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  • On the news today is one of the prime reasons this nation is not what it once was totally because of the liberal thinking and political correctness.
    Those men who are being sentenced for killing those 4 Iraqis insurgents. If they would have killed them in battle no one would have said nothing. To do as they would to our soldiers is a crime. Bah humbug!
    They would have killed our troops in execution style and not missed a beat. The only thing those Islame-ists understand is eye for an eye.
    Obama wants to talk with them, ah, phooey. Kill them all, let God figure out who lives and dies.
    Sorry just a bit peeved after reading that news brief.:eek:

    You didn't say a thing with which I disagree.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm gonna drop an extremely politically incorrect bombshell.

    Generally speaking, I myself feel a great deal of antipathy toward not only blacks but toward Jews as well.

    And you wanna know why? Because upwards of 95 percent of both classes are extreme liberals who always vote for Democrats.

    Since I'm an extreme conservative, I have absolutely no use for those on the other side of the political aisle. But please note that my antagonism toward these two classes of people is not based on their skin color or their religion but on their almost monolithic left-wing ideology.

    I can think of several blacks and Jews I would vote for in a New York minute but every single one of them are my kind of conservatives.

    Obviously, the stinkin' media is trying to throw out an advance excuse just in case Obambi-Biden lose. Then they can always blame it on racism. Also, they're trying to instill a sense of guilt among fence sitters who are undecided so as to nudge them to the left.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • The interesting part of this puzzle is the ignorance both classes show towards republicans.
    Blacks hate Lincoln, but he helped free them. Democrats started Liberia for the colony in Africa for ex-slaves. Copperheads and Democrats would have put them in a separate state of their own, both not wanting to have them co-exist with them.
    Jews do not like republicans yet the support of Israel came originally from the republicans. The Democrats have never shown great love or support for that nation.
    I don't have the apathy for some, for example the Dallas Mavericks Josh Howard who would not sing the National Anthem, and was quoted saying I don't sing that $h_t, I'm black. Here's 5 bucks, Liberia is calling.

  • Only a rumour so far. Wouldnt this be a great finale!!

    Biden 'to be replaced by Hillary' on Obama ticket

    Friday, 26 September 2008

    Several US websites are today claiming vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden is set drop out of the US election to be replaced by Hillary Clinton on the Democratic presidential ticket.

    Biden, running as Barack Obama's number two, is said to be ready to drop out due to health reasons.
    The 61-year-old had surgery ten ago years for two brain aneurysms and could leave the race after the vice presidential debates take place on 2 October, leaving the position open for Mrs Clinton to step up.
    Pundits say the huge media interest surrounding John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin has prompted a rethink in the Democratic camp.
    The Obama campaign's official website 'Fight the Smears' - set up to suppress any damaging internet rumours - has not addressed the latest reports, fuelled speculation that there may be some truth in the rumour.
    The only statement Obama's camp have released is to say that Biden's medical records will be released shortly.
    Biden has been responsible for a number of gaffes in the last two weeks, including admitting his own ad campaign was 'terrible' in a CBS news interview and at one stage even acknowledged that Hillary Clinton may have been a safer bet for Obama's vice president position.
    However Democratic supporters have dismissed claims that Biden may drop out.
    Democratic strategist Bob Beckel said: "It's crazy...it's just not going to happen."
    Christopher Hull, presidential scholar at Georgetown University in Washington DC said: “Joe Biden is not that big a liability. Joe Biden was arguably the most experienced candidate in the [Democratic primary] race.”
    “Joe Biden, of course, has shot off his mouth and gotten himself in trouble,” he added. “It’s Joe Biden we’re talking about.”
    Obama has stood firm on his decision to install Biden as his number two, telling NBC's Today Show on Tuesday this week: 'Joe Biden is also an outstanding public servant and I am very proud of the choice that I made.' He added that he's a 'great admirer of Senator Clinton's' and hopes she will remain 'a close adviser'.

  • Only a rumour so far. Wouldnt this be a great finale!!

    Maybe; maybe not.

    Such an underhanded move would definitely fire up true conservatives in the Republican Party. On the other hand, the feminist Hillary supporters who've been claiming they would vote for McCain because he selected the female Palin as his running mate would undoubtedly revert to the Dems. And I truly believe there are many women (Dems and Pubbies) who will vote for McCain solely because of a woman being on his ticket.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I have a very simple political philosophy - if the Dummicrats are for it, nine times out of ten I'll be against it.

    From everything I've read, the Dems created this mess (starting with Jimmuh Carter), appointed their chums to top spots in the financial markets and when said chums had milked the system for tens of millions of dollars (for themselves) and the system crashed (losing investors billions), now the Dummis want the GOP to bail them out. To hell with 'em, says I.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • If any of you watched the debate last night I have one observation among many other's but this one stood out to me.

    Obama kept saying that we need to change the world's perception of the US and he sounds like he wants to do that by changing our philosphies and how we do things. To me, America has always been a leader or a Father/mother if you will. If the childern(non super powers, 3rd world countries, ect...And that is not meant as a slam on any of them) are now going to dictate or tell the parents how things should be, then what do you have? Bedlam!! We need to stick to our plan's and continue to make our views known and hold people to the fire!! Not placate to a bunch of whining countries who don't play by the rules.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • IMO, this news story spotlights the fuzzy political thinking of the idiot voters in this country.

    It makes absolutely no sense at all to have doubts about Sarah Palin's executive experience level, while giving a complete pass to that of Barack Obambi, who has less than four years experience in the U.S. Senate, with no legislative accomplishments at all. Furthermore, the U.S. Senate is definitely not a satisfactory venue for training potential presidents.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • IMO, this news story spotlights the fuzzy political thinking of the idiot voters in this country.

    It makes absolutely no sense at all to have doubts about Sarah Palin's executive experience level, while giving a complete pass to that of Barack Obambi, who has less than four years experience in the U.S. Senate, with no legislative accomplishments at all. Furthermore, the U.S. Senate is definitely not a satisfactory venue for training potential presidents.

    I agree Stumpy. But you and I both also know that alot of people vote with there hearts instead of there heads. And some even vote with the head that they "sit" on!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I read some statistical evidence awhile back that showed that most of our U.S. Presidents were those whose background included governership of a state.

    A friend was recently reading a book of presidential trivia, and if I remember correctly, JFK was the only senator who has been elected president. Governors seem to have a much higher rate of success. Of course, one way or another, a senator will take over the White House this time around.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • some even vote with the head that they "sit" on!!

    Exactly, Todd.

    Something that has always amazed me is the fact that although a huge majority of people polled disapprove of Congress the institution, they keep voting their particular rep back in. IMO, all the bums should be voted out periodically - don't let any of 'em become too comfortable in the job.

    De gustibus non est disputandum