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[/extendedmedia]That brings us to what the second amendment is all about.
I thought all those anti-gun nuts you have out there had disarmed you folks. In other words, ignored the Second Amendment.
If necessary, you don't ignore it, you utilize it, as our founders intended.
And Stumpy, you do remember how our Founders came up with that concept, don't you?
And Stumpy, you do remember how our Founders came up with that concept, don't you?
Oh very definitely - it was intended to prevent this country ever having another tyrannical government by having an armed citizenry to prevent it.
What's even scarier, is that I heard on a news program I think on Fox, that mentioned that the he-devil clinton, was tossing the idea around at running again. If that happens, THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD; as well as whats left of our country. >:-((
the he-devil clinton, -((
Are you talking about the he-devil, or the she-devil ?
Are you talking about the he-devil, or the she-devil ?
There's been some talk about appointing the he-devil to the she-devil's Senate seat should she win the presidency.
If this works like I expect it to, when you click on the link, you should get a pop-up dialog box asking if you want to save (or open) the file, which is a Power Point presentation. I think you'll get a good laugh from it. Editing.pps
Hope it works!!
Display MoreIf this works like I expect it to, when you click on the link, you should get a pop-up dialog box asking if you want to save (or open) the file, which is a Power Point presentation. I think you'll get a good laugh from it. Editing.pps
Hope it works!!
I had that one sent to me, very funny!!!
Are you talking about the he-devil, or the she-devil ?
Hi Jim, most definately the he-devil. From what I understand, it has something to do with the she-devil losing popularite with the extreme left. I guess they could her flip-flopping too much on too many things.
My roommate said that he is going to move to Rumania if billery gets elected. If that happens, it might drive me to do lotsa and I don't mean in a partying way. As I don't drink spirits but, having mrs twiggy in charge WILL drive me to more than sipping the grape.
Hi Jim, most definately the he-devil. From what I understand, it has something to do with the she-devil losing popularite with the extreme left. I guess they could her flip-flopping too much on too many things.
My roommate said that he is going to move to Rumania if billery gets elected. If that happens, it might drive me to do lotsaand I don't mean in a partying way. As I don't drink spirits but, having mrs twiggy in charge WILL drive me to more than sipping the grape.
I am with you Ringo!! It will be one long hangover for those 4 years if she gets in!!!!
Don't the Swiss have a similar law? I agree with your general premise though and I think most Americans are starting to tend toward that Euro view unfortunately.
On a similar note, I read a news story today about a guy who got himself arrested because he overheard what he thought were a woman's cries for help coming from an overhead apartment in the building where he lived. He grabbed a cavalry sword that was a family heirloom and busted through the neighbors door only to find out the sounds were coming from a porn DVD the guy was watching.
The cops arrested the poor guy and confiscated his sword. He could get up to 9 years. The guy thought he was saving someone's life and now he's lost his family heirloom and faces years behind bars because some perv has a penchant for violent porn played loud enough the neighbors can hear it.
Talk about a jacked up world.
Talk about a jacked up world.
You got that right.
There used to be a song with either the title or a lyric that said "It's Not The World I Used To Know" and that's exactly the way I feel. Glad I don't have that many more years to endure this crap.
Hi Tbone
I have to admit I would have loved to seen the expression of the guy watching porn as his cavalry sword saviour was coming through the door.
Yeah, I could imagine that JW would have pulled the same thing if he'd been in that situation. I know for myself, I'd at least been pounding on the door to find out what was happening.
I am with you Ringo!! It will be one long hangover for those 4 years if she gets in!!!!
Hi Todd, if she gets in (Heaven forbid) lets get together and I will buy you a few kegs. I think it will take quite a lot of drinking to be able to completely shut her out of my mind.
Display MoreJim,
Don't the Swiss have a similar law? I agree with your general premise though and I think most Americans are starting to tend toward that Euro view unfortunately.
On a similar note, I read a news story today about a guy who got himself arrested because he overheard what he thought were a woman's cries for help coming from an overhead apartment in the building where he lived. He grabbed a cavalry sword that was a family heirloom and busted through the neighbors door only to find out the sounds were coming from a porn DVD the guy was watching.
The cops arrested the poor guy and confiscated his sword. He could get up to 9 years. The guy thought he was saving someone's life and now he's lost his family heirloom and faces years behind bars because some perv has a penchant for violent porn played loud enough the neighbors can hear it.
Talk about a jacked up world.
On that Swiss law, yes, they have to own a rifle and also have to maintain being a good shot with their rifle. I have a good friend who lives in Rickenbach, Switzerland, who used to be in the Swiss Army. He now is in the Swiss reserves and still has his military issued and modern German made sniper rifle-which is kept at home instead of in some darn armory. I have a German Mauser sniper rifle of my own only mine was made in 1936 - which is the first year that S-42 K-98's were made. Mine also has a fixed 25 round Ansteckmagazine in it.
I have a German Mauser sniper rifle of my own only mine was made in 1936 - which is the first year that S-42 K-98's were made. Mine also has a fixed 25 round Ansteckmagazine in it.
Now that sounds like one of those nasty assault rifle to me.
Another stupid liberal-dreamed-up-arbitrary classification.
So what caliber is your Mauser? 7 or 8 mm?