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  • :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • This is part of where my loyalty lays because its MY heritage:

    Like it or not? I love my Country faults and all and sometimes its hard not to wish that the Battle flag isnt the one flying just below the National flag..

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • This is part of where my loyalty lays because its MY heritage:

    Like it or not? I love my Country faults and all and sometimes its hard not to wish that the Battle flag isnt the one flying just below the National flag..

    So you beleave white people should still own slaves?
    This is why I don't post on this thread.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • I have to speak up for my friend Carl. We've corresponded for a couple years now and, although we've never met, I believe I know quite a bit about him.
    He's about the kindest person I know. Despite his own medical problems, he reaches out to people in need. He went to extreme efforts to assist a veteran being ignored by the "system". He fetches groceries and runs errands for elderly neighbors despite the fact that he doesn't drive.
    He is proud of his heritage and is a true patriot. To suggest that he would endorse slavery is both ridiculous and insulting.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • I have to agree with Gorch. Like Bill of PA, I usually don't post on this thread, due to the very nature of the subject matter.

    BUT...to say that Carl advocates slavery is woefully incorrect. I'm a Southerner, and proud of it.

    Being from the hills of East Tennessee, I have a unique perspective regarding the war because, like nearly all of East Tennessee, 95% of my ancestors wore blue uniforms. Three of my G-Great uncles, the Barger brothers, died within a short time of each other (two on the same day) at Andersonville Prison in GA.

    Most soldiers in the Confederacy (over 90%) not only WEREN'T slave holders, the war for them was NOT about slavery. They were mostly poor farmers, or even sharecroppers, and they resented the Federal government's intrusion into their rights.

    They fought for what they held dear, and even though my family did the same, only in blue, I respect both sides, and have no issue with anyone who has pride in their heritage.

  • Good post, and one with which I agree 1000 percent.

    My great, great grandfather was a Confederate cavalryman, a bit of family history of which I'm tremendously proud. And he certainly wasn't a slaveholder but a very small rancher in Navarro County, Texas.

    As for myself, I've never been a racist but to tell the truth, Obama has almost turned me into one. I spent 25 years in the military, where some of my best buddies were black or brown. I retired as a Master Sergeant and you can't achieve that by being racially prejudiced. There are just too many members of all races and a senior NCO must treat everyone equally, or forfeit the opportunity to even become a senior NCO.

    I too have always been very proud of my southern heritage. In fact, I'm a member of the organization "Confederate Sons of America".

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I agree totally with Gorch and the rest about Carl. That he is a racist is like saying Duke was a fairy.....and I don't mean the "gay" kind..I mean like Tinkerbell. I have only known Carl through a good many phone calls and emails, but, well, enough said. You can forget about his being a racist.

    I still have a Rebel flag and am proud of it. My great grandparents had slaves the their quarters' foundations are still behind the house. That was just the way it was back then. My ancestors fought for the Confederacy more on principle than anything else. The could well have afforded to pay help rather than buying, housing and feeding slaves. Their slave master was a kind hearted fellow whose wife was always helping the slaves to better themselves. And a good deal of the blacks in the town of Elberton carry our family names because they chose to name their children after my relatives. My grandfather and grandmother had servants who wore white, served meals formally, met us and brought our luggage in when we visited and called my brother and I, Mr. Buz, and Miss Keith. But, we were always in the kitchen with them....loved them dearly. Nana and Grandpa built them a nice house on the property and sent their children to college....one became a medical doctor, another a lawyer like my Grandpa.

    No, Carl is not a racist and neither were my relatives. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • So you beleave white people should still own slaves?
    This is why I don't post on this thread.

