Books on Duke- Past Discussion (Archive)

There are 467 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 251,227 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • These books were mentioned in another thread

    From the BFI Film classics series

    The BFI series is especially noteworthy because of their use of filmcells instead of still photographs.
    By using the actual film to illustrate you'll see pictures in these books you haven't seen before,
    (each entry of a copy into the British Film Institute
    is accompanied by such a book).

    THE SEARCHERS by Edward Buscombe
    This is a detailed commentary on all aspects of the film, "The Searchers",
    and makes full use of material in the John Ford archive in Indiana,
    including Ford's own memos and the original scripts,
    which differs in vital respects from the film he made.

    STAGECOACH by Edward Buscombe
    Shedding new light on an old favorite, this is an enjoyable account of how "Stagecoach "was made.
    This book combines a with a careful scene-by-scene analysis, a wealth of illustrations
    and the most complete credits yet assembled.

    RED RIVER, by Suzanne Liandrat-Guigues
    This is in interesting read. Written from the French standpoint of film critics,
    and from the Cahiers de Cinema as their center stone, the author looks at Red River
    with Hawks as an "auteur" in mind.
    This study explores the thematic complexity of Red River, as well as its historical resonances
    and its place in film history.
    The author focuses on the actors' contribution to the movie and on Red River's
    relationship to other Howard Hawks movie classics.

  • I can't believe I've never heard of these books, Keith. Or I forgot all about them. Are they still available or out of print?


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • I can't believe I've never heard of these books, Keith. Or I forgot all about them. Are they still available or out of print?


    Hi Mark,

    they are all in print and part of the BFI (British Film Institue) critiques of classic and important films.
    They're small, thin paperback sized but the content is usually fantastic and insightful.
    I'm a member of the BFI, no surprise as I am film geek, and have read several of these, all bar one: JAWS, have been great.
    Ironically I have the 3 Duke titles but haven't got to them yet, currently reading The Right Stuff.
    Anything else you would like to know just shout!:wink_smile:


    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I can't believe I've never heard of these books, Keith. Or I forgot all about them. Are they still available or out of print?


    Hi Mark,
    I have just one of these, The Searchers.
    It is a a good read, even though compact
    The books seem to be available from Amazon

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi
    Another small book on Stagecoach is the York Film Notes published by Longman York Press.
    This is a serious book for anyone studying the film with 88 pages first published 2000.



    thanks for mentioning this one,
    as I have now added it to our list.
    Duke's Movie Books

    It is as follows from the Amazon write up