John Wayne Picture Game #9

There are 7 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 4,605 times. The latest Post () was by itdo.

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  • Well, I hope everyone is having a great weekend! I know I am.

    First I want to congradulate Itdo on winning the John Wayne Pic. game #7. It was a landslide on your captions. Good job, Itdo!

    Now, for this game, I am posting an image from the movie, "Big Jake". I'm inviting everyone to participate in posting a caption. I hope to see something from the newbies too! And remember, to vote for best caption for game #8! Good luck all! :D

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • Brian B gets my vote for picture game 8.

    John: "This may look like Im just pointing my finger at you but its actually a gun and now you understand no matter what else happen, no matter who gets killed this finger is going to blow your head off."



  • Jacob: If you don't stop showing off in front of your mother, not only will I throw you back in the mud, but I'll take away that gun, and put you over my leg and give you a woopin' you'll never forget.

    James: I like to see you try to do that, DADDY!

    Jacob: (whispers) Is your mother still behind me?

    Cheers, Hondo B)

    I pick BrianB for caption #8.


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • "Sonny, you think by pulling that smokewagon on me, That you are going to still this scene!"

    My pick is for Robbie for picture caption#8.

    Tulalip Wa

  • <span style='color:blue'>"Jacob! you see you still don't remember anything I taught you! Don't you think you better cock that single action pistol when you pull it on someone!"</span>

    Monique ;)

  • Jacob: Son, didn't your mother ever teach you, Never mess with your betters?


    Jacob: Here we have serious work to do, and your just laying in the mud like a stuck pig!


    Jacob: Son, I'm gonna teach you three things. One, never tug on Superman's cape, two, never spit into the wind, and three, never ever, point a gun at John Wayne!


    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • DUKE: Patrick, when will ya start standing on your own feet? I can’t support ya forever, son! There’ll be a time when... you kids will have to live off the selling of Island of the Sky and High and Mighty...

    PATRICK: Daddy, they all call you the top-boxoffice-draw! But us, we get nothin‘! All we got is that old boat of yours, and you force us to sail along! And you know I’m getting seasick! No, I ain’t gettin up!

    DUKE: Patrick, you one of them spoiled Hollywood-kids! Didn’t I give you good parts in my movies?

    PATRICK: Just tiny bit parts! You cut me out completely of that Alamo-picture! You allowed them injuns to kill me in the middle of Comancheros! Look at Kirk and Michael Douglas! Michael‘s much more famous than me! That ain’t fair!

    DUKE: Patrick, I think I have to talk to your mother. You couldn’t possibly be my son!

    PATRICK: Oh yeah? Then where d’ya think I got all that bad grammar from?