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  • Personally, I like to keep out of these discussions

    I've been a political junkie all my life. It's funny - I hate politicians and obtrusive government but politics are one of my favorite topics of discussion. And as you know, I'm verrrrry opinionated on the subject. :teeth_smile:

    Now religion is not a subject I care to argue about. I'm more or less an agnostic. However, I'm not hostile toward religion itself as many people are. I'm a strong believer in religious freedom but just don't like religious fanatics of any kind, Islamic or otherwise. And don't like people proselytizing me. That's a sore subject between my sister and me as she's always trying to "convert" me.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Stumpy

    I had a suspicion it would be Jefferson & Reagan.

    In terms of importance and what they achieved I would rate Washington Jefferson both Roosevelts and Reagan. Andy Jackson should also get a mention as he was the last one to clear the national debt!!

    Religion should be like the example of US School system "outside the remit" of this forum.


  • I think my favorite Democratic president was "Give 'em hell" Harry Truman. It took one helluva backbone to make the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan (which ended WW2). I can't think of another president during my lifetime who would have had that brass, even RR.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • have to agree with stumpy, about Mr. Churchill,

    I'd bet everything I own that Winston would not have tolerated those Muslim fanatics in the UK who threaten more bombings and violence against the British people. He would have ran their butts back to the Middle East.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Sometimes, I think we should start that in the states as well. They cannot seem to get there countries in order so they come to ours and then spout off about not getting a fair shake. Then all of a sudden we are having problems that we never could have imagined. I am all for people coming to place to better themselves. But for god sakes, live by the rules, speak the language that most of the people speak. And if you don't like it, get the hell out!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I have a question that has nothing to do with politics but was wondering if perhaps some American on the board might know the answer to. (I just don't wanna initiate another thread).

    Has anybody else noticed that when renewing magazine subscriptions, so many of them are renewed in either Colorado, Florida or Iowa. Why is that?

    For instance, I have a subscription to the magazine "Texas Highways", which is published by the Texas Department of Transportation in Austin. But when it comes time to renew the subscription, my renewal notice is always sent from Boulder, CO and that's where I send my renewal fee. The same with "Consumer Reports"; I don't think the magazine is based in Colorado but again, the renewal paperwork and fee is sent to Boulder.

    I also have a subscription to "Shotgun News", the gun magazine (or newspaper), which I think is based in Nebraska. But at renewal time, the transaction is from someplace in Florida.


    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Jim

    It is proberably something to do with all administration being based there.

    Same as all our call centres like NTL being based in India and when you eventually get through you cant understand them or they cant understand them.


  • Same as all our call centres like NTL being based in India and when you eventually get through you cant understand them or they cant understand them.

    We have exactly the same problem over here, Mike. A couple of years ago I had an internet connection with AT&T's DSL service. Every time I had a connection problem and called for help, I got hold of someone I couldn't understand. I finally got so mad at the situation that I wrote a very nasty letter to one of the head office people in AT&T, threatening to sue them for poor service. A few days later I got a personal phone call from the man to whom I wrote reassuring me that I'd have no more connection problems and if I did, to call him personally and he'd take care of it. I had hardly any problems with connectivity after that.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It has to do with who is the publishing company for the magazine. If the publisher is located in Colorado, Nebraska, Florida or where ever, that is where you send the subscription fees too. Very few magazines can afford to publish a magazine for themselves so they have a company do it for them.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • To fellow Brits

    If you disagree with the proposed road mileage tax sign this petition. I just did, I don't know if it will make a difference but it has got a lot of coverage on the TV etc in the past week or so.


  • I think the denizens of Hollyweird should keep their political opinions to themselves. Not that I'm saying they shouldn't have political opinions - I just don't think they should express them in public because let's face it, celebrities get much more attention from the news media than ordinary people and therefore, celebrity's political opinions are gonna be widely broadcast to the world and will sway the opinions of people unable, or unwilling, to think for themselves. People like us will never get that much attention and can therefore not have as much influence on public opinion.

    That's what I liked about Gregory Peck and Burt Lancaster. They were notoriously liberal (as is Paul Newman) but you'd never know it from watching their movies, nor from most of their public pronouncements. My ideology is 180 degrees from theirs, yet they were (and in Newman's case, are) three of my favorite actors. Yet jerks like Fonda, Streisand and Penn are constantly broadcasting their political opinions and trying to influence other people to their points of view.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • It brought down up their email system for awhile Robbie

    I am saving my water rates bill envelope for a special occasion. Confirm all your details and pay a stamp to post a piece of crap that originated from them back to them. If they dont know who I am that is their problem.
