Robbie, I don't think Wayne (above me) has a hidden agenda. I think that his post was taken out of context.I think most here replied like he wanted to-same with me ;-))
As for my views on liberals--if I come across someone who is liberal-but can also be fairly biased--I have absolutely no problems with them and we can get along perfectly--and this is coming from someone who also can't stand many liberals and their beliefs. I come up against them on Military History sites all the time and I have a nickname for them which is: that they are Lemmings. This term ONLY applies to the ones I am talking about that are over @ as well as (which is rather strange that liberals are there-and who collect that terrible all nasty NAZI stuff. One liberal on those sites I do not get along with at all and I have the lowest opinion of him-is a guy with the username of formerjughead, This guy is nothing but an "Agitative Mouth." That is MY nickname for him.
Anyway, to end this-I do not believe that Wayne-has any hidden agenda about liberals and gays. I think he is probably more out-spoken than many-about his views.
Sorry if my post rubs you the wrong way-it aint meant ;-))
Liberty Valance was a liberal??
There are 27 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 13,727 times. The latest Post () was by SXViper.
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To keep this in context to the subject, Lee Marvin was a great actor. He didn't flaunt his political agenda in the context like some liberals in Hollywood. He kept to himself as far as I can see.
Not all liberals are drug users, drunks, or sex animals, just like not all conservatives are bible thumpers, abortion clinic bombers, or anti-Hollywood. You must realise that stereotyping groups only gets you in trouble, make you out to be a bigot or make you an idiot.
My comment about having fun with some of the liberals I date or go with does not make me a drug addit, or alcoholic, nor does it make them. That also goes for the comments about sex. Believe it or not you can have fun with anyone without those kinds of things. As a matter of fact most of them were dates I took to church socials. And we still had fun. It was years ago and we didn't have to drink.
Cheers -
Sorry to bump up an old thread but I've been reading through this and I am surprised people didn't know Marvin was a Democrat. Just because he was in three movies with John Wayne didn't mean he shared his views.
Sorry to bump up an old thread but I've been reading through this and I am surprised people didn't know Marvin was a Democrat. Just because he was in three movies with John Wayne didn't mean he shared his views.
First of all, I'd like to welcome you here to this great message board for John Wayne and friends.
Yes, you are right about Lee Marvin. But if you read what I said just above you, you will see that he kept a low profile as far as I know. I think he was a fine man. So I'm not sure what you point is, and know that John Wayne worked with many Democrats. He was the one in a minority.
Cheers Hondo Duke Lane -
First of all, I'd like to welcome you here to this great message board for John Wayne and friends.
Yes, you are right about Lee Marvin. But if you read what I said just above you, you will see that he kept a low profile as far as I know. I think he was a fine man. So I'm not sure what you point is, and know that John Wayne worked with many Democrats. He was the one in a minority.
Cheers Hondo Duke Lane
Thanks for the welcome Hondo. I think you are right, other than campaigning for JFK I don't think Marvin was ever actively involved in politics. All I meant was that it was fairly obvious he was left-wing from movies like Point Blank, The Dirty Dozen, Hell in the Pacific, Emperor of the North etc. Regardless I always liked Marvin's acting. -
This might be for the politics thread but I think the biggest problem in this country is the lack of dialouge between the 2 parties(there are other parties but they are in the minority). Too many times it is the extreme dems or repubs that are the mouth pieces and the people in the middle get caught up in there arguments. Then the fighting begins. Now all that said, I think the radical lefty's do way more damage then the righty's as there policies and views lead us toward socialism. But that is a discussion for the politics thread.
This might be for the politics thread but I think the biggest problem in this country is the lack of dialouge between the 2 parties(there are other parties but they are in the minority). Too many times it is the extreme dems or repubs that are the mouth pieces and the people in the middle get caught up in there arguments. Then the fighting begins. Now all that said, I think the radical lefty's do way more damage then the righty's as there policies and views lead us toward socialism. But that is a discussion for the politics thread.
You probably overlooked my post in which I related how I registered on what was termed a "conservative" discussion group in hopes of talking politics with people of my own political persuasion. Well, I learned right quick that apparently I wasn't conservative enough for the others on that board because after about 3 or 4 days of exchanging views, they banned me and actually called me a "liberal troll".
I couldn't believe it because I thought I was one of the most conservative people in America. -
You probably overlooked my post in which I related how I registered on what was termed a "conservative" discussion group in hopes of talking politics with people of my own political persuasion. Well, I learned right quick that apparently I wasn't conservative enough for the others on that board because after about 3 or 4 days of exchanging views, they banned me and actually called me a "liberal troll".
I couldn't believe it because I thought I was one of the most conservative people in America.
All I can say to that is wow. And it kind of proves my point about the extremes running this country.
Squeaky wheels get more grease............