Wayne's World: The Duke Lives On

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  • November 22, 2007 -- WAIT a minute, pilgrim - is that rugged-looking John Wayne lookalike really The Duke's grandson?

    You bet, pardner. He's Brendan Wayne, who will guest star in an episode of “CSI" set to air in January.
    In the episode, called “Bull," Grissom (William Petersen) and the “CSI" gang investigate a murder at the rodeo.
    Brendan, 35, was born Daniel LaCava, the son of The Duke's late daughter, Toni Wayne.

  • Interesting post Kevin, I checked out Brendan profile on the IMDB and this episode isn't listed there, as of yet he has not done much TV/Film work and nothing of note but it would be nice to see a relative of John Wayne's do well in the movie business.

    He doesn't look much like John Wayne however lets hope he has the Dukes acting ability and charisma.