    Dont know where you get that idea from Bill, you should know me better by now. One thing--the Civil War as fought by the vast majority of those who served in BOTH Armies--was NOT to preserve slavery. Mostly--as in the case of MY FAMILY and no--NOBODY IN MY FAMILY was for slavery nor ever owned any slaves. The War--as anyone interested in factual history SHOULD know--was NOT fought to keep slaves--it was fought to keep YANKESS off our land and that we didnt want those from far away--dictating how we wanted to live our lives. Again--ill ask, I dont know where you got that silly notion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT: I meant to say above that Slavery was not what the war was fought about. Ill not change any words above though.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • I have to speak up for my friend Carl. We've corresponded for a couple years now and, although we've never met, I believe I know quite a bit about him.
    He's about the kindest person I know. Despite his own medical problems, he reaches out to people in need. He went to extreme efforts to assist a veteran being ignored by the "system". He fetches groceries and runs errands for elderly neighbors despite the fact that he doesn't drive.
    He is proud of his heritage and is a true patriot. To suggest that he would endorse slavery is both ridiculous and insulting.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    Thank you Bill, and your a true friend when one needs one ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Thank you T, and I have family from that fine State who served in the War--they were all from my Mothers side of the family. They still own part of the Lookout Mountain battlefield. Also, they all served under Southern Arms. One we are related to that I kn ow served for the Union was: U.S. Grant ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Thank you bill. Also, one of my Great Great uncles--was a Colonel in a Confederate Cavalry Regiment. I dont know which one but he lost his leg at the Battle of Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing to those from the North) Im not a racist either and I feel EXACTLY like you do when it comes to those like OLDD almost turning me into one.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • I agree totally with Gorch and the rest about Carl. That he is a racist is like saying Duke was a fairy.....and I don't mean the "gay" kind..I mean like Tinkerbell. I have only known Carl through a good many phone calls and emails, but, well, enough said. You can forget about his being a racist.

    I still have a Rebel flag and am proud of it. My great grandparents had slaves the their quarters' foundations are still behind the house. That was just the way it was back then. My ancestors fought for the Confederacy more on principle than anything else. The could well have afforded to pay help rather than buying, housing and feeding slaves. Their slave master was a kind hearted fellow whose wife was always helping the slaves to better themselves. And a good deal of the blacks in the town of Elberton carry our family names because they chose to name their children after my relatives. My grandfather and grandmother had servants who wore white, served meals formally, met us and brought our luggage in when we visited and called my brother and I, Mr. Buz, and Miss Keith. But, we were always in the kitchen with them....loved them dearly. Nana and Grandpa built them a nice house on the property and sent their children to college....one became a medical doctor, another a lawyer like my Grandpa.

    No, Carl is not a racist and neither were my relatives. KEITH

    Thank you Keith. Also, all of you are much more eloquent than I am when it comes to replying to things like this. I have loads of respect for Bill of PA--but the accusation not bound on anything really was really irritating to say the least. ;-))

    There are several others who are members here who cant visit for one reason or another but--I keep in touch with them by phone, snail mail and emails--and they are from places like: Georgia, Alabama, Texas and Oklahoma--and all of their ancestors who fought in the war were also in the Confederate Military. Ill see if I can get a couple of them to visit and let them tell about their heritage. they are as proud of theirs as we are of ours.

    Another couple of friends I have who are not members here but are from Alabama and Virginia--and of the same feeling as I am with the Battle Flag. They like I--love our Country but with the nonsence going on coming from those who are so far away--also make them almost wish the same. Also, those im speaking about--all served in the US Army and Navy with in the past 20 years. I dont know any vet who does not love the current American flag as much as i do. The thing is--is that with the garbage going on--sometimes we almost wish things had turned out a bit different back in 1865. Yes--I do love the Battle Flag as much as I do our current flag.

    By the way Bill of PA, just for historical fact--there were many many Hispanics and Blacks--who served for the Confederacy. Check out this site: www.flatfenders.com/scv/bc.htm The Black Confederates site was started by someone who is also a member of the Sons of Confederates. I am not yet one but fully intend on joining. The only Sons of i belong to right now--are the Sons of Norway.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited 4 times, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Just heard that David Petraeous has resigned from the CIA due to an extra marital affair with his biographer. Strange that this happened less than one week before he was scheduled to testify about the Libya mash up. As of now, he has declined to testify but may be subpoenaed down the road.
    Also found it strange that the attack on one of our drones in neutral air space occurred on 11/1/12 but wasn't divulged until yesterday.
    Was someone trying to get re-elected at the expense of the country?

