General "RIP" announcements that might be of interest

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  • Was afraid that was coming. The kids moved them into a home a couple of years ago, I think. Remember when it was announced. Another one bites the dust but joins our heroes in the sky! MAN, there is MOST of Pappy's Troop up there now! Maybe they are making movies for our trip up?

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Was afraid that was coming. The kids moved them into a home a couple of years ago, I think. Remember when it was announced. Another one bites the dust but joins our heroes in the sky! MAN, there is MOST of Pappy's Troop up there now! Maybe they are making movies for our trip up?

    I think he is the last one to pass on from the original Ford Stock company, but I could be wrong.

  • I was just thinking about him yesterday.

    His book is my all-time favorite show biz bio.

    I first saw him as Bill the camp counselor at the Triple R in Spin and Marty on the Mickey Mouse Club.

    Edited once, last by may2 ().

  • It has hit me again........he was not my favorite by far, but he was always there and lived a great deal longer than almost all of them. Ever notice that most died in their 70s or even before. Old Dobe made it to 91. Poor Marilyn. So glad she has her kids. I really DO miss you Dobe, sure do. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • This is indeed sad, and although I never met the man personally, I did correspond with him a few times. He was a fine actor, a wonderful singer, and a real gentleman. As I read of his passing, for some reason or another, my mind called up a snippet from Three Godfathers - Dobe singing "Shall We Gather At The River." Somehow seems appropriate. Adios Dobe. See ya on the other side of the river.…ey-passes-away-at-91.html

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

    Edited once, last by Colorado Bob ().

  • This is really sad news. Like LadyHawk, I've been expecting this for some time now.

    He left a great legacy, and was VERY well liked by those who knew/worked with him (except for Howard Hawks - no big whoop), and he was a consummate professional.

    As for the Ford Stock Company, I would personally consider Pat Wayne as a full-fledged member, as he worked with JF since he was about 10 until Ford's death.

    I would also consider Maureen O'Hara one as well, considering the number of films she made with JF, even without Duke.

  • so sad to hear that dobie carey has died.he was a fine actor,he's best performance was in the searchers.he will be missed.RIP mr carey

  • As for the Ford Stock Company, I would personally consider Pat Wayne as a full-fledged member, as he worked with JF since he was about 10 until Ford's death.

    I would also consider Maureen O'Hara one as well, considering the number of films she made with JF, even without Duke.

    Indeed he was,
    here is our dedicated thread
    John Ford Stock Company

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • As I read of his passing, for some reason or another, my mind called up a snippet from Three Godfathers - Dobe singing "Shall We Gather At The River." Somehow seems appropriate.

    I swear, Bob! That's exactly what came into my head when I read the news. So sad, but like others have said, kind of expected for a time now. Rest in peace, Dobe. Say hello to Duke for us.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • With regard to Pat Wayne playing the baby in Stagecoach...he wasn't born until September of 1939. The filming was completed in mid-late 1938, or at the very earliest, the first couple of months of 1939.

    It would've been cool if it WAS him, but it couldn't have been...:(

    It would indeed be 'cool'
    However I thought Patrick was born on July 15th!
    So we can hope, just a little!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • This is indeed sad, and although I never met the man personally, I did correspond with him a few times. He was a fine actor, a wonderful singer, and a real gentleman. As I read of his passing, for some reason or another, my mind called up a snippet from Three Godfathers - Dobe singing "Shall We Gather At The River." Somehow seems appropriate. Adios Dobe. See ya on the other side of the river.…ey-passes-away-at-91.html

    As you thought of Shall We Gather at the River, I thought of The Streets of Laredo which was one of the first songs I learned to play on the guitar and sing. He used that as a lullaby in Three Godfathers. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE