Steven seagal

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  • He's supposed to be one of Hollywood's martial arts experts, Bill. Shown below are the Segal DVDs I have.

    Marked For Death Steven Seagal, Basil Wallace, Keith David 1990
    Out For Justice Steven Seagal, Jerry Orbach, William Forsythe 1991
    Hard To Kill Steven Seagal, Kelli LeBrock 1990
    Above The Law Steven Seagal, Pam Grier, Sharon Stone 1988
    Under Siege Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey 1992

    As mentioned earlier, "Under Siege" is by far the best but "Hard to Kill" and "Above the Law" ain't that bad for a little action entertainment.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Thanks Lt. Also, im beginning to think he's nothing more than a "Has-Been." The last couple opf movies I saw of his were stinkers-like the movie he made that had Michael Caine in it-as well as some forgettable title he made where he was a spy of some sort in Europe.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • :wink_smile: Steven Seagal LAWMAN season one was an inspiring show
    I think John Wayne hisself would be pleased with Deputy Steven Seagal
    Am looking forward to season two of Steven Seagal LAWMAN on A&E Channel

    J Duke W :angel1:

  • Especially since Seagal is only a reserve DEPUTY and not allowed to make arrests or take part in any actual police work. It was just a TV show and may be in trouble for doing some things beyond what he was allowed to actually do. On top of that there were some accusations of sexual misconduct against Seagal. Plus the last word is that there will not be any Season 2.

  • This is from wikipedia

    2010 lawsuit

    On April 12, 2010, 23-year-old Kayden Nguyen former executive/personal assistant of Seagal filed a lawsuit claiming sexual harassment, illegal trafficking of females for sex, failure to prevent sexual harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination and false representation about employment.
    Nguyen claims that she was asked to join Seagal's harem
    which included two Russian women and was to be a replacement
    of one of the Russian women who had sex with Seagal.
    Seagal's attorney Marty Singer released this statement on April 13, 2010,
    "The lawsuit filed by Kayden Nguyen against Steven Seagal is a ridiculous
    and absurd claim by a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired."
    Nguyen is suing for over one million dollars.

    On April 14, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana Sheriff Newell Normand
    announced he will not launch an investigation into Seagal
    unless a criminal complaint is filed in Jefferson Parish by the accuser.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I caught Above The Law, his first film and I feel his best overall. His acting, I felt, was better than in his later films, and the action incredible. He really let himself go over the past 15 years, and now looks ridiculous in the action scenes (most done with an obvious double). Hope his current problems are not true (even tho there have been complaints of sexual harrassment against him over the years).

  • I agree, his best films were roughly his 1st 5. Above the Law, Marked for Death, Hard to Kill, Out for Justice, and Under Siege. The 2 that I liked the most were Under Siege and Out for Justice. He became kind of a parity of himself after those movies and never "re-invented" himself after the "tough guy" films faded away. I hope these allegations are not true and he finds a way to right the ship.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

    Edited 2 times, last by SXViper ().

  • I too have enjoyed several of his films espcially Marked For Death, Under Siege and Out For Justice. I sure would hate to see if those accusations were true. I think he ought to reinvent himself and star in movies alongside folks like Mel Gibson, Chuck Norris, Kurt Russell, and I would have also mentioned Patrick Swayzee-had he not passed away :(

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Especially since Seagal is only a reserve DEPUTY and not allowed to make arrests or take part in any actual police work. It was just a TV show and may be in trouble for doing some things beyond what he was allowed to actually do. On top of that there were some accusations of sexual misconduct against Seagal. Plus the last word is that there will not be any Season 2.

    Sorry to burst your bubble Ives, but Steven Seagal Lawman Season 2 will be aired, and the accusations have been thrown out of court

    J Duke W :angel1:

  • and probably settled out of court....

    Ain't it good news Al :wink_smile:

    Steven Seagal is the best!

    Am looking forward to his new series too, its called "True Justice" to be aired on tv, and "Born To Raise Hell" dvd movie to be released in rental stores, but I'm not sure of the release and airing dates as of yet?

    J Duke W :angel1:

    Edited once, last by jdukew ().

  • Hello All I think that Under Siege was worth the money I paid to own it. I would like to see him with Morgan Freeman in a futuristic film dealing with colonies in another galaxy.

    what a great movie idea and script concept for Morgan Freeman and Deputy Steven Seagal to co-star together in. Sounds very akin to Morgan Freeman's recent box office film "Olympus Fallen", co-starring Gerard Butler of his past film '300'

    J Duke W :angel1:

  • Hello jdukew,

    Actually there was news and it was in print about his physical abuse of his wife with her statement and police report and photos. I cannot remember her name but she has been in several movies and was the woman in the commercials where she said, Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Until I saw what was done to her by Steven I liked him more, but, after that I lost all respect for the man. It should be able to be pulled up online although I have never cared to see it again.

    Honestly, I would love to discover it was all false as so much of what we see and read is...I still don't think he is even close to the Duke, but then, in my eyes and heart, no one is.

    Kelly LeBrock was Seagals wife and co-starred with him in Hard To Kill.

  • Big Seagal fan, he makes alot of straight to dvd films I know that most people won't like but it entertains me so what the hell.

    I agree,
    I watched On Deadly Ground (1994) recently
    starring and directed by Seagal.
    Panned by the critics, the movie effectively finished
    Seagals big time movie career, and indeed
    didn't do a lot for Michael Caine's either.

    A stupid plot, where Seagal saves the world's environment,
    and then honoured for it, whilst everyone ignored the fact
    that he murdered hundreds of people in the process!!

    Having said that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    My favourite movies being Under Siege & Under Siege-2

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I take it you have not been keeping up to date on Deputy Seagal's exploits.....

    Well its about all I do ;) LOL. Steven Seagal Lawman season 3 is airing tomorrow. As John Wayne phrased his own existence, 'gut feeling instinct'. That is, was and has always been my gut feeling is that Deputy Steven Seagal is innocent of any of these far-fetched accusations made against him by other celebrities and criminals of times past and on into the future of reality and in film. I may be wrong in my gut, but I'm willing to bet on my gut feelings :).

    J Duke W :angel1:

  • Steven Seagal Says He May Run for Ariz. Governor

    Action-movie star Steven Seagal says he is considering a run for Arizona governor.

    The "Marked for Death" actor told KNXV-TV ( that he is considering a shot at the state's highest office and has had a talk about the bid with the self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America.

    The 61-year-old made the comments while talking about his newly released reality series "Steven Seagal - Lawman: Maricopa County."

    Seagal teamed up with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for the show that was shot in Arizona and airs on cable TV's Reelz Channel.

    The martial arts expert is a member of Arpaio's posse, made up of 3,000 unpaid civilians. He also has been deputized with sheriff's offices in New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana and says he wants to increase border security.…un-ariz-governor-21423192

  • Thats good news. You can't lose when you bet on Steven Seagal for convincingness in cinema movies.

    J Duke W :angel1: