In How Many Films Did John Wayne's Character Die?

There are 32 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 26,763 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • This topic reminds me of my favorite ever David Letterman episode. He was interviewing Laura Dern and talking with her about what it was like to grow up in Hollywood. She said something about having hard time, and when asked why, she said,

    How would you like to be the girl whose daddy killed John Wayne?

    The audience began to boo and hiss.

    Anyone else see that one?

  • I did not see the Letterman show you're refering too. Yet, I have heard Dern had trouble getting work after he played that roll in the Cowboys. When asked about it Dern stated that roll killed his career.


  • My Friends, we all know the films, that Duke died in, as they are all well documented,
    For me , he never dies, he just pretended, and came alive, just in time,ready to make his next, great film!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hello All
    As for Dern it doesn't suprise me that his career suffered. It's hard to seperate the role from the actor when they do it right. Kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Hello All
    As far as playing bad guy roles I am headed in that direction. A local independent production that is doing a movie on the construction of the first national railroad to connect east and west Canada, has cast me as a foreman of a steel gang. There were scots irish english and others in the labour pool that worked on that project, but in the most dangerous section ( Fraser Canyon) the labour was done by chinese workers. There was more then one man killed for every mile of track they put down. I will post more on this after the film is complete The production may happen in the early part of next year. I am glad to have the opportunity but for a few weeks I am going to be acting ( literally ) like more of an *#**%# then ever before in my humble career in the film industry. People who watch that movie will hate my character like we hate Dern's in Cowboys. Sigh----- Kilo

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Quote

    Originally posted by kilo 6@Oct 6 2005, 03:36 PM
    Hello All
    As far as playing bad guy roles I am headed in that direction. A local independent production that is doing a movie on the construction of the first national railroad to connect east and west Canada, has cast me as a foreman of a steel gang. There were scots irish english and others in the labour pool that worked on that project, but in the most dangerous section ( Fraser Canyon) the labour was done by chinese workers. There was more then one man killed for every mile of track they put down. I will post more on this after the film is complete but for a few weeks I am going to be acting like more of an *#**%# then ever before. People who watch that movie will hate my character like we hate Dern's in Cowboys. Sigh----- Kilo


    Hi Kilo,
    It will be interesting to hear about your work and see the film.

  • hi kilo

    best of luck now we will have three movie stars, chillbill, chester and you - the number is growing.

    hooroo smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Does being an extra in "Stay Hungry" count?


  • Quote

    Originally posted by kilo 6@Oct 6 2005, 04:36 AM
    I am glad to have the opportunity but for a few weeks I am going to be acting ( literally ) like more of an *#**%# then ever before in my humble career in the film industry. People who watch that movie will hate my character like we hate Dern's in Cowboys. Sigh----- Kilo



    We won't hate you, because you are a fellow Duke fan, and we know there is a difference between the actor and the character he might play.

    Do keep us posted!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Quote

    Originally posted by reddcorp@Nov 21 2005, 12:26 PM
    Does being an extra in "Stay Hungry" count?



    Hey, Reddman, if my work truck appearing in a film qualifies me as a "movie star," then your person actually appearing in a movie definitely counts.

    I have never seen the movie Stay Hungry, but I see on IMDb that (1) it is available on DVD, and (2) the governor of my state - Mr. Schwarzenegger - starred in it. This many years later, what is your assessment of the film? Do you own a copy of it?

    We're glad to have you aboard, and look forward to becoming better acquainted in the weeks and months to come.

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • I know this sounds petty and it probably is, but I refuse to buy "The Cowboys" I have seen it, but I won't buy. It annoys me how JW was killed in the such a cowardly anti-climatic way. And like most I hated Dern for his role in the movie even though it was not his fault, it's just Hollywood. Silly, I know!