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • You know one of the greatest things that has been lost in this Country is the ability to respect someone elses point of view. You don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, but at least respect the fact that we enjoy the freedom for everyone to have a differing opinion.

    I don't agree with people that think the Government should dole out health care, retirement founds, welfare (even though I receive it). I believe that our Government was not designed to take care of us, but for us to take care of it. Unfortunately, this is no longer the dominant opinion and I believe that our Country is headed in a bad direction. This is proven out with the unemployment rate and the increasing number of people on welfare. Now I don't think that someone that disagrees with that is an idiot (There are plenty of them on both sides by the way), I just don't agree with the direction they think the Country should go. No need to name call, no need to hate, no need for anything but respect.

    By they way I live in a Blue State that didn't stand a chance of electing a Republican president so I wrote my name in...

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • You know one of the greatest things that has been lost in this Country is the ability to respect someone elses point of view. You don't have to agree with it, you don't have to like it, but at least respect the fact that we enjoy the freedom for everyone to have a differing opinion.

    I don't agree with people that think the Government should dole out health care, retirement founds, welfare (even though I receive it). I believe that our Government was not designed to take care of us, but for us to take care of it. Unfortunately, this is no longer the dominant opinion and I believe that our Country is headed in a bad direction. This is proven out with the unemployment rate and the increasing number of people on welfare. Now I don't think that someone that disagrees with that is an idiot (There are plenty of them on both sides by the way), I just don't agree with the direction they think the Country should go. No need to name call, no need to hate, no need for anything but respect.

    By they way I live in a Blue State that didn't stand a chance of electing a Republican president so I wrote my name in...

    Well said, Eric.

    For some reason (I can't imagine why :wink_smile:), I seem to irritate certain of our participants. Probably because they're liberals.:biggrin: Something I've never been able to understand though, is how did a liberal become a Duke fan.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Quote

    Something I've never been able to understand though, is how did a liberal become a Duke fan.

    John Wayne was a political conservative, but his movies transcend any such silly labels. His movies are about the human condition, and speak to something far deeper than whatever political category we put ourselves in. He plays specific characters who find themselves in certain situations, and we -- that is, all of us --are moved by what those characters experience, enjoy and suffer, emotionally and physically, in part by what the director, screenwriter, etc., created, and in part because of what John Wayne, human being and great actor, brought to those roles.

    A lot of my favorite actors were or are conservatives, including Ward Bond (who was arch-conservative) and Ben Johnson. Who they voted for is irrelevant, IMHO, when I am watching them on the screen.

  • Just heard that David Petraeous has resigned from the CIA due to an extra marital affair with his biographer. Strange that this happened less than one week before he was scheduled to testify about the Libya mash up. As of now, he has declined to testify but may be subpoenaed down the road.
    Also found it strange that the attack on one of our drones in neutral air space occurred on 11/1/12 but wasn't divulged until yesterday.
    Was someone trying to get re-elected at the expense of the country?

    We deal in lead, friend.

    My thoughts exactly. Ill also add that I think those responsible for the deaths of the Ambassador and the two former Seals and the other guy--ALL need to be indicted and sentenced to long terms in a TEXAS Prison.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • John Wayne was a political conservative, but his movies transcend any such silly labels. His movies are about the human condition, and speak to something far deeper than whatever political category we put ourselves in. He plays specific characters who find themselves in certain situations, and we -- that is, all of us --are moved by what those characters experience, enjoy and suffer, emotionally and physically, in part by what the director, screenwriter, etc., created, and in part because of what John Wayne, human being and great actor, brought to those roles.

    A lot of my favorite actors were or are conservatives, including Ward Bond (who was arch-conservative) and Ben Johnson. Who they voted for is irrelevant, IMHO, when I am watching them on the screen.

    My, my, Paula -whatever gave you the idea that I was referring to you as one of our resident liberals? :laugh:

    De gustibus non est disputandum