Books on Duke- Past Discussion (Archive)

There are 467 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 226,144 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • Hi,
    I sell a John Wayne book written in French: John Wayne, un homme, une légende, by Christian Dureau, 2005. Click here.

  • How about "John Wayne's 26 Bar Ranch Scrapbook" it Not In French But is in Cowboy English and Easy to Read and with Great Pictures of Duke and His Friends at the Ranch, in the 1960s and The 1970s !

  • I read the posts on this thread and think that the following are not listed.

    An Intimate Look At A Legend The John Wayne Album
    DUKE by John Boswell & Jay David

    The Life and Times of the Western Movie by Jay Hyams ( picture of JW on cover )

    Cowboy Movies by Norman V Richards
    ( picture on cover of scene from Big Jake )

    The Encyclopedia of Western Movies by Phil Hardy
    ( picture of John Wayne on cover )

    No one has brought magazines into this yet and I will only refer to the series done by the Saturday Evening Post in 1979 as of possible interest. The August 79 cover is a likeness of the Duke.

    I agree with earlier posts that found the books used to write screenplays and others derived from screenplays make for an interesting read.

    In the book Comancheros Paul Regret only wounds the son of the judge he duels with at the start of both book and film. In the movie the character states that he would have hit him in the shoulder if he had not moved. It allows you to consider changes made and to contemplate why. take care

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Arthur, Thanks for The Plug on the Cookbooks. !
    Back in the late 1970s and 1980s when I had my Cooking Show on T.V. we sold them for $9.95 and Sold Thousands of them, now it cost $18.00 Just to have one book Printed !


  • There is a New Book about Duke and the Films that He did in Arizona and the "Old Tucson Movie Town" in the 1960 and Early 1970s done by one of His Arizona Masonic Brother. And at this time is going to be called "A Man Called Duke" and I should have a First Draft of the Book in a Week or Two !

  • Hi

    Yesterday I received the latest and regretably the last, of Tim Lilley's 'The Trail Beyond'.

    As usual it maintains its high standard with a very attractive title drawing by John Hagner of a scene from 'She Wore A Yellow Ribbon' with Duke and Joanne Dru.

    John Wayne's Last Interview by Bill Kelly
    The Duke & Democracy on John Wayne by Charles Taylor
    The Bargirl & The Cowboy A Christmas Tale by Yours Truly
    The Long Voyage Home John Wayne's Unique Role as Ole Olsen
    John Isn't on the Wayne Looking At Hollywood with Hedda Hopper
    John Wayne 2008 Birthday Celebration by Michael Waack
    Remember The Alamo John Wayne's THE ALAMO by John Ted Wayne
    The Chess Player A Tribute to a Favourite Pastime by Tim Lilley
    My John Wayne Day by Richard W. Nederhoed
    Those Fabulous Film Fights The War Wagon
    The Weeping Walloper A John Wayne Comic Adventure
    Lets Make Nome Noise COLERADO by Roland Schaefli
    To The Editor Thoughts, snaps etc from our readers
    For Your Shelves
    Big Trail Ads

    Tim said he would make his last memorable and I think he has achieved this.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Quote

    The Bargirl & The Cowboy A Christmas Tale by Yours Truly

    If I missed it previously, forgive me. But I didn't know you wrote, Arthur. Congratulations on having a story published in The Trail Beyond. Must make you feel very proud.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "