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Howdy Stumpy,
    My apologies. I was under the impression that Clinton was simply ineligible for the draft.

    No apology is necessary, Bob. There are few people who pay as much attention to political matters as I do and even if you had heard of this, you may have forgotten it. At our age, the old memory ain't what it once was.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • BY the way, I suppose that I should inform you all that I am not only a conservative, but also a vet, and an NRA member, and I hunt, and I own guns. Therefore, because of these things, according to Janet Napoliatano (current head of Homeland Security), I am a terrorist.

    Wow, you, too?

    Actually, I guess I'm not really a terrorist, as I was eligible to receive a TWIC card from the government. For a mere $135, I was able to find out I was NOT a terrorist. Well worth the money !

    Chester :newyear:

  • Well you have to admit that WWII was a much different war than the ones that followed. If you did not do everything in your power to be part of WWII there was something wrong with you, that is contrasted by Vietnam. Where if you did not do everything in your power to stay out of it, there was something wrong with you. That's my take on the general public view of things. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Well you have to admit that WWII was a much different war than the ones that followed. If you did not do everything in your power to be part of WWII there was something wrong with you, that is contrasted by Vietnam. Where if you did not do everything in your power to stay out of it, there was something wrong with you. That's my take on the general public view of things. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

    That's why I titled my post "How Things Have Changed."

  • Well you have to admit that WWII was a much different war than the ones that followed. If you did not do everything in your power to be part of WWII there was something wrong with you, that is contrasted by Vietnam. Where if you did not do everything in your power to stay out of it, there was something wrong with you. That's my take on the general public view of things. So to compare the two is like comparing apples and oranges.

    I wanted to also mention that unless one was running on an far left, anti-war platform or had such a career in mind, it probably wouldn't have hurt a career if the scion of a political figure did serve in Vietnam.

  • Sarah Palin, is Stepping Down as Governor at the End Of The Month, and going to Fight the Crooks in Washinton, and I think you are Going to See The First Woman President in 2012, and My Kind Of Woman With a Rifle in one Hand and a Fishing Pole in The Other Hand !!!

  • Sarah Palin, is Stepping Down as Governor at the End Of The Month, and going to Fight the Crooks in Washinton, and I think you are Going to See The First Woman President in 2012, and My Kind Of Woman With a Rifle in one Hand and a Fishing Pole in The Other Hand !!!



    Works for me.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Sarah would be the cutest President as well! :wink_smile:

    She definitely has no problem standing up to the crooked politicians as well, no matter of what Party they belong to.

    "Monseur, you are a LuLu!" (The Comancheros)

  • Considering all the BS that lefties, and not a few righties, threw at her and members of her family, I'm not surprised she decided to step out of the spotlight.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Oh Heck Jim, I was Hoping I Would See A Nice Big
    MUSHROOM CLOUD With Barny Franks and Some of Those Other Crooks Right In The Middle Of It !!!
    Stumpy, Don't Count Out Sarah Out Yet , It Looks Like She has Sighed for a Book And Movie Deal to Get Out Of Debt caused by The Crooks in Washington !!!